
Defines functions CV_plots

Documented in CV_plots

#' CV plots
#' This function returns two different plots for the CV.
#' @param fit_FH fitted FH model.
#' @param label_direct label for the direct estimates.
#' @param label_FH label for FH estimates.
#' @param line benchmark CV level.
#' @param colline color of benchmark line.
#' @param color color of the two estimates.
#' @return two CV plots.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point aes labs scale_color_manual theme_minimal
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_minimal geom_hline geom_boxplot coord_flip
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_manual
#' @export

CV_plots <- function(fit_FH, label_direct = "Direct",
                     label_FH = "FH-MI", line = 20, colline = "red",
                     color = c("dodgerblue4", "#99CC00")) {

  plotList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
  names(plotList) <- c("CV_ordered", "CV_boxplot")

  area <- NULL
  cv <- NULL
  method <- NULL

  # Define a data frame with the different variables
  x <- data.frame(Direct = fit_FH$ind$direct[fit_FH$ind$ind == 0],
                  Var = fit_FH$MSE$Var[fit_FH$MSE$ind == 0],
                  FH = fit_FH$ind$EBLUP[fit_FH$ind$ind == 0],
                  MSE = fit_FH$MSE$MSE[fit_FH$MSE$ind == 0])

  x <- x[order(abs(sqrt(x$Var) / x$Direct)), ]
  x <- x[!is.na(x$Direct),]

  ggDat <- data.frame(
    predictions = c(x$Direct, x$FH),
    mse = c(x$Var, x$MSE),
    method = c(rep(label_direct, NROW(x)), rep(label_FH, each = NROW(x))),
    area = 1:NROW(x)

  ggDat$cv <- 100 * abs(sqrt(ggDat$mse) / ggDat$predictions)

  # Save plots
  if(!is.null(line)) {
    print((plotList[[paste("ordered", "EBLUP", sep = "_")]] <- ggplot(ggDat, aes(x = area, y = cv, colour = method)) +
             geom_point() + labs(x = "Domain (sorted by increasing CV of Direct)",
                                 y = "CV",
                                 colour = "Method") +
             scale_color_manual(values = color) + geom_hline(yintercept = line, size = 1,
                                                        linetype = 2, col = colline)))
    cat("Press [enter] to continue")
    line2 <- readline()

    print((plotList[[paste("boxplot", "EBLUP", sep = "_")]] <- ggplot(ggDat, aes(x = method, y = cv, fill = method)) +
             geom_boxplot() +
             coord_flip() +
             labs(x = NULL, y = "CV") +
             scale_fill_manual(name = "Method",
                               values = color) + geom_hline(yintercept = line, size = 1,
                                                        linetype = 2, col = colline)))
  } else if (is.null(line)) {
    print((plotList[[paste("ordered", "EBLUP", sep = "_")]] <- ggplot(ggDat, aes(x = area, y = cv, colour = method)) +
             geom_point() + labs(x = "Domain (sorted by increasing CV of Direct)",
                                 y = "CV",
                                 colour = "Method") +
             scale_color_manual(values = color) +
             theme_minimal(base_size = 25)))
    cat("Press [enter] to continue")
    line2 <- readline()

    print((plotList[[paste("boxplot", "EBLUP", sep = "_")]] <- ggplot(ggDat, aes(x = method, y = cv, fill = method)) +
             geom_boxplot() +
             coord_flip() +
             labs(x = NULL, y = "CV") +
             scale_fill_manual(name = "Method",
                               values = color) +
             theme_minimal(base_size = 25)))

akreutzmann/fayherriot documentation built on Aug. 19, 2019, 12:22 p.m.