
#' Explore a fast5 file to find parameters of the experiment
#' This function finds if a read is:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item multifast5 or single fast5
#'   \item 1D read or not-1D
#'   \item basecalled with Albacore or Guppy
#'   \item basecalled using standard model or flipflop model
#'   \item DNA or RNA
#' }
#' @param fast5file_path a character string. Path of a fast5file for determining
#' parameter of the experiment.
#' @param basecall_group a character string. Name of the level
#' in the Fast5 file hierarchy from which to read the data e.g. "Basecall_1D_000"
#' @return A list containing the all the relevant data:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{basecalled_with: 'albacore', 'guppy'}
#'   \item \code{read_is_1d: TRUE, FALSE}
#'   \item \code{model: 'standard', 'flipflop'}
#'   \item \code{fast5type: 'multifast5', 'single'}
#'   \item \code{experiment_type: 'dna', 'rna'}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lst <- explore_basecaller_and_fast5type('/path/to/fast5/file',
#'                                         basecall_group='Basecall_1D_000')
#' }
explore_basecaller_and_fast5type <- function(fast5file_path, basecall_group) {
  f5_obj <- hdf5r::H5File$new(fast5file_path, mode='r')
  first_read <- f5_obj$open_by_idx(1)
  object_name <- first_read$get_obj_name()
  # find if the fast5 file is single or multifast5 file
  if (grepl('read_', object_name)) {
    fast5type <- 'multi'
    first_read <- f5_obj$open_by_idx(1)
    f5_tree <- first_read$ls(recursive=TRUE)
  } else {
    fast5type <- 'single'
    f5_tree <- f5_obj$ls(recursive=TRUE)
  f5_tree <- f5_tree$name
  # find if the reads are 1D
  path_to_check <- paste0('Analyses/', basecall_group)
  if (fast5type == 'single') {
    basecall_1d <- sum(which(f5_tree == path_to_check, arr.ind = T))
  } else {
    basecall_1d <- sum(grepl(path_to_check, f5_tree))
  read_is_1d <- ifelse(basecall_1d > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
  # find if the basecaller is legacy Albacore or the newer Guppy
  if (fast5type == 'multi' & read_is_1d) {
    pth <- paste0('/', path_to_check)
    basecaller_path <- paste(object_name, pth, sep = '')
  } else if (fast5type == 'single' & read_is_1d) {
    basecaller_path <- path_to_check
  if (read_is_1d) {
    basecaller <- f5_obj[[basecaller_path]]$attr_open('name')$read()
    basecalled_with_albacore <- grepl('Albacore', basecaller)
    basecalled_with_guppy <- grepl('Guppy', basecaller)
    basecalled_with_minknow <- grepl('MinKNOW', basecaller)
    if (basecalled_with_albacore &
        !basecalled_with_guppy &
        !basecalled_with_minknow) {
      basecaller <- 'albacore'
    } else if (!basecalled_with_albacore &
               basecalled_with_guppy &
               !basecalled_with_minknow) {
      basecaller <- 'guppy'
    } else if (!basecalled_with_albacore &
               !basecalled_with_guppy &
               basecalled_with_minknow) {
      basecaller <- 'minknow'
  } else {
    basecaller <- 'unknown'
  # find if the model used was standard model or flipflop model
  if (basecaller == 'guppy' & read_is_1d) {
    trace <- sum(which(grepl('.*Trace$', f5_tree)))
    model <- ifelse(trace > 0, 'flipflop', 'standard')
  } else if (basecaller == 'albacore') {
    model <- 'standard'
  } else if (basecaller == 'minknow') {
    model <- 'unknown'
  # find if data is dna or rna
  if (fast5type == 'single') {
    context_tags_path <- f5_tree[grepl('.*context_tags$', f5_tree)]
  } else {
    context_tags_path <- paste(object_name,
                               sep = '')
  sequencing_kit <- f5_obj[[context_tags_path]]$attr_open('sequencing_kit')$read()
  if (grepl('rna', sequencing_kit)) {
    experiment_type <- 'rna'
  } else {
    experiment_type <- 'dna'
  # basecalled with : 'albacore' or 'guppy
  # model : 'standard' or 'flipflop'
  # fast5type: 'multi' or 'single
  # read_is_1d: TRUE or FALSE
  # experiment_type: 'dna' or 'rna'
  list(basecalled_with = basecaller,
       read_is_1d = read_is_1d,
       model = model,
       fast5type = fast5type,
       experiment_type = experiment_type)
adnaniazi/nanoporePractical documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:05 a.m.