getCategoryFrequenciesTree: retrieves category frequencies for one tree

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Given a specific tree from a randomForest-object this function retrieves the category frequencies for each SNP and for every (not terminal) node in the considered tree.


getCategoryFrequenciesTree(nodeObservationsTree, X, splitVariablesTree)



A list of the same length as number of not terminal nodes in the tree. Each element being a logical vector indicating the observations 'active' in the according nodes of the tree.


A matrix containing the SNP variables of the data set used for the computation of the randomForest-object from which the considered tree is extracted from.


A numeric vector containing the variables/SNPs used for splitting the not terminal nodes in the considered tree.


To obtain the nodeObservationsTree-object take a look at the getSplitInformationTree and -Forest functions. The split variables are also in the objects returned by these functions, but can also be obtained by getSplitVariablesTree or -Forest functions.


A list with as many entries as not terminal nodes in the tree. Each contains a 5 x n.snps matrix as it is returned by getCategoryFrequenciesNode.

See Also

getCategoryFrequenciesNode, getCategoryFrequenciesForest

adibender/rFtools documentation built on May 14, 2019, 5:13 a.m.