
##' Master function to replicate all analyses in the manuscript
##' @description Reproduces data analysis from Steen et al (2015) AME paper about peptidase substrate specificity
##' @param print_plots Whether to print plots to the default graphics device (usually your screen)
##' Note that this may have no effect in command-line R.
##' @param save_plots Whether to save plots.
##' @details Running this as write_paper(print_plots=TRUE, save_plots=FALSE) *should* work and be platform-independant. Beyond that I don't really make any guarantees but I'm happy to help via email. Notably, save_plots=TRUE requires the existence of a subdirectory of the working directory named `plots` and may be platform-dependant (this was built using OSX 10.10.4 and the cairo device). If you wish to take apart my analysis to understand it better or show that it is totally bogus, I recommend copy-pasting the inside of this function from R and running it as a script. 
##' @import ggplot2
##' @import plyr
##' @import reshape2
##' @import lubridate
##' @import gridExtra
##' @import grid
##' @export
##' @return A data frame with everthing calculated in Fig 7

write_paper <- function(print_plots=TRUE, save_plots=FALSE) {
  # This function re-creates all data analysis used in Steen, Vazin & Wilhelm (submitted)
  #  "Substrate specificity of aquatic extracellular peptidases"
#   # Useful when running from inside the function
#   print_plots=TRUE
#   save_plots=FALSE
  # Used in debugging
  #path <- ""

  # Set some constants relevant to plotting (relevant when this was a script)
  #save_plots <- FALSE
  #print_plots <- TRUE #This is implemented spottily, in a few of the plot functions but not in others
  # Set graphical theme
  theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(#text = element_text(family="Times"),
                               panel.margin=unit(1, "mm")))
  # For posters
  #theme_set(theme_get() + theme(text=element_text(size=16), strip.text=element_text(size=12)))
  myDPI <- 900
  singleColumn <- 3.19 #inches
  doubleColumn <- 6.65 
  column_and_a_half <- 5.25
  letter_size <- 3 # For Fig 4, where AAs are represented as letters using geom_text
  # Fig 1: Conceptual figure
  conceptual_plot <- conceptual_fig() 
  if (print_plots) {
  if (save_plots) {
    ggsave("Fig1.tiff", height=2.5, width=singleColumn, unit="in", dpi=myDPI, compression="lzw", type="cairo") # Must be shrunk in illustrator

  # Fig 2: Enzyme kinetic simlation
  # Returns 2 figs in a list
  fig2_list <- sim_multiple_enz(print_plot=print_plots, save_plot=TRUE, height=1.5, width=singleColumn, fn="fig2.tiff")
  # Fig 3: Saturation curves 
  fig3 <- make_sat_curves(print_plot=FALSE, save_plot=FALSE)
  if(print_plots) {
  if(save_plots) {
    ggsave("Fig3.tiff", fig3, height=4, width=singleColumn, dpi=900, compression="lzw", type="cairo")
  # Fig 5: Effect of DMSO on kinetics
  # NOTE: The analysis for figs 4, 6 and 7 follow this
  # Load necessary functions
#   source("R/lm_stats.R")
#   source("R/get_nls_coefs.R")
  # # Read in the raw data
  # DMSO0 <- read.csv("../../DMSO_expt/Hagen_rimmer_DMSO_experiment/0DMSO.csv")
  # DMSO1 <- read.csv("../../DMSO_expt/Hagen_rimmer_DMSO_experiment/1DMSO.csv")
  # DMSO2 <- read.csv("../../DMSO_expt/Hagen_rimmer_DMSO_experiment/2DMSO.csv")
  # DMSO3 <- read.csv("../../DMSO_expt/Hagen_rimmer_DMSO_experiment/3DMSO.csv")
  # DMSO3point4 <- read.csv("../../DMSO_expt/Hagen_rimmer_DMSO_experiment/34DMSO.csv")
  # DMSO4 <- read.csv("../../DMSO_expt/Hagen_rimmer_DMSO_experiment/4DMSO.csv")
  # DMSO5 <- read.csv("../../DMSO_expt/Hagen_rimmer_DMSO_experiment/5DMSO.csv")
#   # Collect the raw data files into a list, and then convert the list to a data frame
#   data_list <- list(DMSO0=DMSO0, DMSO1=DMSO1, DMSO2=DMSO2, DMSO3=DMSO3, DMSO3point4=DMSO3point4, DMSO4=DMSO4, DMSO5=DMSO5)
#   all_DMSO_raw <- ldply(data_list, identity)
  all_DMSO_raw <- rename(all_DMSO_raw, c("LAMC.conc" = "LAMC.vol.ul"))
  all_DMSO_raw$LAMC.conc <- all_DMSO_raw$LAMC.vol.ul*8 # Turn volume (in uL) into concentration (in uM)
  # The raw data are alread in long format, with well information
  ## Convert it into 'long' format
  #dm <- melt(d, id.vars=c("time", "temp"), variable.name="well", value.name="fl") # to get help: help(melt.data.frame)
  ## Read in the 'key', merge it into the contents of the raw data
  #key <- read.csv("data/2014_06_02_plate_key.csv")
  # all_DMSO_raw <- merge(dm, key, by="well")
  # Calculate elapsed times 
  exp_date <- "2014-06-02"
  all_DMSO_raw$Rtime <- ymd_hms(paste(exp_date, all_DMSO_raw$time))
  all_DMSO_raw$elapsed <- as.numeric(all_DMSO_raw$Rtime - min(all_DMSO_raw$Rtime, na.rm=TRUE))/3600 # convert the time differences in seconds into regular numbers, in hours
  attr(all_DMSO_raw$elapsed, "units") <- "hours"
  # Plot the raw data
  p_raw <- ggplot(all_DMSO_raw, aes(x=elapsed, y=RFU)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE, colour="black") +
    facet_wrap(~wells, scales="free") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-45, hjust=0))
  #ggsave("2014_06_02_DMSO_expt_raw.png", p_raw, height=10, width=12, units="in", dpi=300)
  # All the data look good
  # Calculate slopes
  slopes <- ddply(all_DMSO_raw, c("wells", "LAMC.conc", "DMSO."), 
                  function(x) lm_stats(x, xvar="elapsed", yvar="RFU"))
  # Superimposed saturatin curves
  p_slopes <- ggplot(slopes, aes(x=LAMC.conc, y=slope, colour=as.factor(DMSO.))) + 
    geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=slope-slope.se, ymax=slope+slope.se)) +
    geom_line() +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-45, hjust=0))
  # Make a nonlinear least squares fit for each distinct DMSO concentration
  mm_mods <- dlply(slopes, c("DMSO."), 
                   function(x) nls(slope~(Vmax*LAMC.conc)/(Km+LAMC.conc), 
                                   start=list(Km=15, Vmax=150)))
  # Get the nls coefficients for each model
  mm_coefs <- ldply(mm_mods, get_nls_coefs )
  # Plot the trends as a function of DMSO concentration
  p_Km <- ggplot(mm_coefs, aes(x=DMSO., y=Km))+
    geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=Km-Km.se, ymax=Km+Km.se)) +
    geom_smooth(data=subset(mm_coefs, DMSO. <=4), aes(x=DMSO., y=Km), method="lm", colour="black") +
    xlab("DMSO concentration, % vol/vol") +
    ylab(expression(paste(K[m]))) +
    expand_limits(y=0) #+
  #ggtitle("Km as a function of DMSO conc")
  p_Vmax <- ggplot(mm_coefs, aes(x=DMSO., y=Vmax))+
    geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=Vmax-Vmax.se, ymax=Vmax+Vmax.se)) +
    geom_smooth(data=subset(mm_coefs, DMSO. <=4), aes(x=DMSO., y=Vmax), method="lm", colour="black") +
    xlab("DMSO concentration, % vol/vol") +
    ylab(expression(paste(V[max], "RFU/hour"))) +
    expand_limits(y=0) #+
  #ggtitle("V[max] as a function of DMSO conc")
  # Analyze whether there is a significant effect of DMSO on Vmax or Km
  if(print_plots) {
    grid.arrange(p_Km, p_Vmax, nrow=2)
    print("Trend in Vmax:")
    print(Vmax_lm <- lm(Vmax ~ DMSO., data=subset(mm_coefs, DMSO. <= 4)))
    print(summary(Vmax_lm)) # Yes, p=0.03, -1.7 / percent DMSO
    print("Trend in Km:")
    print(Km_lm <- lm(Km ~ DMSO., data=subset(mm_coefs, DMSO. <= 4)))
    print(summary(Km_lm)) # No, p = 0.49
  if(save_plots) {
    tiff("Fig5.tiff", width=singleColumn, height=4, units="in", res=900, compression="lzw", type="cairo")
    grid.arrange(p_Km, p_Vmax, nrow=2)
  # Data processing for inhibition experiment
  ###  Data setup: 
  # Read the data by hand, put it into a list
  raw_data_list <- read_inhib_data()
  # Correct the pNA conc
  raw_data_list <- llply(raw_data_list, corr_pNA_conc)
  ### Correct raw fluorescence values for pNA quenching
  # Determine exponential correction factor for pNA quenching
  k <- calc_pNA_k()
  # Perform the correction & store results in correctedRawList
  corrected_raw_list <- llply(raw_data_list, correct_for_pNA_quench, k=k)
  ### Calculate rates of fluorescence production & calibrate 
  # Actually calculate the slope and standard error
  all_slopes <- ldply(corrected_raw_list, function(x) ddply(x, c("pNA.subs", "conc.pNA"), slope_and_SE))
  # Put a place and substrate label on each row of all_slopes
  all_slopes$AMC.substrate <- paste(substr(all_slopes$.id, start=1, stop=3), "-AMC", sep="")
  all_slopes$location <- substr(all_slopes$.id, start=4, stop=5)
  all_slopes$location[all_slopes$location=="TN"] <- "TN River"
  all_slopes$location[all_slopes$location=="NC"] <- "Bogue Sound"
  # Read in all calibration data
  #TN_calib <- read.csv("ProAMCcalcurve.csv")
  TN_slope <- coefficients(lm(Fl ~ Conc.Pro, data=TN_calib))[2] * 1000 #Confirm that it is correct to multiply by 1000
  #IMS_calib <- read.csv("2013-03-26 calib curve.csv")
  IMS_slope <- coefficients(lm(fl~conc.AMC.nM, data=IMS_calib))[2]
  # Perform the calibration
  all_slopes$nM.per.hr <- NA
  all_slopes$se.nM.per.hr <- NA
  all_slopes$nM.per.hr[all_slopes$location == "TN River"] <- all_slopes$slopePerHr[all_slopes$location == "TN River"] / TN_slope
  all_slopes$se.nM.per.hr[all_slopes$location == "TN River"] <- all_slopes$slopeSE[all_slopes$location == "TN River"] / TN_slope
  all_slopes$nM.per.hr[all_slopes$location == "Bogue Sound"] <- all_slopes$slopePerHr[all_slopes$location == "Bogue Sound"] / IMS_slope
  all_slopes$se.nM.per.hr[all_slopes$location == "Bogue Sound"] <- all_slopes$slopeSE[all_slopes$location == "Bogue Sound"] / IMS_slope
  # Drop the killed controls
  all_slopes <- all_slopes[-which(all_slopes$pNA.subs=="killed"), ]
  # Refactor the pNA substance to contain AA names
  all_slopes$pNA.subs <- factor(all_slopes$pNA.subs, levels=1:12, 
                                labels=paste(c("Ala", "Arg", "Glu", "Gly", "Ile", "Leu", "Lys", 
                                               "Met", "Phe", "Pro", "Tyr", "Val"), "-pNA", sep=""), ordered=TRUE)
  # Change AMC substrate names
  all_slopes$AMC.substrate <- as.character(factor(all_slopes$AMC.substrate, 
                                           labels=c("Arg-AMC", "Leu-AMC", "Pro-AMC")))
  # Drop some obviously bad data points
  # (note: some of these are probably transcription errors, some are typos and some are shot noise from the instrument whcih sometimes reports unreasonably high values)
  all_slopes <- all_slopes[-which(all_slopes$AMC.substrate=="Pro-AMC" &
                        all_slopes$pNA.subs=="Arg-pNA" &
                        all_slopes$conc.pNA==unique(all_slopes$conc.pNA)[9]), ]
  all_slopes <- all_slopes[-which(all_slopes$AMC.substrate=="Pro-AMC" &
                        all_slopes$pNA.subs=="Gly-pNA" &
                        all_slopes$conc.pNA==unique(all_slopes$conc.pNA)[7]), ]
  all_slopes <- all_slopes[-which(all_slopes$AMC.substrate=="Leu-AMC" &
                        all_slopes$location=="Bogue Sound" &
                        all_slopes$pNA.subs=="Val-pNA" &
                        all_slopes$conc.pNA==unique(all_slopes$conc.pNA)[5]), ]
  # Looks like I don't use the function plot_all_inv_v0
  p_all_inv_v0 <- ggplot(all_slopes, aes(x=conc.pNA, y=1/nM.per.hr)) + 
    geom_point(size=0.75) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymax=1/(nM.per.hr-se.nM.per.hr), ymin=1/(nM.per.hr+se.nM.per.hr))) +
    geom_smooth(method="lm", colour="black") +
    #xlab(expression(paste("[I], ", , mu, "M ", hr^{-1}))) +
    xlab(expression(paste("[I], ", , mu, "M "))) +
    ylab(expression(paste(1/v[0], ", h ", nM^{-1}))) +
    facet_grid(AMC.substrate + location ~ pNA.subs, scales="free") + 
          axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-45, hjust=0)) 
  if (print_plots) {
  if(save_plots) {
    ggsave("Fig4.tiff", p_all_inv_v0, height=5, width=doubleColumn, units="in", dpi=myDPI, type="cairo", compression="lzw")

  # Calculate relative kI for each combination of Yaa-AMC and Xaa-pNA]
  # Calculate the "inhibition slopes" (i.e., slopes of 1/v0 vs [I])
  all_inhib_slopes <- ddply(all_slopes, c("location", "AMC.substrate", "pNA.subs"), calc_inhib_slope)
  # label the "homologous" substrates
  all_inhib_slopes <- find_homologous(all_inhib_slopes)
  # Calculate relative Ki (i.e., Ki / Ki,ref)
  all_rel_Ki <- ddply(all_inhib_slopes, c("location", "AMC.substrate"), transform, 
                      rel.Ki=inhib.slope[is.homologous==TRUE] / inhib.slope)
  all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki.SE <- all_rel_Ki$inhib.slope.SE * all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki / all_rel_Ki$inhib.slope 
  # Determine the quantification limit
  #   The theory here is that the slope SE is a reasonable estiamte of the minimum slope one could measure
  #   The quantification limit is therefore the mean of the slope[homologous] / slope.SE
  quant_limit_data <- ddply(all_rel_Ki, c("location", "AMC.substrate"), transform, quant.limit = inhib.slope[is.homologous==TRUE] / inhib.slope.SE)
  quant_limit <- mean(quant_limit_data$quant.limit)
  # Filter out "bad" relKi values: where inhibSlope < 0 or insn't significant (for now, that just means negative)
  #all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki[all_rel_Ki$inhib.slope < 0] <- max(all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki) 
  all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki[all_rel_Ki$inhib.slope < 0] <- quant_limit # This is arbitrary
  print(paste("'Bad' KI values are set to ", max(all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki), sep=""))
  # Set errorbars for Ki plots
  all_rel_Ki$low.err <- all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki - all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki.SE
  all_rel_Ki$hi.err <- all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki + all_rel_Ki$rel.Ki.SE
  all_rel_Ki$low.err[all_rel_Ki$low.err <= 0] <- 0.01
  # Fig 5: Dotplot of all normalized affinities
  #invisible(plot_KI_norm_vs_Xaa_pNA(all_rel_Ki, vertical=FALSE, print_plot = print_plots, save_plot=save_plots, height=5, width=singleColumn))
  p_KI_vs_Xaa_pNA <- plot_KI_norm_vs_Xaa_pNA(all_rel_Ki, vertical=FALSE, print_plot = print_plots, save_plot=save_plots, height=5, width=singleColumn)

  if (print_plots) {
  if (save_plots) {
    #if (is.na(fn)) {
      fn <- "Fig6.tiff"
    ggsave(fn, p_KI_vs_Xaa_pNA, height=5, width=column_and_a_half, units="in", dpi=900, type="cairo", compression="lzw")
  # Plot Fig 7: affinity correlations
  # Merge amino acid characteristics into table of relative Ki values
  #AA_char <- read.csv("AA characteristics.csv")
  all_rel_Ki$AA <- substr(all_rel_Ki$pNA.subs, start=1, stop=3)
  inhib_data <- merge(all_rel_Ki, AA_char, by="AA")
#   break_setter = function(n = break_n) {
#     function(lims) {pretty(x = as.numeric(lims), n = n)}
#   }
  # Merge in molecular weights
  inhib_data$log.rel.Ki <- log10(inhib_data$rel.Ki)
  corr_df_MW <- ddply(inhib_data, c("location", "AMC.substrate"), function(x) corr_stats(x, "MW", "log.rel.Ki"))
  corr_df_MW$p.text <- p_val_labeller(corr_df_MW$pval)
  corr_df_MW$r.text <- paste("r^2==", signif(corr_df_MW$rsq, 2))
  corr_df_MW$lab <- paste("atop(", corr_df_MW$p.text, ",", corr_df_MW$r.text, ")", sep="")
  # Add free energy of oxidation
  #AA_thermo <- read.csv("data/AA_thermo.csv")

  inhib_data <- merge(inhib_data, AA_thermo)

  # Set plotting dislay variables
  sz <- 0.25
  label_size <- 4
  letter_size <- 3
  vjust <- 0
  hjust <- 0

  # Plot Ki/KI,ref vs MW
  p_MW_corr <- ggplot(inhib_data, aes(x=MW, y=rel.Ki, label=AA.abbrev)) + 
    geom_smooth(method="lm", colour="black") +
    geom_text(size=letter_size) + 
    xlab("molecular weight") +
    ylab(expression(K[I]/K["I,ref"])) +
    scale_y_log10(limits=c(10^floor(log10(min(inhib_data$rel.Ki,na.rm=TRUE))), 10^ceiling(log10(max(inhib_data$rel.Ki,na.rm=TRUE))))) +
    #scale_y_log10(breaks = break_setter(n=break_n)) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits=c(60, 185), breaks=c(80, 120, 160)) +
                        short=unit(0.05, "cm"), mid=unit(0.1, "cm"), long=unit(0.15, "cm"),
                        size=sz) +
    geom_text(data=corr_df_MW, aes(x=Inf, y=Inf, label=lab), parse=T, size=label_size, vjust=vjust, hjust=hjust) +
    facet_wrap(~location + AMC.substrate, scales="free", nrow=1) +
    theme(panel.margin=unit(1, "mm"),

  corr_df_DI <- ddply(inhib_data, c("location", "AMC.substrate"), function(x) corr_stats(x, "Dauwe.score.2", "log.rel.Ki"))
  corr_df_DI$p.text <- p_val_labeller(corr_df_DI$pval)
  corr_df_DI$r.text <- paste("r^2==", signif(corr_df_DI$rsq, 2))
  corr_df_DI$lab <- paste("atop(", corr_df_DI$p.text, ",", corr_df_DI$r.text, ")", sep="")
  # Plot Ki/Ki,ref vs DI
  p_DI_corr <- ggplot(inhib_data, aes(x=Dauwe.score.2, y=rel.Ki, label=AA.abbrev)) + 
    geom_smooth(method="lm", colour="black") + 
    geom_text(size=letter_size) +
    xlab("Dauwe DI loading") +
    ylab(expression(K[I]/K["I,ref"])) +
                        short=unit(0.05, "cm"), mid=unit(0.1, "cm"), long=unit(0.15, "cm"),
                        size=sz) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-0.17, 0.22)) +
    scale_y_log10(limits=c(10^floor(log10(min(inhib_data$rel.Ki,na.rm=TRUE))), 10^ceiling(log10(max(inhib_data$rel.Ki,na.rm=TRUE))))) +
    #scale_y_log10(breaks=break_setter(n=break_n)) +
    geom_text(data=corr_df_DI, aes(x=Inf, y=Inf, label=lab), parse=T, size=label_size, vjust=vjust, hjust=hjust) +
    facet_wrap(~location + AMC.substrate, scales="free", nrow=1) +
    theme(panel.margin=unit(1, "mm"),
  # Plot Ki/KI, ref vs delta GoR
  p_thermo <- ggplot(inhib_data, aes(x=deltaGr, y=rel.Ki, label=AA.abbrev)) + 
    geom_smooth(method="lm", colour="black") + 
    geom_text(size=letter_size) +
    xlab(expression(paste(Delta, G[r], ", kJ ", mol^{-1}))) +
    ylab(expression(K[I]/K["I,ref"])) +
                        short=unit(0.05, "cm"), mid=unit(0.1, "cm"), long=unit(0.15, "cm"),
                        size=sz) +
    #scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-0.17, 0.22)) +
    scale_y_log10(limits=c(10^floor(log10(min(inhib_data$rel.Ki,na.rm=TRUE))), 10^ceiling(log10(max(inhib_data$rel.Ki,na.rm=TRUE))))) +
    #scale_y_log10(breaks=break_setter(n=break_n)) +
    geom_text(data=corr_df_DI, aes(x=Inf, y=Inf, label=lab), parse=T, size=label_size, vjust=vjust, hjust=hjust) +
    facet_wrap(~location + AMC.substrate, scales="free", nrow=1) +
    theme(panel.margin=unit(1, "mm"),
  if(print_plots) {
    print(grid.arrange(p_MW_corr, p_DI_corr, p_thermo, nrow=3))
  if(save_plots) {
    tiff("Fig7.tiff", height=6, width=doubleColumn, units="in", res=900, compression="lzw", type="cairo")
    grid.arrange(p_MW_corr, p_DI_corr, p_thermo, nrow=3)

#   ### Make a table of the actual relative Ki data for the supplemental
#   rel_KI_table <- all_rel_Ki[ , c("location", "AMC.substrate", "rel.Ki", "rel.Ki.SE")]
#   rel_KI_table$rel.Ki <- signif(rel_KI_table$rel.Ki, digits=2)
#   rel_KI_table$rel.Ki.SE <- signif(rel_KI_table$rel.Ki.SE, digits=2)
#   if(save_plots) {
#     pdf(paste(path, "tableS1_all_relative_kI_page1.pdf", sep=""), width=8.5, height=11, onefile=FALSE)
#     grid.table(rel_KI_table[1:36,])
#     dev.off()
#     pdf(paste(path, "tableS1_all_relative_kI_page2.pdf", sep=""), width=8.5, height=11, onefile=FALSE)
#     grid.table(rel_KI_table[37:nrow(all_rel_Ki), ])
#     dev.off()
#   }
  # Compare to amino acid properties
#   # Merge amino acid characteristics into table of relative Ki values
#   #AA_char <- read.csv("AA characteristics.csv")
#   all_rel_Ki$AA <- substr(all_rel_Ki$pNA.subs, start=1, stop=3)
#   inhib_data <- merge(all_rel_Ki, AA_char, by="AA")
#   # Make correlation plot for affinity vs MW and affinity vs DI
#   # This one creates the plots but does not actually save them
#   corr_plots <- plot_affinity_corr(inhib_data, print_plots=TRUE, save_plots=FALSE, vjust=1.3, hjust=1.5, letter_size=letter_size) 
#   print(corr_plots[[1]])
#   if(print_plots) {
#     grid.arrange(corr_plots$p_MW_corr, corr_plots$p_DI_corr, corr_plots$p_thermo, nrow=3)
#   }

  print(cor.test(x=inhib_data$rel.Ki, y=inhib_data$Dauwe.score.2, method="spearman"))
  print(cor.test(x=inhib_data$rel.Ki, y=inhib_data$MW, method="spearman"))
  print(cor.test(x=inhib_data$rel.Ki, y=inhib_data$deltaGr, method="spearman"))

  print(summary(lm(Dauwe.score.2 ~ rel.Ki, data=inhib_data)))
  print(summary(lm(MW ~ rel.Ki, data=inhib_data)))
  print(summary(lm(deltaGr ~ rel.Ki, data=inhib_data)))

  # Return the inhibition data frame, in case you want to do stuff with it
adsteen/subspec documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:27 a.m.