get_catalog_faers <-
function( data_name = "faers" , output_dir , ... ){
catalog <- NULL
tf <- tempfile()
# specify the homepage of the legacy fda quarterly data sets
legacy.url <- ""
# specify the homepage of the faers quarterly data sets
faers.url <- ""
# loop through two text strings: `faers` and `legacy`
for ( f.l in c( "faers" , "legacy" ) ){
download.file( get( paste0( f.l , ".url" ) ) , tf , mode = 'wb' )
# for both, download the contents of the homepages
doc <- XML::htmlParse( tf )
# extract all possible link blocks from the current document
possible.links <- XML::xpathSApply( doc , "//a" , XML::xmlAttrs )
# for each of those links, extract the text contained inside the possible-link block
possible.href.names <- XML::xpathSApply( doc , "//a" , XML::xmlValue )
# isolate only the links that lead to a `.zip` file
zip.locations <- unlist( lapply( possible.links , function( z ) grepl( '\\.zip$' , tolower( z["href"] ) ) ) )
# subset the `possible.links` list to only zipped files
links <- possible.links[ zip.locations ]
# repeat that subset on the list of names
link.names <- possible.href.names[ zip.locations ]
# confirm that these two results have the same length
stopifnot( length( links ) == length( link.names ) )
# identify which of the link-names have the word `ascii` in them
names.with.ascii <- unlist( lapply( link.names , function( z ) grepl( 'ascii' , tolower( z ) ) ) )
# identify which of the link-names-with-ascii have a `href` tag in them, indicating an actual hyperlink
ascii.links <- lapply( links[ names.with.ascii ] , function( z ) z[ "href" ] )
# further limit the `link.names` object to only those with the text `ascii`
ascii.names <- link.names[ names.with.ascii ]
# extract the four-digit year from the remaining filenames
ascii.years <- gsub( "(.*)ASCII ([0-9]*)q(.*)" , "\\2" , ascii.names )
ascii.years <- gsub( "(.*)ASCII_([0-9]*)q(.*)" , "\\2" , ascii.years )
ascii.years <- gsub( "(.*)ASCII ([0-9]*) Q(.*)" , "\\2" , ascii.years )
ascii.years <- gsub( "(.*)ASCII_([0-9]*) Q(.*)" , "\\2" , ascii.years )
ascii.years <- gsub( "(.*)ASCII_([0-9]*)Q(.*)" , "\\2" , ascii.years )
# extract the one-digit quarter from the remaining filenames
ascii.quarter <- gsub( "(.*)([0-9]*)q([0-9])(.*)" , "\\3" , ascii.names )
ascii.quarter <- gsub( "(.*)([0-9]*)Q([0-9])(.*)" , "\\3" , ascii.quarter )
ascii.quarter <- gsub( "(.*)([0-9]*) q([0-9])(.*)" , "\\3" , ascii.quarter )
ascii.quarter <- gsub( "(.*)([0-9]*) Q([0-9])(.*)" , "\\3" , ascii.quarter )
# confirm all years are 2004 or later
stopifnot( ascii.years %in% 2004:3000 )
# confirm all quarters are one through four
stopifnot( ascii.quarter %in% 1:4 )
catalog <-
catalog ,
year = ascii.years ,
quarter = ascii.quarter ,
fl = f.l ,
full_url = paste0( if( f.l == 'legacy' ) "" else "" , unlist( ascii.links ) ) ,
output_folder = paste0( output_dir , "/" , ascii.years , " q" , ascii.quarter ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
lodown_faers <-
function( data_name = "faers" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# download the file
cachaca( catalog[ i , "full_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( catalog[ i , "output_folder" ] , "/unzips" ) )
# limit the character vector containing all files to only the ones ending in `.txt`
text.files <- unzipped_files[ grep( "\\.txt$" , tolower( unzipped_files ) ) ]
# stat and size files contain control counts, not actual microdata, throw them out
text.files <- text.files[ !( substr( tolower( basename( text.files ) ) , 1 , 4 ) %in% c( 'size' , 'stat' ) ) ]
# loop through each of the text files to import..
for ( j in text.files ){
# determine the tablename (the filename sans extension)
tablename <- gsub( "\\.txt$" , "" , tolower( basename( j ) ) )
# create another character string appending `.rds` to the end
rds.filename <- paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "/" , tablename , ".rds" )
# check for missing dollar signs at the end of the first column
first.100 <- unlist( lapply( gregexpr( "\\$" , readLines( j , n = 100 ) ) , length ) )
# check if there are different numbers of columns in the first hundred lines of the text file
if( length( unique( first.100 ) ) > 1 ){
# load in the entire text file
lines <- readLines( j )
# tack a `$` onto the end of the first line
lines[ 1 ] <- paste0( lines[ 1 ] , "$" )
# overwrite the text file with the extra $ on the first line
writeLines( lines , j )
# attempt to read the text file into the object `x` using `$` separators.
# if the read-in fails, do not break the loop. instead, store that error in a `wrap.failure` object
wrap.failure <- try( x <- read.table( j , sep = "$" , header = TRUE , comment.char = "" , quote = "" ) , silent = TRUE )
# if the read-in works, you'll have the data.frame object `x` to work with. hooray!
# so long as the `wrap.failure` object contains an error..
while( class( wrap.failure ) == 'try-error' ){
# record the wrap failure's location
wfl <- as.numeric( gsub( "(.*)line ([0-9]*) did not have(.*)" , "\\2" , wrap.failure[1] ) )
# if the wrap failure location doesn't contain a problem-line, break the whole program.
if( wfl ) ) stop( "one. not a wrap failure. something else is wrong." ) else {
# doubly-confirm that a wrap failure is happening. check whether the number of $'s (the delimiter) varies on any lines.
if ( length( unique( unlist( lapply( gregexpr( "\\$" , a <- readLines( j ) ) , length ) ) ) ) == 1 ){
stop( "two. not a wrap failure. something else is wrong." )
} else {
# paste the line of the wrap failure and the line after together.
a <- c( a[ seq( wfl ) ] , paste0( a[ wfl + 1 ] , a[ wfl + 2 ] ) , a[ seq( wfl + 3 , length( a ) ) ] )
# overwrite the file on the disk
writeLines( a , j )
# now the `read.table` command should work properly.
wrap.failure <- try( x <- read.table( j , sep = "$" , header = TRUE , comment.char = "" , quote = "" ) , silent = TRUE )
# if this ever works, you'll have `x` read in as a data.frame object. hooray!
# determine which columns (if any) are 100% missings
columns.100pct.missing <- names( which( sapply( x , function( z ) all( z ) ) ) ) )
# just throw them out of the data.frame object
x <- x[ , !( names( x ) %in% columns.100pct.missing ) ]
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
# a primaryid column has extra characters in front that it shouldn't
names( x )[ grepl( 'primaryid' , names( x ) ) ] <- 'primaryid'
# a outc_code column occasionally is missing its final `e`
names( x )[ names( x ) == 'outc_cod' ] <- 'outc_code'
# `lot_num` and `lot_nbr` switch back and forth a lot. pick one
names( x )[ names( x ) == 'lot_num' ] <- 'lot_nbr'
# save the data.frame object to the rds filename on the local disk
saveRDS( x , file = rds.filename , compress = FALSE )
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- max( catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] , nrow( x ) , na.rm = TRUE )
# delete the temporary files
suppressWarnings( file.remove( tf ) )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored in '" , catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
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