
evalServer <- function (con, expr, send = NULL, txt_expr=NULL)
  ## Evaluate expr on the R server, and return its value
  ## con as returned by socketConnection(port = 8888)
  ## send is optional. If supplied, expr must be a single unquoted object name.
  ## Then send is evaluated on the client and the result is assigned
  ## to that object on the server.
  ## Robust flushing and dumping is just for windows. Linux is probably fine
  ## without but no harm to leave in for now since binary mode will moot this.
  if (!is.null(txt_expr))
    if (!f)
    if (!f)
      stop("Cannot supply both expr and txt_expr parameters")
    x<-paste0(txt_expr, collapse=';')
  } else
    x <- substitute(expr)
  if (!missing(send) && (length(x) != 1 || mode(x) != "name"))
    stop("When send is supplied, expr must be a target variable name (unquoted) on the server to assign the result of the send expr to.")
  if (!is.character(x)) {
    x <- deparse(x)
  } else {
    x <- gsub('"', '\\\\"', x)

  readLines(con)  # Flush input stream just in case previous call failed to clean up
  if (missing(send)) {
    cat('..Last.value <- try(eval(parse(text = "', x,
        '"))); .f <- file(); dump("..Last.value", file = .f); flush(.f); seek(.f, 0); cat("\\n<<<startflag>>>", gsub("<pointer: [0-9a-fx]+>", "NULL", readLines(.f)), "<<<endflag>>>\\n", sep = "\\n"); close(.f); rm(.f, ..Last.value); flush.console()\n',
        file = con, sep = "")
    ## It is important that one line only is written, so that other clients
    ## don't mix in with these lines.
  } else {
    .f <- file()
    ..Last.value <- send
    ## dump() can stop prematurely if file=con, but also good to remove the /n
    ## from dump()'s output before sending (to avoid possible conflicts with
    ## other clients)
    dump("..Last.value", file <- .f)
    seek(.f, 0)
    cat(readLines(.f), ';', x,
        ' <- ..Last.value; rm(..Last.value); cat("\\n<<<endflag>>>\\n"); flush.console()\n',
        file = con, sep = "")
  objdump <- ""
  endloc <- NULL
  while (!length(endloc)) {
    obj <- readLines(con, n = 1000, warn = FALSE)
    ## Wait for data to come back. Without this sleep, you get 20-30 calls
    ## to readLines before data arrives.
    if (!length(obj)) {
    endloc <- grep("<<<endflag>>>", obj)
    if (length(endloc)) obj <- obj[0:(endloc[length(endloc)] - 1)]
    ## This is more robust than paste'ing together a potentially very
    ## large single string
    objdump <- c(objdump, obj)
  if (!missing(send)) {
    if (!all(objdump == "")) stop(objdump)
  startloc <- grep("<<<startflag>>>", objdump)
  if (!length(startloc))
    stop("Unable to find <<<startflag>>>")
  ## The startflag is because sometimes (strangely rarely) seek, flush and dump
  ## can write return value to stdout which do not source.
  objdump <- objdump[-(1:startloc[length(startloc)])]
  ## Fix any output buffer wrap issues. There are line breaks mid number
  ## sometimes which don't source.
  ## This is why warn = FALSE appears above in the call to readLines since it
  ## warns about these noncomplete lines otherwise.
  nospace <- grep("[^ ]$", objdump)
  nospace <- nospace[nospace < length(objdump)]
  for (i in rev(nospace)) {  # Robust to consecutive lines to be joined
    objdump[i] <- paste(objdump[i], objdump[i + 1], sep = "")
    objdump[i + 1] <- ""
  objcon <- textConnection(objdump)
  source(objcon, local = TRUE, echo = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
adamryczkowski/svSocket documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:51 a.m.