Man pages for akoyabio/phenoptrReports
Create reports using Phenoptics data

addin_10_mergeMerge cell seg data files
addin_20_consolidateConsolidate and summarize cell seg data files
addin_30_analysis_appRun the Analysis app
addin_35_spatial_map_viewerSpatial map viewer addin
addin_40_unmixing_qualityGenerate an unmixing quality (crosstalk) report for a...
addin_50_component_levelsGenerate a component levels report for a selected export...
addin_60_mean_of_top_and_bottom_cellsGenerate a "Mean of top and bottom cells" report for a...
addin_70_staining_consistency_reportGenerate a "Staining consistency" report for a selected merge...
choose_directoryCross-platform choose directory function.
choose_filesCross-platform choose files function
component_levels_reportCreate a component levels report for multiplex samples
compute_density_from_cell_summaryCompute cell densities from counts and tissue area
compute_density_from_tableCompute cell densities from counts and tissue area
compute_h_scoreCompute H-Score for a single marker aggregated by '.by'
compute_h_score_from_score_dataCompute H-Score based on parameters in a score data file
compute_mean_expressionCompute mean expression of cells for a single phenotype and...
compute_mean_expression_manyCompute mean expression of cells for multiple phenotypes and...
compute_positivityCompute positivity of a single phenotype
compute_positivity_manyCompute positivity of multiple phenotypes
consolidate_and_summarize_cell_seg_dataConsolidate cell seg data files from parallel projects and...
count_phenotypesCount phenotypes per slide and tissue category
counts_to_percentsConvert a count table to fractional percents
count_within_summarySummarize "count within" distances
discrete_colorsCreate a discrete palette with 'n' colors
mean_of_top_and_bottom_cellsCompute mean expression levels of the top and bottom...
mean_of_top_and_bottom_cells_reportCreate reports showing mean expression of top and bottom...
merge_cell_seg_filesMerge inForm output from multiple fields.
nearest_neighbor_mapMake a nearest neighbor map for a single field
nearest_neighbor_summarySummarize nearest neighbor distances
order_by_slide_and_tissue_categoryOrder a data frame by slide ID and tissue category, putting...
spatial_map_viewerRun the spatial map viewer with the given data file and...
split_phenotype_columnSplit a single phenotype column
split_phenotypesSplit all phenotype columns
staining_consistency_reportActually generate the staining consistency report
unmixing_quality_reportCreate an unmixing quality report for simplex samples
upset_plotCreate an UpSet plot showing the phenotype combinations...
write_counts_sheetWrite a cell counts table to an Excel workbook
write_count_within_sheetWrite a "count within" summary to an Excel workbook
write_density_sheetWrite a density table to an Excel workbook
write_expression_sheetWrite an expression table to an Excel workbook
write_h_score_sheetWrite an H-Score table to an Excel workbook
write_mean_of_top_and_bottom_chartsCreate summary charts from the results of...
write_nearest_neighbor_summary_sheetWrite a nearest neighbor summary to an Excel workbook
write_percents_sheetWrite a cell percent table to an Excel workbook
write_plot_sheetWrite a plot to an Excel workbook
write_session_infoWrite session info to a file
write_sheetWrite a single sheet with formatting common to all sheets.
write_summary_chartsCreate summary charts from the results of an analysis
write_summary_reportCreate a summary report for a cell seg data file
write_summary_sheetWrite a summary table to an Excel workbook
akoyabio/phenoptrReports documentation built on Jan. 17, 2022, 6:22 p.m.