Defines functions NGeDS

Documented in NGeDS

##################################### NGeDS ####################################
#' @title Geometrically Designed Spline regression estimation
#' @name NGeDS
#' @description
#' \code{NGeDS} constructs a Geometrically Designed  variable knots spline
#' regression model  referred to as a GeDS model, for a response having a Normal
#' distribution.
#' @param formula a description of the structure of the model to be fitted,
#' including the dependent and independent variables. See
#' \code{\link[=formula.GeDS]{formula}} for details.
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment containing the
#' variables of the model. If not found in \code{data}, the variables are taken
#' from \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which
#' \code{NGeDS} is called.
#' @param weights an optional vector of `prior weights' to be put on the
#' observations in the fitting process in case the user requires weighted GeDS
#' fitting. It should be \code{NULL} or a numeric vector of the same length as
#' the response variable in the argument \code{\link[=formula.GeDS]{formula}}.
#' @param beta numeric parameter in the interval \eqn{[0,1]} tuning the knot
#' placement in stage A of GeDS. See details.
#' @param phi numeric parameter in the interval \eqn{[0,1]} specifying the
#' threshold for the stopping rule  (model selector) in stage A of GeDS. See
#' also \code{stoptype} and details below.
#' @param min.intknots optional parameter allowing the user to set a minimum
#' number of internal knots required. By default equal to zero.
#' @param max.intknots optional parameter allowing the user to set a maximum
#' number of internal knots to be added by the GeDS estimation algorithm. By
#' default equal to the number of knots for the saturated GeDS model.
#' @param q numeric parameter which allows to fine-tune the stopping rule of
#' stage A of GeDS, by default equal to 2. See details.
#' @param Xextr numeric vector of 2 elements representing the left-most and
#' right-most limits of the interval embedding the observations of the first
#' independent variable. See details.
#' @param Yextr numeric vector of 2 elements representing the left-most and
#' right-most limits of the interval embedding the observations of the second
#' independent variable (if the bivariate GeDS is run). See details.
#' @param show.iters logical variable indicating whether or not to print 
#' information at each step.
#' @param stoptype a character string indicating the type of GeDS stopping rule
#' to be used. It should be either one of \code{"SR"}, \code{"RD"} or 
#' \code{"LR"}, partial match allowed. See details.
#' @return \code{\link{GeDS-Class}} object, i.e. a list of items that summarizes
#' the main details of the fitted GeDS regression. See \code{\link{GeDS-Class}}
#' for details. Some S3 methods are available in order to make these objects
#' tractable, such as \code{\link[=coef.GeDS]{coef}},
#' \code{\link[=deviance.GeDS]{deviance}}, \code{\link[=knots.GeDS]{knots}},
#' \code{\link[=predict.GeDS]{predict}} and \code{\link[=print.GeDS]{print}} as
#' well as S4 methods for \code{\link[=lines.GeDS]{lines}} and
#' \code{\link[=plot.GeDS]{plot}}.
#' @details
#' The  \code{NGeDS} function implements the GeDS methodology, recently
#' developed by Kaishev et al. (2016) and extended in the \code{\link{GGeDS}}
#' function for the more general GNM, (GLM) context, allowing for the response
#' to have any distribution from the Exponential Family. Under the GeDS approach
#' the (non-)linear predictor is viewed as a spline with variable knots which
#' are estimated along with the regression coefficients and the order of the
#' spline, using a two stage algorithm. In stage A, a linear variable-knot
#' spline is fitted to the data applying iteratively least squares  regression
#' (see \code{\link[stats]{lm}} function). In stage B, a Schoenberg variation
#' diminishing spline approximation to the fit from stage A is constructed, thus
#' simultaneously producing spline fits of order 2, 3 and 4, all of which are
#' included in the output, a \code{\link{GeDS-Class}} object.
#' As noted in \code{\link[=formula.GeDS]{formula}}, the argument \code{formula}
#' allows the user to specify models with two components, a spline regression
#' (non-parametric) component involving part of the independent variables
#' identified through the function \code{f} and an optional  parametric
#' component involving the remaining independent variables. For \code{NGeDS} one
#' or two independent variables are allowed for the spline component and
#' arbitrary many independent variables for the parametric component. Failure to
#' specify the independent variable for the  spline regression component through
#' the function \code{f} will return an error. See
#' \code{\link[=formula.GeDS]{formula}}.
#' Within the argument \code{formula}, similarly as in other R functions, it is
#' possible to specify one or more offset variables, i.e. known terms with fixed
#' regression coefficients equal to 1. These terms should be identified via the
#' function \code{\link[stats]{offset}}.
#' The parameter \code{beta} tunes the placement of a new knot in stage A of the
#' algorithm. Once a current second-order  spline is fitted to the data the
#' regression residuals are computed and grouped by their sign. A new knot is
#' placed  at a location defined by the group for which a certain measure
#' attains its maximum. The latter measure is defined as a weighted linear
#' combination of the range of each group and the  mean of the absolute
#' residuals within it. The parameter \code{beta} determines the weights in this
#' measure correspondingly as \code{beta} and \code{1 - beta}. The  higher it
#' is, the more weight is put to the mean of the residuals and the less to the
#' range of their corresponding x-values. The default value of \code{beta} is
#' \code{0.5}.
#' The argument \code{stoptype} allows to choose between three alternative
#' stopping rules for the knot selection in stage A of GeDS, the \code{"RD"},
#' that stands for \emph{Ratio of Deviances}, the \code{"SR"}, that stands for
#' \emph{Smoothed Ratio} of deviances and the \code{"LR"}, that stands for
#' \emph{Likelihood Ratio}. The latter is based on the difference of deviances
#' rather than on their ratio as in the case of \code{"RD"} and \code{"SR"}.
#' Therefore \code{"LR"} can be viewed as a log likelihood ratio test performed
#' at each iteration of the knot placement. In each of these cases the
#' corresponding stopping criterion is compared with a threshold value
#' \code{phi} (see below).
#' The argument \code{phi} provides a threshold value required for the stopping
#' rule to exit the knot placement in stage A of GeDS. The higher the value of
#' \code{phi}, the more knots are added under the \code{"RD"} and \code{"SR"}
#' stopping rules contrary to the case of the stopping rule \code{"LR"} where
#' the lower \code{phi} is, more knots are included in the spline regression.
#' Further details for each of the three alternative stopping rules can be found
#' in Dimitrova et al. (2023).
#' The argument \code{q} is an input parameter that allows to fine-tune the
#' stopping rule in stage A. It identifies the number of consecutive iterations
#' over which the deviance should exhibit stable convergence so as the knot
#' placement in stage A is terminated. More precisely, under any of the rules
#' \code{"RD"}, \code{"SR"}, or \code{"LR"}, the deviance at the current
#' iteration is compared to the deviance computed \code{q} iterations before,
#' i.e., before selecting the last \code{q} knots. Setting a higher \code{q}
#' will lead to more knots being added before exiting stage A of GeDS.
#' @examples
#' ###################################################
#' # Generate a data sample for the response variable
#' # Y and the single covariate X
#' set.seed(123)
#' N <- 500
#' f_1 <- function(x) (10*x/(1+100*x^2))*4+4
#' X <- sort(runif(N, min = -2, max = 2))
#' # Specify a model for the mean of Y to include only a component
#' # non-linear in X, defined by the function f_1
#' means <- f_1(X)
#' # Add (Normal) noise to the mean of Y
#' Y <- rnorm(N, means, sd = 0.1)
#' # Fit a Normal GeDS regression using NGeDS
#' (Gmod <- NGeDS(Y ~ f(X), beta = 0.6, phi = 0.995, Xextr = c(-2,2)))
#' # Apply some of the available methods, e.g.
#' # coefficients, knots and deviance extractions for the
#' # quadratic GeDS fit
#' # Note that the first call to the function knots returns
#' # also the left and right limits of the interval containing
#' # the data
#' coef(Gmod, n = 3)
#' knots(Gmod, n = 3)
#' knots(Gmod, n = 3, options = "internal")
#' deviance(Gmod, n = 3)
#' # Add a covariate, Z, that enters linearly
#' Z <- runif(N)
#' Y2 <- Y + 2*Z + 1
#' # Re-fit the data using NGeDS
#' (Gmod2 <- NGeDS(Y2 ~ f(X) + Z, beta = 0.6, phi = 0.995, Xextr = c(-2,2)))
#' coef(Gmod2, n = 3)
#' coef(Gmod2, onlySpline = FALSE, n = 3)
#' \dontrun{
#' ##########################################
#' # Real data example
#' # See Kaishev et al. (2016), section 4.2
#' data('BaFe2As2')
#' (Gmod2 <- NGeDS(intensity ~ f(angle), data = BaFe2As2, beta = 0.6, phi = 0.99, q = 3))
#' plot(Gmod2)
#' }
#' #########################################
#' # bivariate example
#' # See Dimitrova et al. (2023), section 5
#' # Generate a data sample for the response variable
#' # Z and the covariates X and Y assuming Normal noise
#' set.seed(123)
#' doublesin <- function(x){
#'  sin(2*x[,1])*sin(2*x[,2])
#' }
#' X <- (round(runif(400, min = 0, max = 3),2))
#' Y <- (round(runif(400, min = 0, max = 3),2))
#' Z <- doublesin(cbind(X,Y))
#' Z <- Z+rnorm(400, 0, sd = 0.1)
#' # Fit a two dimensional GeDS model using NGeDS
#' (BivGeDS <- NGeDS(Z ~ f(X, Y) , phi = 0.9, beta = 0.3,
#' Xextr = c(0, 3), Yextr = c(0, 3)))
#' # Extract quadratic coefficients/knots/deviance
#' coef(BivGeDS, n = 3)
#' knots(BivGeDS, n = 3)
#' deviance(BivGeDS, n = 3)
#' # Surface plot of the generating function (doublesin)
#' plot(BivGeDS, f = doublesin)
#' # Surface plot of the fitted model
#' plot(BivGeDS)
#' @seealso \link{GGeDS}; \link{GeDS-Class}; S3 methods such as \link{coef.GeDS},
#' \link{deviance.GeDS}, \link{knots.GeDS}, \link{print.GeDS} and
#' \link{predict.GeDS}; \link{Integrate} and \link{Derive}; \link{PPolyRep}.
#' @export
#' @references
#' Kaishev, V.K., Dimitrova, D.S., Haberman, S. and Verrall, R.J. (2016).
#' Geometrically designed, variable knot regression splines.
#' \emph{Computational Statistics}, \strong{31}, 1079--1105. \cr
#' DOI: \doi{10.1007/s00180-015-0621-7}
#' Dimitrova, D. S., Kaishev, V. K., Lattuada, A. and Verrall, R. J.  (2023).
#' Geometrically designed variable knot splines in generalized (non-)linear
#' models.
#' \emph{Applied Mathematics and Computation}, \strong{436}. \cr
#' DOI: \doi{10.1016/j.amc.2022.127493}

NGeDS <- function(formula, data, weights, beta = 0.5, phi = 0.99, min.intknots = 0,
                  max.intknots = 500, q = 2, Xextr = NULL, Yextr = NULL,
                  show.iters = FALSE, stoptype = "RD")
  # 1. Capture current function call and use formula's environment if 'data' is missing
  save <- match.call()
  if (missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
  # 2. Formula
  newdata <- read.formula(formula, data)
  X <- newdata$X                                    # GeDS covariates
  Y <- newdata$Y                                    # response
  offset <- newdata$offset                          # offset
  Z <- newdata$Z; if(!is.null(Z)) Z <- as.matrix(Z) # linear covariates
  ncz <- if(is.null(Z)) 0 else NCOL(Z)
  # 3. Weights
  # Prepare expression to dynamically extract 'weights', if available
  wn <- match("weights", names(save), 0L)
  wn <- save[c(1L,wn)]
  wn[[1L]] <- quote(list)
  # Evaluate expression in 'data' environment to retrieve 'weights'
  weights <- eval(wn, data, parent.frame())$weights
  # If no "weights" were provided 
  if(is.null(weights)) weights = rep(1,NROW(X))
  weights <- as.numeric(weights)
  if (any(weights < 0))  stop("Negative weights not allowed")
  # 4. Check arguments passed
  # 4.1. Check if Y, X, Z and weights lengths match
  if(is.null(Z)) {
    if(NROW(X) != length(Y) || NROW(X) != length(weights)) stop("length of 'X', 'Y' and 'weights' must match")
  } else {
    if(NROW(X) != length(Y) || NROW(X) != NROW(Z) || NROW(X) != length(weights)) stop("length of 'X', 'Y', 'Z' and 'weights' must match")
  # 4.2. Check if X and Y are NULL
  if(is.null(X) || is.null(Y)) stop("Null arguments cannot be passed to this function")
  # 4.3. Check beta, phi, max.intknots, q, show.iters
  # beta
  beta <- as.numeric(beta)
  if(beta > 1 || beta < 0) stop("'beta' should be a value in [0,1]")
  # phi
  phi <- as.numeric(phi)
  if(phi > 1 || phi < 0) stop("'phi' should be a value in [0,1]")
  # min/max.intknots
  if(missing(min.intknots)) min.intknots <- 0
  min.intknots <- as.integer(min.intknots)
  if(missing(max.intknots)) max.intknots <- length(unique(X)) - 2 - ncz
  max.intknots <- as.integer(max.intknots)
  # q
  q <- as.integer(q)
  # show.iters
  show.iters <- as.logical(show.iters)
  if(length(phi) != 1 || length(beta) != 1 || length(min.intknots) != 1 ||
     length(max.intknots) != 1 || length(q) != 1 || length(show.iters) != 1)
    stop("'phi', 'beta',  'max.intknots', 'q' and 'show.iters' must have length 1")
  # 4.4. Xextr and Yextr
  if(!is.null(Xextr) && length(Xextr) != 2) stop("'Xextr' must have length 2")
  if(!is.null(Yextr) && length(Yextr) != 2) stop("'Yextr' must have length 2")
  # 4.5. NA checks
  if (anyNA(X) || anyNA(Y) || anyNA(weights) || !is.null(Z) && anyNA(Z) || anyNA(offset)) {
    warning(if (!is.null(Z)) "NAs deleted from 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'offset' and 'weights'" 
            else "NAs deleted from 'X', 'Y', 'offset' and 'weights'")
    # Locate NAs
    tmp <- if (is.matrix(X) || is.data.frame(X)) apply(X, 1, anyNA) else is.na(X)
    tmp <- tmp | is.na(Y) | is.na(weights) | is.na(offset)
    if (!is.null(Z)) tmp <- tmp | apply(Z, 1, anyNA)
    # Remove rows with NAs
    if (is.matrix(X) || is.data.frame(X)) X <- X[!tmp, ]
    else X <- X[!tmp]
    Y <- Y[!tmp]
    if (!is.null(Z)) Z <- Z[!tmp, ]
    weights <- weights[!tmp]
    offset <- offset[!tmp]
  if(ncol(X) == 1) {
    # Order inputs
    idx <- order(X)
    X <- X[idx]
    Y <- Y[idx]
    weights <- weights[idx]
    offset <- offset[idx]
    if (!is.null(Z)) Z <- Z[idx, ]
    Xextr <- if (is.null(Xextr)) range(X) else as.numeric(Xextr)
    out <- UnivariateFitter(X = X, Y = Y, Z = Z, offset = offset, weights = weights,
                            beta = beta, phi = phi, min.intknots = min.intknots,
                            max.intknots = max.intknots, q = q, extr = Xextr,
                            show.iters = show.iters, stoptype = stoptype)
  } else if (ncol(X) == 2) {
    Indicator <- if(any(duplicated(X))) table(X[,1], X[,2]) else NULL 
    Xextr     <- if (is.null(Xextr)) range(X[,1]) else as.numeric(Xextr)
    Yextr     <- if (is.null(Yextr)) range(X[,2]) else as.numeric(Yextr)
    out <- BivariateFitter(X = X[,1], Y = X[,2], W = Z, Z = Y, weights = weights,
                           Indicator = Indicator, beta=beta, phi = phi,
                           min.intknots = min.intknots, max.intknots = max.intknots,
                           q = q, Xextr = Xextr, Yextr = Yextr, show.iters = show.iters,
                           stoptype = stoptype)
  } else {
    stop("Incorrect number of columns of the independent variable")
  out$Formula <- formula
  out$extcall <- save
  out$terms <- newdata$terms
  out$znames <- getZnames(newdata)
alattuada/GeDS documentation built on April 16, 2024, 6:23 a.m.