
Defines functions getAllGenes getGene getGeneMetadata getAllVariants getVariant getVariantMetadata getAllEvidenceItems getEvidenceItem getEvidenceItemMetadata getAllVariantGroups getVariantGroup getVariantGroupMetadata getAllAssertions getAssertion getAssertionMetadata .commonIndexEndpoint .commonDetailEndpoint .handleFailure .verifyJsonResponse .createReturnStructure

Documented in .commonDetailEndpoint .commonIndexEndpoint .createReturnStructure getAllAssertions getAllEvidenceItems getAllGenes getAllVariantGroups getAllVariants getAssertion getAssertionMetadata getEvidenceItem getEvidenceItemMetadata getGene getGeneMetadata getVariant getVariantGroup getVariantGroupMetadata getVariantMetadata .handleFailure .verifyJsonResponse

# CIViC API Client for the R programming language

# Load required libraries

# Set some constants
baseAPIUrl <- "https://civicdb.org/"
userAgent <- user_agent("https://github.com/agduncan94/civicr")

#' Get a list of genes
#' Retrieve all genes from the CIViC DB
#' @param page the page number to retrieve
#' @param count the number of genes to retrieve
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords genes
#' @examples
#' getAllGenes(count = 10)
#' getAllGenes(page = 2, count = 10)
getAllGenes <- function(page = 1, count = 25) {
  return(.commonIndexEndpoint("genes", page, count))

#' Get a specific gene
#' Retrieve a specific gene from the CIViC DB
#' @param id ID of the gene of interest
#' @param identifier_type Type of gene identifier (entrez_id, entrez_symbol, civic_id)
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords gene
#' @examples
#' getGene(id = 1)
#' getGene(id = "ALK", identifier_type = "entrez_symbol")
#' getGene(id = 238, identifier_type = "entrez_id")
getGene <- function(id, identifier_type = "civic_id") {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("genes", id, NULL, list("identifier_type" = identifier_type)))

#' Get a specific gene metadata
#' Retrieve metadata for a specific gene from the CIViC DB
#' @param id ID of the gene of interest
#' @param identifier_type Type of gene identifier (entrez_id, entrez_symbol, civic_id)
#' @param type Type of metadata (comments, suggested_changes, revisions, variants)
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords gene, metadata
#' @examples
#' getGeneMetadata(id = 1, type = "comments")
#' getGeneMetadata(id = 1, type = "variants")
getGeneMetadata <- function(id, type) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("genes", id, type, NULL))

#' Get a list of variants
#' Retrieve all variants from the CIViC DB
#' @param page the page number to retrieve
#' @param count the number of variants to retrieve
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords variants
#' @examples
#' getAllVariants(count = 10)
#' getAllVariants(page = 2, count = 10)
getAllVariants <- function(page = 1, count = 25) {
  return(.commonIndexEndpoint("variants", page, count))

#' Get a specific variant
#' Retrieve a specific variant from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the variant of interest
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords variant
#' @examples
#' getVariant(id = 1)
getVariant <- function(id) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("variants", id))

#' Get a specific variant metadata information
#' Retrieve metadata information for a specific variant from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the variant of interest
#' @param type Type of metadata (comments, suggested_changes, revisions, evidence_items)
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords variant, metadata
#' @examples
#' getVariantMetadata(id = 1, type = "comments")
#' getVariantMetadata(id = 1, type = "revisions")
getVariantMetadata <- function(id, type) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("variants", id, type))

#' Get a list of evidence items
#' Retrieve all evidence items from the CIViC DB
#' @param page the page number to retrieve
#' @param count the number of evidence items to retrieve
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords evidence items
#' @examples
#' getAllEvidenceItems(count = 10)
#' getAllEvidenceItems(page = 2, count = 10)
getAllEvidenceItems <- function(page = 1, count = 25) {
  return(.commonIndexEndpoint("evidence_items", page, count))

#' Get a specific evidence item
#' Retrieve a specific evidence item from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the evidence item of interest
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords evidence item
#' @examples
#' getEvidenceItem(id = 1)
getEvidenceItem <- function(id) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("evidence_items", id))

#' Get a specific evidence item metadata information
#' Retrieve metadata information for a specific evidence item from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the evidence item of interest
#' @param type Type of metadata (comments, suggested_changes, revisions)
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords evidence item, metadata
#' @examples
#' getEvidenceItemMetadata(id = 1, type = "comments")
#' getEvidenceItemMetadata(id = 1, type = "revisions")
getEvidenceItemMetadata <- function(id, type) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("evidence_items", id, type))

#' Get a list of variant groups
#' Retrieve all variant groups from the CIViC DB
#' @param page the page number to retrieve
#' @param count the number of variant groups to retrieve
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords variant groups
#' @examples
#' getAllVariantGroups(count = 10)
#' getAllVariantGroups(page = 2, count = 10)
getAllVariantGroups <- function(page = 1, count = 25) {
  return(.commonIndexEndpoint("variant_groups", page, count))

#' Get a specific variant group
#' Retrieve a specific variant group from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the variant group of interest
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords variant group
#' @examples
#' getVariantGroup(id = 1)
getVariantGroup <- function(id) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("variant_groups", id))

#' Get a specific variant group metadata information
#' Retrieve metadata information for a specific variant group from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the variant group of interest
#' @param type Type of metadata (comments, suggested_changes, revisions)
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords variant group, metadata
#' @examples
#' getVariantGroupMetadata(id = 1, type = "comments")
#' getVariantGroupMetadata(id = 1, type = "revisions")
getVariantGroupMetadata <- function(id, type) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("variant_groups", id, type))

#' Get a list of assertions
#' Retrieve all assertions from the CIViC DB
#' @param page the page number to retrieve
#' @param count the number of assertions to retrieve
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords assertions
#' @examples
#' getAllAssertions(count = 10)
#' getAllAssertions(page = 2, count = 10)
getAllAssertions <- function(page = 1, count = 25) {
  return(.commonIndexEndpoint("assertions", page, count))

#' Get a specific assertion
#' Retrieve a specific assertion from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the assertion of interest
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords assertion
#' @examples
#' getAssertion(id = 1)
getAssertion <- function(id) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("assertions", id))

#' Get a specific assertion metadata information
#' Retrieve metadata information for a specific variant group from the CIViC DB
#' @param id Internal CIViC ID of the assertion of interest
#' @param type Type of metadata (comments, suggested_changes, revisions)
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
#' @export
#' @keywords assertion, metadata
#' @examples
#' getAssertionMetadata(id = 1, type = "comments")
#' getAssertionMetadata(id = 1, type = "suggested_changes")
getAssertionMetadata <- function(id, type) {
  return(.commonDetailEndpoint("assertions", id, type))

#' Handle common index endpoints
#' @param type Type of index endpoint
#' @param page the page number to retrieve
#' @param count the number of assertions to retrieve
.commonIndexEndpoint <- function(type, page, count) {
  url <- httr::modify_url(baseAPIUrl, path = paste("api", type, sep = "/"))
  response <- httr::GET(url, httr::accept_json(), userAgent, query = list("page" = page, "count" = count))
  indexResponse <- httr::content(response, "parsed")
  return(.createReturnStructure(indexResponse, url, response))

#' Handle common detail endpoints
#' @param type Type of detail endpoint
#' @param id The internal CIViC ID
#' @param metadataType Optional type for base detail endpoints
#' @param queryParameters Optional query parameters for base detail endpoints
.commonDetailEndpoint <- function(type, id, metadataType=NULL, queryParameters=NULL) {
  appendedPath <- paste("api", type, id, sep = "/")
  if (!is.null(metadataType)) {
    appendedPath <- paste(appendedPath, metadataType, sep = "/")
  url <- httr::modify_url(baseAPIUrl, path = appendedPath)
  if (!is.null(queryParameters)) {
    response <- httr::GET(url, httr::accept_json(), userAgent, query = queryParameters)
  } else {
    response <- httr::GET(url, httr::accept_json(), userAgent)
  detailResponse <- content(response, "parsed")
  return(.createReturnStructure(detailResponse, url, response))

#' Handle failure case for httr
#' @param response httr error response
.handleFailure <- function(response) {
  if (httr::http_error(response)) {
    errorResponse <- content(response, "parsed")
        "CIViC API request failed [%s]\n%s",
      call. = FALSE

#' Verify that the httr response is of type "application/json"
#' @param response httr response
.verifyJsonResponse <- function(response) {
  if (httr::http_type(response) != "application/json") {
    stop("CIViC API did not return a JSON", call. = FALSE)

#' Create an s3 return structure for exported functions
#' @param content Content of the response
#' @param url URL of the request
#' @param response httr response
#' @return An S3 Object of type civic_api containing the content, url, and response
.createReturnStructure <- function(content, url, response) {
      content = content,
      url = url,
      response = response
    class = "civic_api"
agduncan94/civicr documentation built on Nov. 1, 2019, 9 p.m.