
Defines functions stars default_network diagonal_network MCmat

Documented in MCmat stars

#' MCmat
#' This function simulates MC step for an entire matrix. Should not need to be used by user directly; available to help with determining network estimation.
#' @author Bryan Martin
#' @author Amy Willis
#' @param Y logratio matrix
#' @param W corresponding count matrix
#' @param eY current expected value of logratio matrix
#' @param N number of samples, or nrow of Y
#' @param Q number of OTUs, or ncol of W
#' @param base OTU index used for base
#' @param sigma current estimate of sigma
#' @param MCiter number of MC samples to generate
#' @param stepsize variance used for MH samples, defaults to 1. Tweak to adjust acceptance ratio
#' @param perturbation size of purturbation used for to_log_ratios, defaults to 0.05
#' @param network How to estimate network. Defaults to "default" (generalised inverse, aka naive). Other options include "diagonal", or a function that takes a sample covariance matrix and returns an estimate of the inverse covariance matrix (eg glasso or SpiecEasi)
#' @param ncores number of cores to use, defaults to 1
#' @param ... additional arguments to be supplied to the network function
#' @import doParallel
#' @import abind
#' @import foreach
#' @export
MCmat <- function(Y, W, eY, N, Q, base, sigma, MCiter, stepsize = 1,
                  perturbation = 0.05, network = "default", ncores = 1, ...) {

  if (network == "diagonal") {
    sigInv <- diagonal_network(sigma)
  } else if (network == "default") {
    sigInv <- default_network(sigma)
  } else if (network == "stars") {
    sigInv <- stars(sigma, W, base = base, perturbation = perturbation, ncores = ncores, ...)
  } else {
    sigInv <- try(network(sigma, ...), silent = T)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(sigInv)) {
      stop("Cannot use supplied network option?")
  # Global variables check fix
  i <- NULL
  MH_path <- function(i) {
    MCrow(Yi = Y[i, ], Wi = W[i, ], eYi = eY[i, ], Q = Q, base = base, sigInv = sigInv, MCiter = MCiter,
          stepsize = stepsize)

  if (ncores > 1 & requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE) &
      requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE) &
      requireNamespace("doSNOW", quietly = TRUE)
  ) {
    # Parallel option ##
    registerDoParallel(cores = min(ncores, parallel::detectCores()))
    Y.MH <-  foreach(i = 1:N, .combine = "acomb3", .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% {
  } else {
    ## Series option ###
    if (ncores > 1) {
      warning("Running in series; one of the packages doParallel, foreach or doSNOW is missing")
    Y.MH <-  foreach(i = 1:N, .combine = 'acomb3', .multicombine = TRUE, .packages = "foreach") %do% {

  # Should be (MCiter x Q x N) Dont forget, first column is acceptance

diagonal_network <- function(sigma) {
  # take diagonal vec, make it a diagonal matrix, solve

default_network <- function(sigma) {
  test <- try(chol(sigma), silent = T)
  if ("try-error" %in% class(test)) {
    test2 <- try(svd(sigma), silent = T)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(test2)) {
      message("SVD failed; sigma is: \n")
    } else {
      sigInv <- MASS::ginv(sigma)
  } else {
    sigInv <- chol2inv(chol(sigma))

#' stars
#' Estimate the network using the package pulsar to select the tuning parameter.
#' Type `DivNet::stars` to see the chosen defaults. To modify the defaults,
#' create a new function and pass it as the `network` argument to MCmat.
#' @param sigma current estimate of sigma
#' @param W corresponding count matrix
#' @param base OTU index used for base
#' @param perturbation size of purturbation used for to_log_ratios, defaults to 0.05
#' @param ncores number of cores to use, defaults to 1
#' @param ... other arguments to pass
stars <- function(sigma, W, base, perturbation, ncores, ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("glasso", quietly = TRUE) | !requireNamespace("SpiecEasi", quietly = TRUE) |
      !requireNamespace("pulsar", quietly = TRUE) | !requireNamespace("huge", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Packages glasso, pulsar and SpiecEasi are needed for this function to work. \n
         Please install and load them.",
         call. = FALSE)

  Y_p <- to_log_ratios(W, base = base, perturbation = perturbation)
  lmax <- pulsar::getMaxCov(Y_p, cov = FALSE)
  lams <- pulsar::getLamPath(lmax, lmax*.05, len=10)
  hugeargs <- list(lambda=lams,
  out.p <- pulsar::pulsar(Y_p, fun=huge::huge, fargs=hugeargs, rep.num=20,
                          criterion='stars', lb.stars=TRUE, ub.stars=TRUE, 
                          ncores = 1)
  fit.p    <- pulsar::refit(out.p)

  sp <- sum(fit.p$refit[["stars"]]) / ncol(fit.p$refit[["stars"]])^2
  # from documentation for printing

  # gl <- glasso::glasso(sigma, rho = lams[out.p$stars$opt.index])
  gl <- glasso::glasso(sigma, rho = sp)

adw96/DivNet documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 11:49 a.m.