
Defines functions individual_variable_effect.default individual_variable_effect.explainer individual_variable_effect

Documented in individual_variable_effect individual_variable_effect.default individual_variable_effect.explainer

#' @title Individual Variable Effect
#' @param x a model to be explained, or an explainer created with function \code{\link[DALEX]{explain}}.
#' @param data validation dataset. Used to determine univariate distributions, calculation of quantiles,
#' correlations and so on. It will be extracted from `x` if it’s an explainer.
#' @param predict_function predict function that operates on the model `x`. Since the model is a black box,
#' the `predict_function` is the only interface to access values from the model. It should be a function that
#' takes at least a model `x` and data and returns vector of predictions. If model response has more than
#' a single number (like multiclass models) then this function should return a marix/data.frame of the size
#' `m` x `d`, where `m` is the number of observations while `d` is the dimensionality of model response.
#' It will be extracted from `x` if it’s an explainer.
#' @param new_observation an observation/observations to be explained. Required for local/instance level
#' explainers. Columns in should correspond to columns in the data argument. Data set should not contain any additional columns.
#' @param ... other parameters.
#' @param label name of the model. By default it’s extracted from the class attribute of the model
#' @param method an estimation method of SHAP values. Currently the only availible is `KernelSHAP`.
#' @param nsamples number of samples or "auto". Note that number must be as integer. Use `as.integer()`.
#' @return an object of class individual_variable_effect with shap values of each variable for each new observation.
#' Columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item first d columns contains variable values.
#'   \item _id_ - id of observation, number of row in `new_observation` data.
#'   \item _ylevel_ - level of y
#'   \item _yhat_ -predicted value for level of y
#'   \item _yhat_mean_ - expected value of prediction, mean of all predictions
#'   \item _vname_ - variable name
#'   \item _attribution_ - attribution of variable
#'   \item _sign_ a sign of attribution
#'   \item _label_ a label
#' }
#' In order to use shapper with other python virtual environment following R command are required to execute
#' reticulate::use_virtualenv("path_to_your_env")
#' or for conda
#' reticulate::use_conda("name_of_conda_env")
#' before attaching shapper.
#' @importFrom reticulate r_to_py
#' @examples
#' have_shap <- reticulate::py_module_available("shap")
#' if(have_shap){
#'   library("shapper")
#'   library("DALEX")
#'   library("randomForest")
#'   Y_train <- HR$status
#'   x_train <- HR[ , -6]
#'   set.seed(123)
#'   model_rf <- randomForest(x = x_train, y = Y_train, ntree= 50)
#'   p_function <- function(model, data) predict(model, newdata = data, type = "prob")
#'   ive_rf <- individual_variable_effect(model_rf, data = x_train, predict_function = p_function,
#'                                      new_observation = x_train[1:2,], nsamples = 50)
#'   ive_rf
#' } else{
#'     print('Python testing environment is required.')
#' }
#' @export
#' @aliases shap
#' @rdname individual_variable_effect

individual_variable_effect <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname individual_variable_effect
individual_variable_effect.explainer <- function(x,
                                                 method = "KernelSHAP",
                                                 nsamples = "auto",
                                                 ...) {
  # extracts model, data and predict function from the explainer
  model <- x$model
  data <- x$data
  predict_function <- x$predict_function
  label <- x$label

    new_observation = new_observation,
    label = label,
    method = method,
    nsamples = nsamples,

#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
#' @rdname individual_variable_effect
individual_variable_effect.default <-
           predict_function = predict,
           label = tail(class(x), 1),
           method = "KernelSHAP",
           nsamples = "auto",
           ...) {
    # check if data correct
      stop("Columns in new obseravtion and data does not match")
    # transform factors to numerics and keep factors' levels
    data_classes <- sapply(data, class)
    factors <- list()
    data_numeric <- data
    for (col in names(data_classes)) {
      if (data_classes[col] == "factor") {
        factors[[col]] <- levels(data[, col])
        data_numeric[, col] <- as.numeric(data_numeric[, col]) - 1

    # force nsamples to be an integer
    if (is.numeric(nsamples))
      nsamples <- as.integer(round(nsamples))

    p_function <- function(new_data) {
      new_data <- as.data.frame(new_data)
      colnames(new_data) <- colnames(data)
      for (col in names(factors)) {
        new_data[, col] <- factor(new_data[, col],
                                  levels = c(0:(length(factors[[col]]) - 1)),
                                  labels = factors[[col]])
      res <- as.data.frame(predict_function(x, new_data))
      if (nrow(res) == 1) {
        res[2, ] <- 0
        res <- r_to_py(res)
        res$drop(res$index[1], inplace = TRUE)
    explainer = shap_reference$KernelExplainer(p_function, data_numeric)

    new_observation_releveled <- new_observation
    new_observation_numeric <- new_observation
    for (col in names(factors)) {
      new_observation_releveled[, col] <-
        factor(new_observation_releveled[, col], levels = factors[[col]])
      new_observation_numeric[, col] <-
        as.numeric(new_observation_releveled[, col]) - 1
    shap_values = explainer$shap_values(new_observation_numeric, nsamples = nsamples)
    expected_value = explainer$expected_value

    predictions <- predict_function(x, new_observation_releveled)
    variables <- colnames(data)

    # create data to return
    new_data <- new_observation
    new_data$`_id_` <- c(1:nrow(new_data))

    # add multiple predictions
    new_data <-
      new_data[rep(1:nrow(new_data), each = length(shap_values)),]
    if (is.null(colnames(predictions))) {
      new_data$`_ylevel_` <- ""
      new_data <- unique(new_data)
    } else {
      new_data$`_ylevel_` <-
        rep(colnames(predictions), times = nrow(new_observation))
    new_data$`_yhat_` <- as.vector(t(predictions))
    new_data$`_yhat_mean_` <-
      rep(expected_value, times = nrow(new_observation))

    # add multiple variables
    new_data <- new_data[rep(1:nrow(new_data), each = ncol(data)),]
    new_data$`_vname_` <- rep(variables, times = length(predictions))

    attribution <- numeric()
    for (i in 1:nrow(new_observation)) {
      for (j in 1:length(shap_values)) {
        shap_attributes <- shap_values[[j]]
        if (is.matrix(shap_attributes)) {
          attribution <- c(attribution, shap_attributes[i, ])
        } else {
          attribution <- c(attribution, shap_attributes[i])
    new_data$`_attribution_` <- attribution
    new_data$`_sign_` <- factor(sign(new_data$`_attribution_`))
    new_data$`_sign_` <- ifelse(new_data$`_sign_` == 1, "+", "-")
    new_data$`_label_` <- label

    class(new_data) <- c("individual_variable_effect", "data.frame")

#' @export
#' @rdname individual_variable_effect
shap <- individual_variable_effect
agosiewska/shapper documentation built on May 28, 2023, 4:05 a.m.