
Defines functions .rbind

#' Combine one or more GVectors
#' @description `rbind()` combines two or more `GVector`s of the same type (points, lines, or polygons) and same coordinate reference system. You can speed operations by putting the vector that is largest in memory first in `rbind(...)`. If the `GVector`s have data tables, these will also be combined using `rbind()` if their column names and data types match.
#' @param ... One or more `GVector`s.
#' @param deparse.level See [rbind()].
#' @returns A `GVector`.
#' @example man/examples/ex_cbind_rbind_addTable_dropTable.r
#' @seealso [colbind()], \code{\link[fasterRaster]{addTable<-}}, [dropTable()]
#' @aliases rbind
#' @rdname rbind
#' @exportMethod rbind
	f = "rbind",
	signature = "GVector",
	function(...) {
	dots <- list(...)

	# unlist any lists
	dots <- omnibus::unlistRecursive(dots)

	# comparable?
	nDots <- length(dots)
	if (nDots == 1L) {
	} else if (nDots > 1L) {
		for (i in 2L:nDots) compareGeom(dots[[1L]], dots[[i]], geometry = TRUE, topo = TRUE)

	### recat everything
	# v.patch does not increment cat numbers, so different geometries will have the same cat.
	# This step increases cat numbers in each subsequent vector so conflicts do not happen.

	srcs <- sapply(dots, sources)
	src <- .rbind(srcs)

	# x <- dots[[1L]]
	# src <- sources(x)
	# srcs <- sapply(dots, sources)

	# cats <- .vCats(src, db = FALSE)
	# topCat <- max(cats)
	# for (i in 2L:nDots) {

	# 	srcs[i] <- .vIncrementCats(srcs[i], add = topCat)
	# 	cats <- .vCats(srcs[i], db = FALSE)
	# 	topCat <- max(cats)
	# }

	# ### combine vectors
	# # seems like we can combine at least 11 vectors at a time, but not a lot at a time
	# srcsAtATime <- 10L # number of sources to combine at a time (plus the running `x` source)

	# nSrcs <- length(srcs)
	# sets <- ceiling(nSrcs / srcsAtATime)
	# for (set in seq_len(sets)) {

	# 	index <- (1L + srcsAtATime * (set - 1L)) : min(nSrcs, set * srcsAtATime)
	# 	srcIn <- srcs[index]
	# 	input <- paste(srcIn, collapse = ",")
	# 	input <- paste0(src, ",", input)
	# 	src <- .makeSourceName("v_patch", "vector")

	# 	rgrass::execGRASS(
	# 		cmd = "v.patch",
	# 		input = input,
	# 		output = src,
	# 		flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
	# 	)
	# }

	tables <- lapply(dots, as.data.table)
	table <- tryCatch(
		do.call(rbind, tables),
		error = function(cond) FALSE

	if (is.logical(table)) {

		warning("Data tables cannot be combined so will be dropped from the output vector.")
		table <- NULL


	.makeGVector(src, table = table)
	} # EOF

#' Merge vectors in GRASS
#' This function combines vectors with the same geometry in **GRASS**.
#' @param srcs Character vector: The [sources()] names of vectors to combine. They must have the same [geomtype()].
#' @returns Character: [sources()] name of the combined vector in **GRASS**.
#' @noRd
.rbind <- function(srcs) {

	thisCats <- .vCats(srcs[1L], db = FALSE)
	topCat <- max(thisCats)
	nSrcs <- length(srcs)
	for (i in 2L:nSrcs) {

		srcs[i] <- .vIncrementCats(srcs[i], add = topCat)
		thisCats <- .vCats(srcs[i], db = FALSE)
		topCat <- max(thisCats)

	### combine vectors
	# seems like we can combine at least 11 vectors at a time, but not a lot at a time
	srcsAtATime <- 10L # number of sources to combine at a time (plus the running `x` source)

	sets <- ceiling(nSrcs / srcsAtATime)
	src <- srcs[1L]
	for (set in seq_len(sets)) {

		index <- (1L + srcsAtATime * (set - 1L)) : min(nSrcs, set * srcsAtATime)
		srcIn <- srcs[index]
		input <- paste(srcIn, collapse = ",")
		input <- paste0(src, ",", input)
		src <- .makeSourceName("v_patch", "vector")

			cmd = "v.patch",
			input = input,
			output = src,
			flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")


# rbind <- function(...) UseMethod("rbind")
adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 2:04 a.m.