
## Run the commented sections first, then comment out
## before running the app

# library(shiny)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(gridExtra)
# library(dplyr)
# library(magrittr)
# library(grid)
# source('')
# biocLite('phyloseq')
# library(phyloseq)
# library(lattice)
# library(devtools)
# install_github("adw96/breakaway")
# library(breakaway)

  function(input, output) {
    make_community2 <- function(CC, alpha_parameter = 1, beta_parameter = 2) {
      relative_proportions <- rbeta(CC, alpha_parameter, beta_parameter) # this is just a good way to get relative abundances
      raw_abundances <- relative_proportions/sum(relative_proportions)
      output <- list()
      output$proportions <- raw_abundances
    sample_richness <- function(community) {
      community %>% unique %>% length
    rarefied_richness <- function(my_sample, level) {
      my_sample %>% sample(size = level, replace = FALSE) -> rarefied_sample
      rarefied_sample %>% unique %>% length
    estimate_richness_breakaway <- function(my_sample) {
      my_sample %>% table %>% make_frequency_count_table -> my_count_table
      result <- try(breakaway(my_count_table, output=F, plot = F, answers = T), silent = T)
      if (class(result) == "list")  {
        c(result$est, result$seest)
      } else {
        c(NA, NA)
    draw_rarefaction <- function(population, pts = NA, replicates = 5, ecosystem = NA) {
      rarefaction_table <- data.frame()
      if (all( pts <- c(round(seq(from = 5, to = length(population$names)/100, length = 100)),
                                    round(seq(from = length(population$names)/100, to = length(population$names)/10, length = 100)),
                                    round(seq(from = length(population$names)/10, to = length(population$names)/4, length = 100)),
                                    round(seq(from = length(population$names)/4, to = length(population$names), length = 10)))
      who <- replicate(replicates, sample(population$names, length(population$names), replace = F))
      for (i in pts) {
        subsample_diversity <- rep(NA, replicates)
        subsample_shannon <- rep(NA, replicates)
        for (j in 1:replicates) {  
          subsample <- who[1:i, j]
          subsample_diversity[j] <- length(unique(subsample))
          community <- c(as.matrix(table(subsample)))
          proportions <- community/sum(community)
          subsample_shannon[j] <- breakaway::shannon(proportions)
        rarefaction_table %<>% rbind(data.frame("reads" = i, 
                                                "richness" = min(subsample_diversity), "richness_max" = max(subsample_diversity), 
                                                "shannon" = min(subsample_shannon), "shannon_max" = max(subsample_shannon), 
                                                "ecosystem" = ecosystem, "type" = "rcurve"))
    output$plot <- renderPlot({
      population1 <- make_community2(input$Ca, alpha_parameter = input$aa, beta_parameter = input$ab)
      population2 <- make_community2(input$Cb, alpha_parameter = input$ba, beta_parameter = input$bb)
      # observations and truth
      truth <- rbind(data.frame("reads" = 0, "richness" = length(population1$proportions), "richness_max" = NA,
                                "shannon" = breakaway::shannon(population1$proportions), "shannon_max" = NA, 
                                "ecosystem" =  "ecosystem1", "type" = "truth"),
                     data.frame("reads" = 0, "richness" = length(population2$proportions), "richness_max" = NA,
                                "shannon" = breakaway::shannon(population2$proportions), "shannon_max" = NA, 
                                "ecosystem" =  "ecosystem2", "type" = "truth"))
      get_point <- function(ecosystem, read, label) {
        read <- round(read)
        my_population <- get(paste("population", ecosystem, sep=""))
        ecosystem_name <- paste("ecosystem", ecosystem, sep="")
        subsample <- sample(x = c(1:length(my_population$proportions)), 
                            size = read, prob = my_population$proportions, replace = T)
        point <- data.frame("reads" = read, 
                            "richness" = length(unique(subsample)), "richness_max" = NA,
                            "shannon" = breakaway::shannon(c(as.matrix(table(subsample)))/sum(c(as.matrix(table(subsample))))), "shannon_max" = NA, 
                            "ecosystem" = ecosystem_name, "type" = "observation")
        subsample1 <- list()
        subsample1$names <- subsample
        subsample1$proportions <- c(as.matrix(table(subsample)))/sum(c(as.matrix(table(subsample))))
        rarefied_sample <- draw_rarefaction(subsample1, replicates = 1, pts = seq(from = 1, to = read, length = 100), 
                                            ecosystem = ecosystem_name)
        rarefied_sample$type <- paste("rarefied_sample", label, sep="")
        xx <- subsample %>% table %>% make_frequency_count_table
        estimate <- xx %>% breakaway(answers = T, plot = F, output=F) %$% est 
        error <- xx %>% breakaway(answers = T, plot = F, output=F) %$% seest
        richness_estimate <- c(estimate - 2*error, estimate + 2*error)
        estimate <- data.frame("reads" = read, 
                               "richness" = richness_estimate[1], "richness_max" = richness_estimate[2],
                               "shannon" = 0, "shannon_max" = 100000,
                               "ecosystem" = ecosystem_name, "type" = paste("estimate", label, sep=""))
        rbind(point, rarefied_sample, estimate)
      observations <- rbind(get_point(1, input$na1, 1),
                            get_point(1, input$na2, 2),
                            get_point(2, input$nb1, 1), 
                            get_point(2, input$nb2, 2))
      rarefaction_level <- observations %>% filter(type == "observation") %>% select(reads) %>% min
      rarefaction_table <- rbind(observations, truth)
      rarefaction_table %>% select(ecosystem) %>% unlist %>% substring(10, 11) %>% as.numeric -> rarefaction_table$ecosystem_number
      rarefaction_table_unequal <- rarefaction_table
      plot_base <- ggplot(data = rarefaction_table_unequal, aes(col = ecosystem)) +
        theme_bw() +
        geom_hline(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "truth"), 
                   aes(yintercept=richness, col = ecosystem, lty = ecosystem)) +
        scale_linetype_manual(guide = "none", values=c("twodash", "dotted")) +
        labs(x="No. reads", y="Taxonomic richness",col = "") +
        coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, max(input$Ca, input$Cb)*1.1))
      plot_a <- plot_base + 
        xlim(0, 1.5*max(input$na1, input$na2, input$nb1, input$nb2)) + 
        geom_ribbon(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "rcurve"), 
                    aes(x=reads, ymin=richness, ymax=richness_max, col = ecosystem, fill = ecosystem), alpha = 0, linetype = 0) +
        geom_point(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "observation"), 
                   aes(x=reads, y=richness, col = ecosystem))+
        geom_line(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "rarefied_sample1"), 
                  aes(x=reads, y=richness, col = ecosystem)) +
        geom_line(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "rarefied_sample2"), 
                  aes(x=reads, y=richness, col = ecosystem)) + 
        theme(legend.position = c(0.7, 0.2), legend.text=element_text(size=7))  +
                             breaks=c("ecosystem1", "ecosystem2"), 
                             labels=c("Environment A", "Environment B")) +
        geom_text(data = data.frame("x"=(input$nb1), "y"= max(input$Ca, input$Cb)*1.05), aes(x,y), 
                  col = "black", label = "True taxonomic richnesses", cex = 3) +
        ggtitle("Rarefaction curve for alpha diversity")
      plot_b <- plot_base +
        geom_point(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "observation"),
                   aes(x=ecosystem_number+c(-0.1, 0.1), y=richness, col = ecosystem)) +
        scale_x_continuous(name="Environment", breaks=c(1,2), labels=c("A", "B"), limits = c(0.5, 2.5)) +
        theme(legend.position="none") +
        ggtitle("Raw alpha diversity")
      plot_c <- plot_base +
        scale_x_continuous(name="Environment", breaks=c(1,2), labels=c("A", "B"), limits = c(0.5, 2.5)) +
        geom_point(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type %in% c("rarefied_sample1", "rarefied_sample2"))  %>%
                     group_by(ecosystem, ecosystem_number, type)  %>%
                     filter(reads <= rarefaction_level) %>%
                     filter(reads == max(reads)),
                   aes(x=ecosystem_number+c(-0.1, 0.1), y=richness, col = ecosystem))   +
        theme(legend.position="none") +
        ggtitle("Rarefield alpha diversity")
      plot_d <- plot_base +
        scale_x_continuous(name="Environment", breaks=c(1,2), labels=c("A", "B"), limits = c(0.5, 2.5)) +
        geom_linerange(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "estimate1"),
                       aes(x = ecosystem_number-0.1, ymin=richness, ymax = richness_max), lty = 1) +
        geom_linerange(data = rarefaction_table_unequal %>% filter(type == "estimate2"),
                       aes(x = ecosystem_number+0.1, ymin=richness, ymax = richness_max), lty = 1) +
        theme(legend.position="none") +
        ggtitle("Bias + variance correction")
      grid.arrange(grobs = list(plot_a, plot_b, plot_c, plot_d),
                   layout_matrix = matrix(c(1,1,2,3,4), nrow = 1))
    output$results <- renderTable({
      populationA <- make_community2(input$Ca, alpha_parameter = input$aa, beta_parameter = input$ab)
      populationB <- make_community2(input$Cb, alpha_parameter = input$ba, beta_parameter = input$bb)
      results <- data.frame()
      error <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 3) 
      pvalues <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = input$repeats)
      correct <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = 3, ncol = input$repeats)
      for (i in 1:input$repeats) {
        # generate samples
        rr <- input$replicates
        read_counts <- round(c(seq(from = input$na1, to = input$na2, length.out = rr), 
                               seq(from = input$nb1, to = input$nb2, length.out = rr)))
        samples <- list()
        for (k in 1:(2*rr)) {
          my_name <- get(paste("population", ifelse(k <= rr, "A", "B"), sep=""))
          my_sample <- sample(1:length(my_name$proportions), 
                              size = read_counts[k], prob = my_name$proportions, replace = T)
          samples[[k]] <- my_sample
        # estimate richness
        cs <- lapply(samples, sample_richness) %>% unlist
        cs_rarefied <- lapply(samples, rarefied_richness, level = min(read_counts))  %>% unlist
        cc2 <- lapply(samples, estimate_richness_breakaway) %>% data.frame
        covariate <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = rr)  
        cs_summary <- lm(cs ~ covariate) %>% summary 
        cs_r_summary <- lm(cs_rarefied ~ covariate) %>% summary 
        pvalues[1, i] <- cs_summary$coef[2,4]
        pvalues[2, i] <- cs_r_summary$coef[2,4]
        bta <- betta(cc2[1, ], cc2[2, ], X = cbind("Intercept" = 1, "CovariateB" = c(rep(0, rr), rep(1, rr) )))
        pvalues[3, i] <- bta$table[2,3]
        if (input$Ca != input$Cb) {
          correct[1, i] <- sign(cs_summary$coef[2,1]) == sign(input$Cb - input$Ca)
          correct[2, i] <- sign(cs_r_summary$coef[2,1]) == sign(input$Cb - input$Ca)
          correct[3, i] <- sign(bta$table[1,3]) == sign(input$Cb - input$Ca)
      if(input$Ca == input$Cb) {
        threshold <- pvalues > 0.05
      } else {
        threshold <- pvalues < 0.05
      overall_correct <- threshold & correct
      error <- apply(overall_correct, 1, mean)
      names(error) <- c("Raw", "Rarefied", "Corrected")
    }, colnames=TRUE
adw96/antirarefaction documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:41 a.m.