get_catalog_nhts <-
function( data_name = "nhts" , output_dir , ... ){
nhts_datapage <- ""
link_refs <- rvest::html_attr( rvest::html_nodes( xml2::read_html( nhts_datapage ) , "a" ) , "href" )
link_text <- rvest::html_text( rvest::html_nodes( xml2::read_html( nhts_datapage ) , "a" ) )
stopifnot( length( link_refs ) == length( link_text ) )
dl_text <- link_text[ grep( "download/" , link_refs ) ]
dl_refs <- grep( "download/" , link_refs , value = TRUE )
csv_text <- dl_text[ grep( "ascii|tripchain|roster\\.zip" , dl_refs , = TRUE ) ]
csv_refs <- dl_refs[ grep( "ascii|tripchain|roster\\.zip" , dl_refs , = TRUE ) ]
catalog <-
year = substr( csv_refs , 1 , 4 ) ,
full_url = paste0( "" , csv_refs ) ,
file_info = csv_text ,
dbfile = paste0( output_dir , "/SQLite.db" ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
catalog$output_folder <- paste0( output_dir , "/" , catalog$year , "/" )
catalog <- catalog[ !( catalog$year >= 2009 & grepl( "tripchaining\\.zip" , basename( catalog$full_url ) , = TRUE ) ) , ]
lodown_nhts <-
function( data_name = "nhts" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# open the connection to the monetdblite database
db <- DBI::dbConnect( RSQLite::SQLite() , catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ] )
# download the file
cachaca( catalog[ i , "full_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , "/unzips" ) )
# read in csv and asc files
for( this_csv in grep( "\\.csv$|\\.asc$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE , = TRUE ) ){
db_tablename <- paste0( tolower( gsub( "[0-9]+" , "" , gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( this_csv ) ) ) ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] )
if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 1983 ){
x <- read.csv( this_csv , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
DBI::dbWriteTable( db , db_tablename , x , header = TRUE , row.names = NULL , nrow.check = 250000 , = TRUE , newline = '\\r\\n' )
} else {
DBI::dbWriteTable( db , db_tablename , this_csv , header = TRUE , row.names = NULL , nrow.check = 250000 , = TRUE , newline = '\\r\\n' )
# read in sas7bdat files
for( this_sas in grep( "\\.sas7bdat$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE , = TRUE ) ){
db_tablename <- paste0( tolower( gsub( "[0-9]+" , "" , gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( this_sas ) ) ) ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] )
x <- data.frame( haven::read_sas( this_sas ) )
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
DBI::dbWriteTable( db , db_tablename , x , header = TRUE , row.names = FALSE )
# read in sas transport files
for( this_xpt in grep( "\\.xpt$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE , = TRUE ) ){
db_tablename <- paste0( tolower( gsub( "[0-9]+" , "" , gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( this_xpt ) ) ) ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] )
x <- foreign::read.xport( this_xpt )
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
DBI::dbWriteTable( db , db_tablename , x , header = TRUE , row.names = FALSE )
# read in ascii + .sas files
for( this_txt in grep( "\\.txt$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE , = TRUE ) ){
# find the .lst filepath with the same name as the .txt
lst.filepath <- gsub( 'txt$|TXT$' , 'lst' , this_txt )
# the 1995 person .lst file isn't cased the same as its data file.
lst.filepath <- gsub( "PERS95_2" , "pers95_2" , lst.filepath )
# read in the lsc file
lst.file <- tolower( readLines( lst.filepath ) )
# identify the `field` row
first.field <- min( grep( 'field' , lst.file ) )
lf <- readLines( lst.filepath )
lf <- lf[ ( first.field + 1 ):length( lf ) ]
while( any( grepl( " " , lf ) ) ) lf <- gsub( " " , " " , lf )
lf <- gsub( "^ " , "" , lf )
lf <- lf[ lf != '' ]
lf <- gsub( "([0-9]) ([0-9])" , "\\1.\\2" , lf )
lf <- gsub( " " , "," , lf ) <- tempfile()
writeLines( lf , )
stru <- read.csv( , header = FALSE )
stru[ , 1 ] <- as.character( stru[ , 1 ] )
# remove any blank fields at the end
stru <- stru[ ! as.numeric( stru[ , 1 ] ) ) , ]
# extract the field structure
txt.field <- tolower( stringr::str_trim( stru[ , 2 ] ) )
txt.type <- stringr::str_trim( stru[ , 3 ] )
txt.w <- stringr::str_trim( stru[ , 4 ] )
# pull only the characters before the extension <- gsub( "\\.(.*)" ,"" , basename( this_txt ) )
# make the tablename the first three letters of the filename,
# remove any numbers, also any underscores
tablename <- tolower( paste0( gsub( "_" , "" , gsub( "[0-9]+" , "" , ) , fixed = TRUE ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) )
# import the actual text file into working memory
x <-
this_txt ,
col_positions = readr::fwf_widths( floor( as.numeric( txt.w ) ) , col_names = txt.field ) ,
na = c( 'NA' , '' , ' ' ) ,
col_types = paste( ifelse( txt.type == 'Numeric' , 'd' , 'c' ) , collapse = "" ) ,
locale = readr::locale( decimal_mark = "." , grouping_mark = "," )
x <- data.frame( x )
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
# deal with decimals
decimals <- gsub( "(.*)\\." , "" , ifelse( grepl( "\\." , txt.w ) , txt.w , "0" ) )
for ( j in seq( txt.w ) ) if( decimals[ j ] > 0 ) x[ , j ] <- x[ , j ] / ( 10^as.numeric( decimals[j] ) )
# read the data.frame `x`
# directly into the monet database you just created.
DBI::dbWriteTable( db , tablename , x , header = TRUE , row.names = FALSE )
if( ( i == max( which( catalog$year == catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) ) ) ){
# find all tables from this catalog[ i , 'year' ]
tables.this.year <- grep( catalog[ i , 'year' ] , DBI::dbListTables( db ) , value = TRUE )
tables.this.year <- tables.this.year[ !grepl( "tour|chn" , tables.this.year ) ]
# convert all tables to lowercase..
for ( this_table in tables.this.year ){
new.tablename <- gsub( catalog[ i , 'year' ] , paste0( '_' , catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) , this_table )
prefix <- strsplit( new.tablename , '_' )[[1]][1]
nhts_sql_process( db , this_table , new.tablename )
# last catalog entry of 2001?
# remove missing weights in 2001
if( ( 2001 %in% catalog$year ) && ( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == max( which( catalog$year == 2001 ) ) ) ){
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , "UPDATE daypub_2001 SET wttrdntl = 0 WHERE wttrdntl IS NULL" )
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , "UPDATE perpub_2001 SET wtprntl = 0 WHERE wtprntl IS NULL" )
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , "UPDATE hhpub_2001 SET wthhntl = 0 WHERE wthhntl IS NULL" )
for( this_wgt in grep( "wttdfn[0-9]" , DBI::dbListFields( db , 'prwt_2001' ) , value = TRUE ) ) DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste( "UPDATE prwt_2001 SET" , this_wgt , "= 0 WHERE" , this_wgt , "IS NULL" ) )
for( this_wgt in grep( "wtpfin[0-9]" , DBI::dbListFields( db , 'prwt_2001' ) , value = TRUE ) ) DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste( "UPDATE prwt_2001 SET" , this_wgt , "= 0 WHERE" , this_wgt , "IS NULL" ) )
for( this_wgt in grep( "wthfin[0-9]" , DBI::dbListFields( db , 'hhwt_2001' ) , value = TRUE ) ) DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste( "UPDATE hhwt_2001 SET" , this_wgt , "= 0 WHERE" , this_wgt , "IS NULL" ) )
# must be the last catalog entry of the year
# more stuff that's only available in the years where replicate weights
# are freely available as csv files.
if ( ( catalog[ i , 'year' ] > 1995 ) & ( i == max( which( catalog$year == catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) ) ) ){
if ( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 2001 ){
day.table <- 'daypub'
wt.table <- 'prwt'
per.table <- 'perpub'
hh.table <- 'hhpub'
# replicate weight scaling factors
sca <- 98 / 99
rsc <- rep( 1 , 99 )
# weights and replicate weights
ldt.wt <- ~wtptpfin ; ldt.repwt <- 'fptpwt[0-9]'
hh.wt <- ~wthhntl ; hh.repwt <- 'wthfin[0-9]'
per.wt <- ~wtprntl ; per.repwt <- 'wtpfin[0-9]'
day.wt <- ~wttrdntl ; day.repwt <- 'wttdfn[0-9]'
} else {
day.table <- 'dayvpub'
wt.table <- 'perwt'
per.table <- 'pervpub'
hh.table <- 'hhvpub'
# replicate weight scaling factors
sca <- 99 / 100
rsc <- rep( 1 , 100 )
# weights and replicate weights
ldt.wt <- NULL ; ldt.repwt <- NULL
hh.wt <- ~wthhfin ; hh.repwt <- 'hhwgt[0-9]'
per.wt <- ~wtperfin ; per.repwt <- 'wtperfin[1-9]'
day.wt <- ~wttrdfin ; day.repwt <- 'daywgt[1-9]'
# last catalog entry of 2001
if ( ( 2001 %in% catalog$year ) && ( i == max( which( catalog$year == 2001 ) ) ) ){
# merge the `ldt` table with the ldt weights
nonmatching.fields <- nhts_nmf( db , 'ldtwt' , 'ldtpub' , catalog[ i , 'year' ] )
db ,
'create table ldt_m_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as select a.* , ' ,
paste( "b." , nonmatching.fields , collapse = ", " , sep = "" ) ,
' from ' ,
'ldtpub' ,
'_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as a inner join ' ,
'ldtwt' ,
'_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as b on a.houseid = b.houseid AND CAST( a.personid AS INTEGER ) = CAST( b.personid AS INTEGER )'
# table `ldt_m_YYYY` now available for analysis! <-
weight = ldt.wt ,
repweights = ldt.repwt ,
scale = sca ,
rscales = rsc ,
degf = 99 ,
type = 'JK1' ,
mse = TRUE ,
data = paste0( 'ldt_m_' , catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) , # use the person-ldt-merge data table
dbtype = "SQLite" ,
dbname = catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ]
# workaround for a bug in survey::survey::svrepdesign.character$mse <- TRUE
# merge the `day` table with the person-level weights
nonmatching.fields <- nhts_nmf( db , wt.table , day.table , catalog[ i , 'year' ] )
db ,
'create table day_m_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as select a.* , ' ,
paste( "b." , nonmatching.fields , collapse = ", " , sep = "" ) ,
' from ' ,
day.table ,
'_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as a inner join ' ,
wt.table ,
'_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as b on a.houseid = b.houseid AND CAST( a.personid AS INTEGER ) = CAST( b.personid AS INTEGER )'
# table `day_m_YYYY` now available for analysis!
# immediately make the person-day-level survey::svrepdesign object. <-
weight = day.wt ,
repweights = day.repwt ,
scale = sca ,
rscales = rsc ,
degf = 99 ,
type = 'JK1' ,
mse = TRUE ,
data = paste0( 'day_m_' , catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) , # use the person-day-merge data table
dbtype = "SQLite" ,
dbname = catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ]
# workaround for a bug in survey::survey::svrepdesign.character$mse <- TRUE
# merge the person table with the person-level weights
nonmatching.fields <- nhts_nmf( db , wt.table , per.table , catalog[ i , 'year' ] )
db ,
'create table per_m_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as select a.* , ' ,
paste( "b." , nonmatching.fields , collapse = ", " , sep = "" ) ,
' from ' ,
per.table ,
'_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as a inner join ' ,
wt.table ,
'_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as b on a.houseid = b.houseid AND CAST( a.personid AS INTEGER ) = CAST( b.personid AS INTEGER )'
# table `per_m_YYYY` now available for analysis!
# immediately make the person-level survey::svrepdesign object. <-
weight = per.wt ,
repweights = per.repwt ,
scale = sca ,
rscales = rsc ,
degf = 99 ,
type = 'JK1' ,
mse = TRUE ,
data = paste0( 'per_m_' , catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) , # use the person-merge data table
dbtype = "SQLite" ,
dbname = catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ]
# workaround for a bug in survey::survey::svrepdesign.character$mse <- TRUE
# merge the household table with the household-level weights
nonmatching.fields <- nhts_nmf( db , 'hhwt' , hh.table , catalog[ i , 'year' ] )
db ,
'create table hh_m_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as select a.* , ' ,
paste( "b." , nonmatching.fields , collapse = ", " , sep = "" ) ,
' from ' ,
hh.table ,
'_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as a inner join hhwt_' ,
catalog[ i , 'year' ] ,
' as b on a.houseid = b.houseid'
# table `hh_m_YYYY` now available for analysis!
# immediately make the household-level survey::svrepdesign object. <-
weight = hh.wt ,
repweights = hh.repwt ,
scale = sca ,
rscales = rsc ,
degf = 99 ,
type = 'JK1' ,
mse = TRUE ,
data = paste0( 'hh_m_' , catalog[ i , 'year' ] ) , # use the household-merge data table
dbtype = "SQLite" ,
dbname = catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ]
# workaround for a bug in survey::survey::svrepdesign.character$mse <- TRUE
# done. phew. save all the objects to the current working directory
if ( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 2001 ){
saveRDS( , file = paste0( catalog[ i , "output_folder" ] , "/ldt design.rds" ) , compress = FALSE )
saveRDS( , file = paste0( catalog[ i , "output_folder" ] , "/per design.rds" ) , compress = FALSE )
saveRDS( , file = paste0( catalog[ i , "output_folder" ] , "/day design.rds" ) , compress = FALSE )
saveRDS( , file = paste0( catalog[ i , "output_folder" ] , "/hh design.rds" ) , compress = FALSE )
catalog[ catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] == catalog$output_directory , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( )
# delete the temporary files
suppressWarnings( file.remove( tf , unzipped_files ) )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored in '" , catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
nhts_sql_process <-
function( db , pre , post ){
if ( identical( pre , post ) ) stop( "`pre` and `post` cannot be the same." )
# figure out which columns are not stored as strings
all.tables <- DBI::dbReadTable( db , 'tables' )
# pull the current table's monetdb id <- all.tables[ all.tables$name == pre , 'id' ]
# pull all fields in this table
all.columns <-
db ,
'select * from columns where table_id = ' ,
# blank only columns that are not varchar <- all.columns[ !( all.columns$type %in% c( 'clob' , 'varchar' , 'string' ) ) , 'name' ]
# loop through every field in the data set
# and blank out all negative numbers
for ( j in ) DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste( 'UPDATE' , pre , 'SET' , j , '= NULL WHERE' , j , '< 0' ) )
# get rid of `id9` field #
lowered.edited.fields <- tolower( DBI::dbListFields( db , pre ) )
if ( lowered.edited.fields[ 1 ] == 'id9' ) lowered.edited.fields[ 1 ] <- 'houseid'
casting.chars <- DBI::dbListFields( db , pre )
casting.chars <- gsub( "houseid" , "CAST( LTRIM( RTRIM( CAST( houseid AS STRING ) ) ) AS STRING )" , casting.chars )
casting.chars <- gsub( "personid" , "CAST( personid AS INTEGER )" , casting.chars )
casting.chars <- gsub( "id9" , "CAST( LTRIM( RTRIM( CAST( id9 AS STRING ) ) ) AS STRING )" , casting.chars )
# build the 'create table' sql command
sql.create.table <-
'create table' ,
post ,
'as select' ,
# select all fields in the data set..
casting.chars ,
# re-select them, but convert them to lowercase
lowered.edited.fields ,
# separate them by `as` statements
sep = ' as ' ,
# and mush 'em all together with commas
collapse = ', '
) ,
# tack on a column of all ones
', 1 as one from' ,
pre ,
# actually execute the create table command
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , sql.create.table )
# remove the source data table
DBI::dbRemoveTable( db , pre )
# function end
# initiate a function
# that takes two tables (named by a _year pattern)
# and returns the non-intersecting field names of the b.table
# this will be used for monetdb sql joins
nhts_nmf <-
function( conn , b.table , a.table , yr ){
conn ,
paste0( b.table , '_' , yr ) )[
DBI::dbListFields( conn , paste0( b.table , '_' , yr ) ) %in% DBI::dbListFields( conn , paste0( a.table , '_' , yr ) )
# function end
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