
# ---- sim ----

import::from(pspline.inference, pspline.outbreak.thresholds, pspline.validate.scalars)

import::from(dplyr, "%>%", mutate, inner_join, summarize_all, rename_all, select)
import::from(plotrix, std.error)
import::from(mgcv, gam)
import::from(doParallel, registerDoParallel)
import::from(parallel, detectCores)

message(paste("foreach::dopar", foreach::getDoParRegistered(), foreach::getDoParName(), foreach::getDoParVersion(), foreach::getDoParWorkers(), detectCores()))


onsetSimMin = 5
onsetSimMax = 15
offsetSimMin = 30
offsetSimMax = 45
peakSimMin = 50
peakSimMax = 500

# Calculate estimates of outcome measures
outcomes = function(onsetThreshold, offsetThreshold) {
  function(model, data) {
    pspline.outbreak.thresholds(onset=onsetThreshold, offset=offsetThreshold)(model, data) %>% cbind(
      calcFraction(model, data)

generateTruth = function(time.min, time.max, {
  function() {
    time = seq(time.min - 0.5, time.max + 0.5 -,

    # Pick a random onset/offset time and peak amplitude
    onsetT = runif(1, onsetSimMin, onsetSimMax)
    offsetT = runif(1, offsetSimMin, offsetSimMax)
    peak = runif(1, peakSimMin, peakSimMax)

    # Then use a single period of a sine wave for the outbreak peak
    cases0 = log(peak) / 2 * (1 - cos(2 * pi * (time - onsetT) / (offsetT - onsetT))) * (onsetT <= time & time < offsetT)
    cases0 = round(exp(cases0) - 1)
    data0 = data.frame(time=time, cases=cases0)

    # And approximate it with a spline
    model = gam(cases ~ s(time, k=4, bs="cp", m=3), family=poisson, data=data0)
      cases=model %>% predict(type="response")

generateObservations = function(truth) {
  seq(ceiling(min(truth$time)), floor(max(truth$time))) %>%
    data.frame(time=.) %>%
    inner_join(truth, by="time") %>%
    mutate(cases=rpois(length(cases), cases))

makeModel = function(data) {
  gam(cases ~ s(time, k=20, bs="cp", m=3), family=poisson, data=data)

simNTruth = 60
simNObs = 60


validationResults = NULL

if(getOption("", FALSE)) {
  message("Regenerating validation data")
  validationResults = pspline.validate.scalars(
    generateTruth(1, 52, 0.05), simNTruth,
    generateObservations, simNObs,
    makeModel, outcomes(onsetThreshold=0.025, offsetThreshold=0.975), 2000, 0.95

  validationResults$results$onset.bias.frac = validationResults$results$onset.bias / (validationResults$results$offset - validationResults$results$onset)
  validationResults$results$offset.bias.frac = validationResults$results$offset.bias / (validationResults$results$offset - validationResults$results$onset)
  validationResults$summary = validationResults$summary %>% cbind(
    validationResults$results %>% 
      select(onset.bias.frac, offset.bias.frac) %>% 
      summarize_all(function(col) mean(abs(col), na.rm=TRUE)),
    validationResults$results %>% 
      select(onset.bias.frac, offset.bias.frac) %>% 
      summarize_all(function(col) std.error(col, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
      rename_all(function(col) sprintf("", col)),
    validationResults$results %>% 
      select(onset.bias.frac, offset.bias.frac) %>% 
      summarize_all(function(col) sign(mean(col, na.rm=TRUE))) %>% 
      rename_all(function(col) sprintf("%s.sign", col))

  saveRDS(validationResults, paste0(getOption("pspline.paper.output", "."), "/ValidationResults.rds"))

} else {
  message("Loading saved validation data")
  # Even when skipping full validation, run (and discard) a small number of cycles just to make sure the code still runs properly
  .validationResults = pspline.validate.scalars(
    generateTruth(1, 52, 0.05), 5,
    generateObservations, 5,
    makeModel, outcomes(onsetThreshold=0.025, offsetThreshold=0.975), 20, 0.95

  validationResults = readRDS("./ValidationResults.rds")
airbornemint/outbreak-inference documentation built on Jan. 28, 2021, 6:38 a.m.