
Defines functions point_emdi

# # Presents point estimates of an emdiObject
# #
# # Function \code{point_emdi} presents point estimates for regional
# # disaggregated indicators. This method enables to select for which indicators
# # the point estimates shall be returned.
# # @param object an object of type "emdi", representing point and
# # MSE estimates.
# # @param indicator optional character vector that selects which indicators
# # shall be returned: (i) all calculated indicators ("all");
# # (ii) each indicator name: "Mean" "Quantile_10", "Quantile_25", "Median",
# # "Quantile_75", "Quantile_90", "Head_Count", "Poverty_Gap", "Gini",
# # "Quintile_Share" or the function name/s of "custom_indicator/s";
# # (ii) groups of indicators: "Quantiles", "Poverty" or
# # "Inequality". Defaults to "all". Note, additional custom indicators can be
# # defined as argument for model-based approaches (\code{link{ebp}}) and do not
# # appear in groups of indicators even though these might belong to one of the
# # groups.
# # @return
# # an object of type "point.emdi" with point estimates per domain
# # obtained from \code{emdiObject$ind}. These objects contain two elements,
# # one data frame \code{ind} and a character naming the indicator or indicator
# # group \code{ind_name}.
# # @seealso \code{\link{emdiObject}}, \code{\link{ebp}}
# # @examples
# # # Loading data
# # data("Xoutsamp_AuxVar")
# # data("incomedata")
# #
# # # generate emdi object
# # set.seed(100); ebp <- ebp(income~educ1, Xoutsamp_AuxVar, "provlab",
# # incomedata, "provlab", 4500, "no", L = 2, MSE = TRUE, B = 2)
# #
# # # choose Gini coefficient
# # point(ebp, indicator = "gini")
# # # @export

point_emdi <- function(object, indicator = "all") {
  if (is.null(object$ind)) {
    stop('No estimates in object: method point not applicable')
  if ((ncol(object$ind) == 11) && any(indicator == "Custom" || indicator == "custom")) {
    stop('No individual indicators are defined. Either select other indicators or
         define custom indicators and generate a new emdi object. See also
         help(direct) or help(ebp).')

  if (any(indicator == "Quantiles") || any(indicator == "quantiles")) {
    indicator = c(indicator[!(indicator == "Quantiles"|| indicator == "quantiles")],
                  "Quantile_10", "Quantile_25", "Median", "Quantile_75", "Quantile_90")
  if (any(indicator == "poverty") || any(indicator == "Poverty")) {
    indicator = c(indicator[!(indicator == "poverty"|| indicator == "Poverty")], "Head_Count", "Poverty_Gap")

  if (any(indicator == "inequality") || any(indicator == "Inequality")) {
    indicator = c(indicator[!(indicator == "inequality" || indicator == "Inequality")],
                  "Gini", "Quintile_Share")

  if (any(indicator == "custom") || any(indicator == "Custom")) {
     indicator = c(indicator[!(indicator == "custom" || indicator == "Custom")],

  if(inherits(object, "fh")) {
    object$ind <- object$ind[, c("Domain", "Direct", "FH")]

  if (any(indicator == "all") || any(indicator == "All" )) {
    ind <- object$ind
    ind_name <- "All indicators"
  } else if (any(indicator == "fh") || any(indicator == "FH" )) {
    ind <- object$ind[, c("Domain", "FH")]
    ind_name <- "Fay-Herriot estimates"
  } else if (any(indicator == "Direct") || any(indicator == "direct" )) {
    ind <- object$ind[, c("Domain", "Direct")]
    ind_name <- "Direct estimates used in Fay-Herriot approach"
  } else {
    selection <- colnames(object$ind[-1]) %in% indicator
    ind <- object$ind[,c(TRUE, selection)]
    ind_name <- paste(unique(indicator), collapse = ", ")

  point_emdi <- list(ind = ind, ind_name = ind_name)
  class(point_emdi) <- "point.emdi"

akreutzmann/fayherriot documentation built on Aug. 19, 2019, 12:22 p.m.