#' Create check-fields and check-boxes for 'rmarkdown'
#' @param answer correct answer (can be a double or a string). It is possible to put here a vector of several answers.
#' @param right form reaction on right answer
#' @param wrong form reaction on wrong answer
#' @param options vector of values for the selection list type
#' @param type character that defines type of the list. Possible values: \code{text}, \code{select}, \code{radio}, \code{checkbox}, \code{in_order}
#' @param button_label character value that will be displayed on the button
#' @param placeholder character that defines a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field. This works with the \code{text} input type only.
#' @param alignment character argument for options' alignment: \code{vertical} or \code{horizontal}
#' @param random_answer_order logical argument that denotes whether answers should be shuffled, when the \code{type} value is \code{select}, \code{radio} or \code{checkbox}
#' @param title character value that will be displayed as a question title. It is possible to put there the question. You can put markdown markup. Since this argument wraps the form contents with \code{fieldset} tags, you can redefine it appearance with CSS.
#' @param width_of_in_order character with some values for width of the boxes, when the \code{type} value is \code{in_order}. Possible values: "30px", "20\%"
#' @param height_of_in_order character with some values for height of the boxes, when the \code{type} value is \code{in_order}. Possible values: "30px", "20\%"
#' @param style_of_in_order character that contains CSS style for the \code{div} boxes, when the \code{type} value is \code{in_order}
#' @param q_id unique identifier of the question
#' @return returns the html tags and javascript code
#' @author George Moroz <agricolamz@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' check_question(answer = 5)
#' @export
#' @importFrom markdown markdownToHTML
#' @importFrom htmltools tags
#' @importFrom htmltools div
#' @importFrom htmltools tagList
#' @importFrom glue glue
check_question <- function(answer,
right = "Correct",
wrong = "I have a different answer",
options = NULL,
type = NULL,
button_label = "check",
alignment = NULL,
placeholder = "",
random_answer_order = FALSE,
title = NULL,
width_of_in_order = paste0(round(1/length(answer)*85), "%"),
height_of_in_order = "60px",
style_of_in_order = "padding:5px;border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; display: inline-block;",
q_id = sample(1:1e5, 1)) {
# polish arguments --------------------------------------------------------
lapply(c(right, wrong, button_label, placeholder), function(argument){
stopifnot(length(argument) == 1)
type <- match.arg(type, c("text", "in_order"))
} else {
type <- match.arg(type, c("select", "radio", "checkbox"))
if(type %in% c("radio", "checkbox")){
alignment <- match.arg(alignment, c("vertical", "horizontal"))
} else if(type == "in_order"){
alignment <- match.arg(alignment, c("horizontal", "vertical"))
if(grepl("\\.", q_id)){
q_id <- gsub("\\.", "_", q_id)
right <- right |>
markdown::markdownToHTML(text = _,
output = NULL,
fragment.only = TRUE) |>
gsub("(<.?p>)|(\n)|(\\#)", "", x = _) |>
wrong <- wrong |>
markdown::markdownToHTML(text = _,
output = NULL,
fragment.only = TRUE) |>
gsub("(<.?p>)|(\n)|(\\#)", "", x = _) |>
title <- as.character(title[1])
title <- title |>
markdown::markdownToHTML(text = _,
output = NULL,
fragment.only = TRUE) |>
gsub("(<.?p>)|(\n)|(\\#)", "", x = _) |>
answer <- if(!is.null(answer)){answer |> as.character() |> unique()}
if(inherits(options, "list") & random_answer_order){
old_options <- options
options <- sample(options)
answer <- which(options %in% old_options[as.double(answer)])
} else if(random_answer_order) {
options <- sample(options)
# form part ---------------------------------------------------------------
if(type == "text" & is.null(options)){
UI_part <- htmltools::tags$input(type = "text",
placeholder = placeholder,
name = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}"))
} else if(type == "select" & !is.null(options)){
select_options <- lapply(options, function(i){
UI_part <- htmltools::tags$select(name = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}"),
} else if(type == "radio" & !is.null(options)){
UI_part <- lapply(seq_along(options), function(i){
htmltools::tags$input(type = type,
name = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}"),
id = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}_{i}"),
value = ifelse(inherits(options[i], "list"), i, options[i])),
if(alignment == "vertical"){htmltools::tags$br()})
} else if(type == "checkbox" & !is.null(options)){
UI_part <- lapply(seq_along(options), function(i){
htmltools::tags$input(type = type,
id = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}_{i}"),
value = ifelse(inherits(options[i], "list"), i, options[i])),
if(alignment == "vertical"){htmltools::tags$br()})
} else if(type == "in_order" & is.null(options)){
if(length(answer) < 2){
stop("For tasks of type 'in_order' answer vector's length should be greater then 1")
answer_sample <- seq_along(answer)
while(identical(answer_sample, seq_along(answer))){
answer_sample <- sample(seq_along(answer))
if(alignment == "horizontal"){
answers <- lapply(answer_sample, function(i){
if(which(i == answer_sample) != length(answer_sample)){
htmltools::tagList(htmltools::tags$td(id = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}_{i}"),
style = "padding:5px; border:1px solid #ccc;",
onclick = "swapElementsH(this);",
"\u21c6") |>
htmltools::tags$td(style = "padding:5px"))
} else {
htmltools::tags$td(id = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}_{i}"),
style = "padding:5px; border:1px solid #ccc;",
UI_part <- answers |>
htmltools::tags$tr(id = glue::glue("task_{q_id}")) |>
htmltools::tags$table(`data-quarto-disable-processing` = "true")
} else if(alignment == "vertical"){
answers <- lapply(answer_sample, function(i){
if(which(i == answer_sample) != length(answer_sample)){
htmltools::tagList(htmltools::tags$td(id = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}_{i}"),
style = "padding:5px; border:1px solid #ccc;",
answer[i]) |>
onclick = "swapElementsV(this);",
"\u21c5") |>
htmltools::tags$td(style = "padding:5px") |>
} else {
htmltools::tags$td(id = glue::glue("answer_{q_id}_{i}"),
style = "padding:5px; border:1px solid #ccc;",
answer[i]) |>
UI_part <- answers |>
htmltools::tags$tbody(id = glue::glue("task_{q_id}")) |>
htmltools::tags$table(`data-quarto-disable-processing` = "true")
question <- htmltools::tagList(
htmltools::tags$input(type = "submit", value = button_label),
htmltools::tags$div(id = glue::glue("result_{q_id}"))) |>
htmltools::tags$fieldset() |>
htmltools::tags$form(name = glue::glue("form_{q_id}"),
onsubmit = glue::glue("return validate_form_{q_id}()"),
method = "post")
} else{
question <- htmltools::tagList(
htmltools::tags$input(type = "submit", value = button_label),
htmltools::tags$div(id = glue::glue("result_{q_id}"))) |>
htmltools::tags$form(name = glue::glue("form_{q_id}"),
onsubmit = glue::glue("return validate_form_{q_id}()"),
method = "post")
# javascript part ---------------------------------------------------------
if(!(type %in% c("checkbox", "in_order"))){
answer <- paste0("x == '", answer, "'", collapse = '|')
js_script <- glue::glue("<script>function validate_form_{q_id}() {{var x, text; var x = document.forms['form_{q_id}']['answer_{q_id}'].value;if ({answer}){{text = '{right}';}} else {{text = '{wrong}';}} document.getElementById('result_{q_id}').innerHTML = text; evaluate_final_score(); return false;}}")
} else if(type == "checkbox"){
vars <- lapply(seq_along(options), function(i){
glue::glue("var x{i} = document.getElementById('answer_{q_id}_{i}');")
}) |>
unlist() |>
paste0(collapse = " ")
condition <- lapply(seq_along(options), function(i){
if(inherits(options[i], "list")){
condition_value <- tolower(i %in% answer)
} else{
condition_value <- tolower(options[i] %in% answer)
glue::glue("x{i}.checked == {condition_value}")
}) |>
unlist() |>
paste0(collapse = "&")
js_script <- glue::glue("<script>function validate_form_{q_id}() {{var text; {vars} if ({condition}){{text = '{right}';}} else {{text = '{wrong}';}} document.getElementById('result_{q_id}').innerHTML = text; evaluate_final_score(); return false;}}")
} else if(type == "in_order"){
if(alignment == "horizontal"){
condition <- lapply(seq_along(answer), function(i){
j = (i-1)*2
glue::glue("ch[{j}].id == 'answer_{q_id}_{i}'")
}) |>
unlist() |>
paste0(collapse = "&")
js_check_question <- glue::glue("function validate_form_{q_id}() {{var text;var ch = document.getElementById('task_{q_id}').children; if({condition}){{text = '{right}';}} else {{text = '{wrong}';}} document.getElementById('result_{q_id}').innerHTML = text; evaluate_final_score(); return false;}}")
js_swap <- "function swapElementsH(element) {const parent = element.parentNode; const afterNode = parent.nextElementSibling; const beforeNode = parent.previousElementSibling; parent.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', afterNode); parent.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', beforeNode);}"
} else if(alignment == "vertical"){
condition <- lapply(seq_along(answer), function(i){
j = (i-1)*2
glue::glue("ch[{j}].children[0].id == 'answer_{q_id}_{i}'")
}) |>
unlist() |>
paste0(collapse = "&")
js_check_question <- glue::glue("function validate_form_{q_id}() {{var text;var ch = document.getElementById('task_{q_id}').children; if({condition}){{text = '{right}';}} else {{text = '{wrong}';}} document.getElementById('result_{q_id}').innerHTML = text; evaluate_final_score(); return false;}}")
js_swap <- "function swapElementsV(element) {const parent = element.parentNode.parentNode; const afterNode = parent.nextElementSibling; const beforeNode = parent.previousElementSibling; parent.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', afterNode); parent.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', beforeNode);}"
js_script <- glue::glue("<script>{js_check_question}{js_swap}")
data.frame(q_id = q_id,
right = right |> as.character() |> gsub(x = _, pattern = "<.*?>", replacement = "")) |>
write.table(file = getOption("checkdown.table"),
append = TRUE,
col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE,
sep = ",")
js_script <- paste0(js_script,
htmltools::tagList(question, htmltools::HTML(js_script))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.