
Defines functions nls_get_weights nls_get_selections lodown_nls get_catalog_nls

Documented in nls_get_selections nls_get_weights

get_catalog_nls <-
	function( data_name = "nls" , output_dir , ... ){

		catalog <- NULL
		data_page <- "https://www.nlsinfo.org/accessing-data-cohorts"
		link_page <- rvest::html_nodes( xml2::read_html( data_page ) , "a" )
		link_text <- rvest::html_text( link_page )
		link_refs <- rvest::html_attr( link_page , "href" )
		microdata_text <- stringr::str_trim( link_text[ grep( "\\.zip$" , link_refs ) ] )
		microdata_refs <- stringr::str_trim( link_refs[ grep( "\\.zip$" , link_refs ) ] )
		catalog <-
					study_name = microdata_text ,
					full_url = microdata_refs ,
					output_folder = paste0( output_dir , "/" , microdata_text , "/" ) ,
					stringsAsFactors = FALSE


lodown_nls <-
	function( data_name = "nls" , catalog , path_to_7za = '7za' , ... ){

		on.exit( print( catalog ) )

		if( ( .Platform$OS.type != 'windows' ) && ( system( paste0('"', path_to_7za , '" -h' ) ) != 0 ) ) stop( "you need to install 7-zip.  if you already have it, include a path_to_7za='/directory/7za' parameter" )
		tf <- tempfile()

		for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){

			# download the strata and psu for studies where they're available
			if( catalog[ i , 'study_name' ] == "NLS Youth 1997 (NLSY97)" ){
				# download the nlsy 1997 cohort's sampling information
				cachaca( "https://www.nlsinfo.org/sites/nlsinfo.org/files/attachments/140618/nlsy97stratumpsu.zip" , tf , mode = 'wb' )
				# unzip to the local disk
				unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , '/unzips' ) )

				strpsu <- read.csv( unzipped_files[ grep( '\\.csv' , unzipped_files ) ] , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
				# store the complex sample variables on the local disk
				saveRDS( strpsu , file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "/strpsu.rds" ) , compress = FALSE )
				# delete the temporary files
				suppressWarnings( file.remove( tf , unzipped_files ) )

			cachaca( catalog[ i , 'full_url' ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
			# extract the file, platform-specific
			if ( .Platform$OS.type == 'windows' ){

				unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = file.path( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , 'unzips' ) )

			} else {

				# build the string to send to the terminal on non-windows systems
				dos.command <- paste0( '"' , path_to_7za , '" x ' , tf , ' -o"' , file.path( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , 'unzips' ) , '"' )
				system( dos.command )
				unzipped_files <- list.files( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , full.names = TRUE , recursive = TRUE )

			this_dat_file <- grep( "\\.dat$" , unzipped_files , ignore.case = TRUE , value = TRUE )
			catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- R.utils::countLines( this_dat_file )
			cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored in '" , catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )




# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# functions related to nlsy panel weight download #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

#' functions to access the national longitudinal studies panel weights
#' download all available survey-year selections for any of the nlsy studies, then download the appropriate set of weights
#' @param study must be one of the options shown at \url{https://www.nlsinfo.org/weights} like \code{c( "nlsy97" , "nlsy79" , "nlscya" , "nlsym" , "nlsom" , "nlsyw" , "nlsmw" )}
#' @param uona use "NO" if you want to weight using "the respondents are in ALL of the selected years" or "YES" for "the respondents are in ANY OR ALL of the selected years"
#' @param selections panel timepoints to use, as returned by \code{nls_get_selections}
#' @seealso \url{http://www.asdfree.com} for usage examples
#' @rdname nls
#' @export
nls_get_selections <-
		# study must be one of the options shown on https://www.nlsinfo.org/weights such as:
		# "nlsy97" , "nlsy79" , "nlscya" , "nlsym" , "nlsom" , "nlsyw" , "nlsmw"
		# for a particular study's weights page, download the contents of the page
		z <- httr::GET( paste0( "https://www.nlsinfo.org/weights/" , study ) )

		# de-construct the html
		doc <- XML::htmlParse( z )
		# look for all `input` blocks
		opts <- XML::getNodeSet( doc , "//input" )
		# look for all `name` attributes within input blocks
		all.name.values <- sapply( opts , XML::xmlGetAttr , "name" )
		# find all text containing the letters `SURV`
		all.surveys <- unlist( all.name.values[ grep( "SURV" , all.name.values ) ] )

		# and here are your year choices


#' @rdname nls
#' @export
nls_get_weights <-
		study , 
		# study must be one of the options shown on https://www.nlsinfo.org/weights such as:
		# "nlsy97" , "nlsy79" , "nlscya" , "nlsym" , "nlsom" , "nlsyw" , "nlsmw"

		uona , 
		# make contact with the weights page
		httr::GET( paste0( "https://www.nlsinfo.org/investigator/pages/search.jsp?s=" , toupper( study ) ) )
		httr::GET( paste0( "https://www.nlsinfo.org/weights/" , study ) )
		# initiate a `values` list containing the series of survey-year selections
		values <- as.list( rep( "1" , length( selections ) ) )
		# these are just ones.
		# rename each object within the list according to the survey-year
		names( values ) <- selections
		# add the use-or-not-and decision
		values[[ "USE_OR_NOT_AND" ]] <- uona

		# add a few form parameters that the server just expects, but never change.
		values[[ "form_id" ]] <- "weights_cohort_form"
		values[[ "op" ]] <- "Download"
		values[[ "tab-group-1" ]] <- 'years'

		values[[ "accept-charset" ]] <- "UTF-8"

		# determine the form-build-id
		bid <- httr::GET( paste0( "https://www.nlsinfo.org/weights/" , study ) , query = values )
		# de-construct the html
		doc <- XML::htmlParse( bid )
		# look for `input` blocks
		opts <- XML::getNodeSet( doc , "//input" )
		# find all `name` attributes within `input` blocks
		all.name.values <- sapply( opts , XML::xmlGetAttr , "name" )
		# find all `value` attributes within `input` blocks
		all.values <- sapply( opts , XML::xmlGetAttr , "value" )
		# determine the two form-build-id values
		form.build.id <- all.values[ all.name.values == 'form_build_id' ]
		# take the second form-build-id on the page
		values[[ "form_build_id" ]] <- form.build.id[ 2 ]

		# download the data
		x <- httr::POST( paste0( "https://www.nlsinfo.org/weights/" , study ) , body = values )

		# initiate a temporary file on the local disk
		tf <- tempfile()

		# save the zipped file contents on the local drive
		writeBin( httr::content( x , "raw" ) , tf )

		# unzip the file and store the filepath into the object `d`
		d <- unzip( tf )

		# determine the `.dat` file that's just been unzipped
		dat <- d[ grep( '.dat' , d , fixed = TRUE ) ]

		# read both columns into an R data.frame
		y <- read.table( dat , sep = " " , col.names = c( 'R0000100' , 'weight' ) )

		# delete the temporary file from the local disk
		unlink( tf )
		# delete all unzipped files from the local disk
		unlink( d )
		# return the data.frame containing the weights
ajdamico/lodown documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 7:15 a.m.