
Defines functions cv.mr_covreg mr_covreg_lam mr_covreg

#'Causal effect estimation via covariate regularization
#'Estimates a causal effect by implementing regularization on potential
#'pleiotropic covariates. The tuning parameter is chosen by cross-validation.
#'@param bx Vector of estimates of the genetic variant-risk factor associations.
#'@param bw Matrix of estimates of the genetic variant-covariate associations
#'  estimates. The jth column of the matrix is a vector of the estimates of the
#'  genetic variant associations with the jth covariate.
#'@param by Vector of estimates of the genetic variant-outcome associations.
#'@param S Diagonal matrix where the jth diagonal entry is the inverse of the
#'  variance of the jth genetic variant-outcome association estimate.
#'@param kleesp Indicates whether the tuning parameter should be always
#'  sufficiently large such that there are always less than p - 1 covariates
#'  with a non-zero coefficient.
#'@param lambda Sequence of lambda values to be used in cross-validation. If not
#'  specified (which is the default setting), the sequence of lambda values is
#'  chosen by the glmnet package.
#'@param nlam Number of lambda values to use in cross-validation. Default is 100.
#'  Note, if a lambda sequence is given, this parameter is redundant.
#'@param K Number of folds for cross-validation. Default is 10.
#'@param cv_mt Controls which target function to use in cross-validation. If set
#'  at 1, the tuning parameter is selected independent of the
#'  genetic variant-risk factor associations. Otherwise, the target function is
#'  the mean squared error (which is the default).
#'  \item{thest}{Causal effect estimate.}
#'  \item{thest_1se}{Causal effect estimate with the 1 standard error rule
#'    applied.}
#'  \item{a}{Regularized covariate cofficients.}
#'  \item{a_1se}{Regularized covariate cofficients with the 1 standard error
#'    rule applied.}
#'  \item{lambda}{Value of lambda chosen by cross-validation.}
#'  \item{lambda_1se}{Value of lambda chosen by cross-validation with the 1
#'    standard error rule applied.}
#'  \item{lamseq}{Sequence of lambda values used in cross-validation.}

mr_covreg = function(bx, bw, by, S, klessp = TRUE, lambda = numeric(0), nlam = 100, K = 10, cv_mt = 2){
  p = length(bx)
  k = dim(bw)[2]
  b = S^(1/2) %*% bx
  Pb = b %*% t(b) / c(t(b) %*% b)
  xlas = (diag(p) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2) %*% bw
  ylas = (diag(p) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2) %*% by
  if (cv_mt == 1){
    if (length(lambda) == 0) {
      cv.alas = cv.glmnet(xlas, ylas, intercept = FALSE, nlambda = nlam, nfolds = K)
    } else{
      cv.alas = cv.glmnet(xlas, ylas, intercept = FALSE, lambda = lambda, nlambda = nlam, nfolds = K)
  } else {
    if (length(lambda) == 0){
      cv.alas = cv.mr_covreg(bx, bw, by, S, nlam = nlam, nfolds = K)
    } else {
      cv.alas = cv.mr_covreg(bx, bw, by, S, lambda = lambda, nlam = nlam, nfolds = K)
  lam_pos = which(cv.alas$lambda == cv.alas$lambda.min)
  if (klessp == TRUE & cv.alas$glmnet.fit$df[lam_pos] > (p - 2)){
    lam_pos = length(cv.alas$glmnet.fit$df) - min(which(rev(cv.alas$glmnet.fit$df) <= (p - 2))) + 1
  th1 = as.vector(cv.alas$glmnet.fit$beta[,lam_pos])
  lam_1se_pos = which(cv.alas$lambda == cv.alas$lambda.1se)
  if (klessp == TRUE & cv.alas$glmnet.fit$df[lam_1se_pos] > (p - 2)){
    lam_1se_pos = length(cv.alas$glmnet.fit$df) - min(which(rev(cv.alas$glmnet.fit$df) <= (p - 2))) + 1
  th1_1se = as.vector(cv.alas$glmnet.fit$beta[,lam_1se_pos])
  e = by - bw %*% th1
  thest = t(bx) %*% S %*% e / (t(bx) %*% S %*% bx)
  e1 = by - bw %*% th1_1se
  thest_1se = t(bx) %*% S %*% e1 / (t(bx) %*% S %*% bx)
  return(list(thest = thest, thest_1se = thest_1se, a = th1, a_1se = th1_1se, lambda = cv.alas$lambda[lam_pos], lambda_1se = cv.alas$lambda[lam_1se_pos], lamseq = cv.alas$lambda))

#'Causal effect estimation via covariate regularization for a specified tuning
#'parameter value
#'Estimates a causal effect by implementing regularization on potential
#'pleiotropic covariates for a given value of the tuning parameter.
#'@param bx Vector of estimates of the genetic variant-risk factor associations.
#'@param bw Matrix of estimates of the genetic variant-covariate associations
#'  estimates. The jth column of the matrix is a vector of the estimates of the
#'  genetic variant associations with the jth covariate.
#'@param by Vector of estimates of the genetic variant-outcome associations.
#'@param S Diagonal matrix where the jth diagonal entry is the inverse of the
#'  variance of the jth genetic variant-outcome association estimate.
#'  \item{thest}{Causal effect estimate.}
#'  \item{a}{Regularized covariate cofficients.}
mr_covreg_lam = function(bx, bw, by, S, lambda){
  p = length(bx)
  k = dim(bw)[2]
  b = S^(1/2) %*% bx
  Pb = b %*% t(b) / c(t(b) %*% b)
  xlas = (diag(p) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2) %*% bw
  ylas = (diag(p) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2) %*% by
  alas = glmnet(xlas, ylas, intercept = FALSE, lambda = lambda)
  th1 = as.vector(alas$beta)
  e = by - bw %*% th1
  thest = t(bx) %*% S %*% e / (t(bx) %*% S %*% bx)
  return(list(thest = thest, a = th1))

#'Cross-validation for mr_covreg
#'Implements K-fold cross-validation for mr_covreg where the target function is
#'the mean squared error.
#'@param bx Vector of estimates of the genetic variant-risk factor associations.
#'@param bw Matrix of estimates of the genetic variant-covariate associations
#'  estimates. The jth column of the matrix is a vector of the estimates of the
#'  genetic variant associations with the jth covariate.
#'@param by Vector of estimates of the genetic variant-outcome associations.
#'@param S Diagonal matrix where the jth diagonal entry is the inverse of the
#'  variance of the jth genetic variant-outcome association estimate.
#'@param lambda Sequence of lambda values to be used in cross-validation. If not
#'  specified (which is the default setting), the sequence of lambda values is
#'  chosen by the glmnet package.
#'@param nlam Number of lambda values to use in cross-validation. Default is 100.
#'  Note, if a lambda sequence is given, this parameter is redundant.
#'@param nfolds Number of folds for cross-validation. Default is 10.
#'  \item{glmnet.fit}{List containing a matrix of coefficients and a vector of
#'    the number of non-zero coefficients.}
#'  \item{lamseq}{Sequence of lambda values used in cross-validation.}
#'  \item{lambda.min}{The value of lambda that minimised the test mean squared
#'    error.}
#'  \item{lambda.min}{The value of lambda that minimised the test mean squared
#'    error with the 1 standard deviation rule applied.}

cv.mr_covreg = function(bx, bw, by, S, lambda = numeric(0), nlam = 100, nfolds = 10){
  p = length(bx)
  b = S^(1/2) %*% bx
  Pb = b %*% t(b) / c(t(b) %*% b)
  xlas = (diag(p) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2) %*% bw
  ylas = (diag(p) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2) %*% by
  if (length(lambda) == 0){
    alas = glmnet(xlas, ylas, intercept = FALSE, nlambda = nlam)
  } else {
    alas = glmnet(xlas, ylas, intercept = FALSE, lambda = lambda, nlambda = nlam)
  lamseq = alas$lambda
  holdout = split(sample(1:p), rep(1:nfolds, length = p))
  h = sapply(1:nfolds, function(y){
    test = holdout[[y]]
    ptrain = length(bx[-test])
    bcv = S[-test, -test]^(1/2) %*% bx[-test]
    Pbcv = bcv %*% t(bcv) / c(t(bcv) %*% bcv)
    xlascv = (diag(ptrain) - Pbcv) %*% S[-test, -test]^(1/2) %*% bw[-test,]
    ylascv = (diag(ptrain) - Pbcv) %*% S[-test, -test]^(1/2) %*% by[-test]
    alascv = glmnet(xlascv, ylascv, lambda = lamseq, intercept = FALSE, thresh = 1E-6)
    bym = by %*% t(rep(1, length(alascv$lambda)))
    e = bym[-test,] - bw[-test,] %*% alascv$beta
    thest = t(bx[-test]) %*% S[-test, -test] %*% e / c(t(bx[-test]) %*% S[-test, -test] %*% bx[-test])
    hy = as.vector(diag(t(as.matrix(bx[test] %*% thest + bw[test,] %*% alascv$beta - bym[test,])) %*% S[test, test] %*% as.matrix(bx[test] %*% thest + bw[test,] %*% alascv$beta - bym[test,]) / length(bx[test])))
    if (length(hy)==length(lamseq)) {
    } else {
      c(hy, rep(0, (length(lamseq)-length(hy))))
  f = rbind(rowMeans(h), apply(h, 1, sd) / sqrt(nfolds))
  s = which.min(f[1,])
  s1 = min(which(f[1,] <= f[1,s] + f[2,s]))
  fit = list(beta = alas$beta, df = alas$df)
  return(list(glmnet.fit = fit, lambda = lamseq, lambda.min = lamseq[s], lambda.1se = lamseq[s1]))
aj-grant/mrcovreg documentation built on Nov. 25, 2020, 12:14 p.m.