API for adibender/rFtools
Tools for the analysis of Random Forests (and cforest)

Global functions
barplot.LevelsVsLayerByMAF Man page
getAncestryForest Man page
getAncestryNode Man page
getAncestryTree Man page
getCategoryFrequenciesForest Man page
getCategoryFrequenciesNode Man page
getCategoryFrequenciesTree Man page
getLayerForest Man page
getLayerTree Man page
getLevelsOfSplitVariablesForest Man page
getMAFofSplitVariablesForest Man page
getMAFofSplitVariablesTree Man page
getSplitInformationForest Man page
getSplitInformationTree Man page
getSplitVariablesForest Man page
getSplitVariablesTree Man page
plot.LevelsVsLayer Man page
plot.LevelsVsLayerByMAF Man page
plot.LevelsVsLayerCFbyMAF Man page
plot.SplitVarsByLayerAndMAF Man page
rFtools Man page
rFtools-package Man page
simulateAndSafe Man page
simulateAndTable Man page
simulateSNPdata Man page
tableLevelsVsLayer Man page
tableLevelsVsLayerByMAF Man page
tableLevelsVsLayerCFbyMAF Man page
tableSplitVarLevelsVsLayer Man page
tableSplitVarLevelsVsLayerByMAF Man page
tableSplitVarsByLayerAndMAF Man page
adibender/rFtools documentation built on May 14, 2019, 5:13 a.m.