

Rcpp::sourceCpp(file = "../cpp/cpp_functions.cpp")
server <- function(input, output, session){

  values <- reactiveValues()
  plots <- reactiveValues()
  begin <- reactiveVal()
  observeEvent(eventExpr = values, once = TRUE, {
    # Set the initial value of the input directory to the first entry in the volumes list
    values$input_volumes <- c("Input"="../data/input","Home"="~/", "Root"="/")
    values$output_volumes <- c("Output"="../data/output","Home"="~/", "Root"="/")
    values$genome_volumes <- c("Genomes"="../data/genomes","Home"="~/", "Root"="/")
    values$index_volumes <- c("Indexes"="../data/indexes","Home"="~/", "Root"="/")

    #  values$genomes <- read.delim(file = "../data/genomes/genomes_new.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE, sep = ",", row.names= NULL, col.names = c("Description", "Version", "Dataset", "Status", "Interval.Status", "Genome.FASTA", "Bowtie.Index", "Gene.Sets"))
    values$genomes_dir <- "../data/genomes/"
    values$adapters_dir <- "../data/adapters/"
    values$genomes_file <- "genomes.txt"
    values$adapters_file <- "adapters.txt"
    values$adapters <- read.delim(file = paste(values$adapters_dir, values$adapters_file, sep = ""), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE, sep = "#", col.names = c("Adapter", "Description"))
    values$genomes <- read.delim(file = paste(values$genomes_dir, values$genomes_file, sep = ""), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names= NULL, col.names = c("Dataset", "Description", "Version", "Status", "Interval.Status", "Genome.FASTA", "Bowtie.Index", "Gene.Sets"))

    # Output directories
    values$input_dir <- values$input_volumes[[1]]
    values$output_dir <- values$output_volumes[[1]]
    values$trim_cmd <- "cutadapt --max-n=0 -m"
    values$align_cmd <- "bowtie -n2 -e1000 -l22 -k4 --best --strata -S --threads"
    #values$bt_options <- c("-n2", "-e1000", "-l22", "-k4", "--best", "--strata", "-S")

    # Only show the "Align dataset" button if a dataset has been selected
    toggleState(id = "use_dataset", condition = (!is.null(input$input_file) & !is.null(values$selected_genome)))

    # Only show the "View dataset" button if a dataset has been selected
    toggleState(id = "view_dataset", condition = !is.null(input$processed_file))

  output$input_dir <- renderText({
    # Print the dataset directory
    print("render directory name")

  output$output_dir <- renderText({
    # Print the Output directory
    print("render output directory name")

    print("getting input directory")
    # When the directory button is pressed, these run
    shinyDirChoose(input = input,
                   id = "find_input_dir",
    # Parse the result and save the output directory
      values$input_dir <- parseDirPath(roots = values$input_volumes,
                                       selection = input$find_input_dir)
    # Print the output directories

    print("getting output directory")
    # When the directory button is pressed, these run
    shinyDirChoose(input = input,
                   id = "find_output_dir",
    # Parse the result and save the output directory
      values$output_dir <- parseDirPath(roots = values$output_volumes,
                                        selection = input$find_output_dir)
    # Print the output directories

  observeEvent(values$input_dir, {
    # Update the file select box with the list of fastq files from the directory
    print("Update the file input box")
    updateSelectInput(session = session,
                      inputId = "input_file",
                      label = NULL,
                      choices = load_directory(dir = values$input_dir,
                                               filetypes = c("fastq", "fq")),
                      selected = NULL)

  observeEvent(values$output_dir, once = TRUE,{
    # Update the file select box with the list of processed datasets
    print("Update the output box")
    updateSelectInput(session = session,
                      inputId = "processed_file",
                      label = NULL,
                      choices = load_directory(dir = values$output_dir,
                                               filetypes = "",
                                               include_dirs = TRUE),
                      selected = NULL)
    # print("Sleep before making plots")
    # Sys.sleep(40)
    # print("Outputing the plots ...")
    # for(i in plots[["plot_list"]]){
    #   print(i)
    #   output[[i]] <- renderPlot({plots[[i]]})
    # }

  observeEvent(input$use_dataset, {
    print("Open the start modal")
    input_file <- input$input_file
    output$start_modal_title <- renderText({paste("File: ", input$input_file, sep = "")})

  ### Genome selector modal observers
  observeEvent(label = "Select genome modal",
               eventExpr = input$select_genome,
               priority = 100, {
                 print("Select genome")
                 output$genome_table <- renderTable(width = "100%" ,
                                                    rownames = TRUE,
                                                    spacing = "s",
                                                    expr =  {
                                                      new_table <- values$genomes
                                                        print("Changing values of new_table to OK")
                                                        new_table[,5:8][new_table[,5:8]!="None"] <- "OK"
                 print("Update the genome index")
                 update_genome_index(session = session,
                                     genomes = values$genomes)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$view_genome,
               label = "View genome details",
               priority = 0, {
                 print("View the genome details")
                 toggleElement(id = "genome_details")

  observeEvent(eventExpr = c(values$genomes[input$genome_index, 5:8],
               label = "Update genome details view",
               priority = -5, {
                 print("Update the genome view")
                 if(isolate(nrow(values$genomes) > 0)){
                   # Get the genome row
                   genome_row <- values$genomes[input$genome_index, ]

                   # Indicate if the genome intervals are ready
                   output$genome_interval_status <- renderUI({
                       return(HTML("<font color='red'>Incomplete</font>"))
                     } else {
                       return(HTML("<font color='green'>Ready</font>"))

                   # Check if gene sets are loaded
                     gene_list_choices <- make_choices(choices = strsplit(x = genome_row[["Gene.Sets"]],
                                                                          split = ";",
                                                                          fixed = TRUE)[[1]],
                                                       numbered = FALSE)
                     gene_list_choices <- c(" "= 0)}
                   updateSelectInput(session = session,
                                     inputId = "gene_list_status",
                                     choices = gene_list_choices)

                   # Check if the genome fasta location is set
                   output$genome_fasta_location <- renderUI({
                       return(HTML("<font color='red'>Incomplete</font>"))
                     } else {
                       return(HTML("<font color='green'>",genome_row[["Genome.FASTA"]],"</font>"))

                   # Check if the genome index location is set
                   output$genome_index_location <- renderUI({
                       return(HTML("<font color='red'>Incomplete</font>"))
                     } else {
                       return(HTML("<font color='green'>",genome_row[["Bowtie.Index"]],"</font>"))

                   # Find the genome fasta
                   shinyFileChoose(input = input,
                                   session = session,
                                   id = "genome_fasta_finder",
                                   roots = isolate(values$genome_volumes),
                                   filetypes = c("fasta", "fa"))

                   # Find the genome index
                   shinyDirChoose(input = input,
                                  session = session,
                                  id = "genome_index_finder",
                                  roots = isolate(values$index_volumes))

                   # Find gene lists
                   shinyFileChoose(input = input,
                                   session = session,
                                   id = "gene_list_finder",
                                   roots = isolate(values$genome_volumes),
                                   filetypes = c("txt", "tsv"))

  observeEvent(eventExpr =  input$genome_fasta_finder,
               label = "Fasta finder", {
                 print("Get the genome fasta file location")
                   fasta_location <- parseFilePaths(roots = values$genome_volumes, selection = input$genome_fasta_finder)
                   values$genomes[isolate(input$genome_index), "Genome.FASTA"] <- getAbsolutePath(as.character(fasta_location[["datapath"]]))

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$genome_index_finder,
               label = "Index finder", {
                 print("Get the genome index file location")
                   index_location <- parseDirPath(roots = values$index_volumes, selection = input$genome_index_finder)
                   #updateTextInput(session = session, inputId = "genome_index_finder", value = NULL)
                   values$genomes[isolate(input$genome_index), "Bowtie.Index"] <- getAbsolutePath(as.character(index_location))

  observeEvent(eventExpr = values$genomes,
               label = "Checking complete genome",
               priority = -10, {
                 print("Check if genome is complete")
                   values$genomes[,"Status"] <- check_for_complete_genome(genome = values$genomes)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$gene_list_finder,
               label = "Gene list finder", {
                 print("Get list of genes")
                   gene_list_location <- parseFilePaths(roots = values$genome_volumes, selection = input$gene_list_finder)
                     if(values$genomes[input$genome_index, "Gene.Sets"]=="None"){
                       values$genomes[[input$genome_index, "Gene.Sets"]] <- getAbsolutePath(gene_list_location[["datapath"]])
                     } else {
                       if(getAbsolutePath(gene_list_location[["datapath"]]) %in% strsplit(x = values$genomes[input$genome_index, "Gene.Sets"],
                                                                                          split = ";",
                                                                                          fixed = TRUE)[[1]]) return(NULL)
                       values$genomes[[input$genome_index, "Gene.Sets"]] <- paste(values$genomes[input$genome_index, "Gene.Sets"],
                                                                                  sep = ";")

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$remove_gene_list,
               label = "Remove gene list", {
                 print("Remove a gene list")
                 isolate(genome_row <- values$genomes[input$genome_index, ])
                 isolate(new_list <- paste(strsplit(x = genome_row[["Gene.Sets"]],
                                                    split = ";",
                                                    fixed = TRUE)[[1]][-(as.integer(input$gene_list_status))], collapse = ";"))
                 if(new_list=="") new_list <- "None"
                 isolate(values$genomes[input$genome_index, "Gene.Sets"] <- new_list)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$get_ensembl_genomes,
               label = "Get ensembl genomes", {
                 print("Get the list of ensembl datasets")

                 # Create a Progress object
                 values$progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
                 values$progress$set(message = "Getting datasets: ", value = 0)

                 # Get the list of ensembl datasets
                 values$ensembl_genome_index <- get_datasets_from_biomart(updateProgress = updateProgress)
                 update_ensembl_genome_index(session = session, genomes = values$ensembl_genome_index)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$add_genome,
               label = "Add genome", {
                 if(values$ensembl_genome_index[as.integer(input$ensembl_genome_index), "dataset"] %in% values$genomes[, "Dataset"])
                 values$genomes <- add_genome(genomes = values$genomes, new_genome = values$ensembl_genome_index[as.integer(input$ensembl_genome_index), ])
                 update_genome_index(session = session, genomes = values$genomes)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$remove_genome,
               label = "Remove genome", {
                 print("Remove a genome")
                   values$genomes <- values$genomes[-as.integer(input$genome_index), ]
                     row.names(values$genomes) <- 1:nrow(values$genomes)
                 update_genome_index(session = session, genomes = values$genomes)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$get_intervals,
               label = "Get intervals", {
                 print("Get gene intervals from ensembl")
                 genome <- values$genomes[isolate(input$genome_index), 3]
                 if(!check_for_intervals(path = values$genomes_dir, genome = genome)){
                   # Create a Progress object
                   values$progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
                   values$progress$set(message = "Getting Genome: ", value = 0)

                   # Getting ensembl intervals
                   get_ensembl_intervals(path = values$genomes_dir, genome = genome, updateProgress = updateProgress)
                 values$genomes[isolate(input$genome_index), 5] <- "OK"

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$save_genomes,
               label = "Save genomes", {
                 print("Save the genomes list")
                 success <- save_info(x = values$genomes,
                                      path = paste(values$genomes_dir,
                                                   sep = ""),
                                      delimeter = "\t",
                                      col_names = TRUE)
                   output$genome_changes_saved <- renderText(expr = {return("Saved")})

  # Clear the indicator after saving
  observeEvent(values$genomes, {output$genome_changes_saved <- renderText({" "})})

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$load_genome,
               label = "Load genome", {
                 print("Load the selected genome")
                 selected_genome <- values$genomes[input$genome_index, ]
                 if(selected_genome["Status"] == "Ready"){
                   # If the genome is ready
                   values$selected_genome <- selected_genome
                   output$selected_genome <- renderText({return(selected_genome[["Description"]])})
                 } else {
                   # If the genome isn't ready
                   values$selected_genome <- NULL
                   output$selected_genome <- renderText({"Select a complete genome!"})

  ### Adapter selector modal observers
  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$view_adapters,
               label = "View adapters", {
                 print("Viewing adapters modal")
                 output$adapter_table <- renderTable(expr =  values$adapters,
                                                     rownames = TRUE)
                 update_adapter_index(session = session,
                                      adapters = values$adapters)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$add_adapter,
               label = "Add adapter", {
                 print("Add an adapter")
                 values$adapters <- rbind(values$adapters, data.frame("Adapter"=input$add_adapter_sequence_input, "Description"=input$add_adapter_description_input))
                 update_adapter_index(session = session, adapters = values$adapters)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$remove_adapter,
               label = "Remove adapter", {
                 print("Remove an adapter")
                 values$adapters <- values$adapters[-c(as.numeric(input$adapter_index)), ]
                   row.names(values$adapters) <- 1:nrow(values$adapters)
                 update_adapter_index(session = session, adapters = values$adapters)

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$save_adapters,
               label = "Save adapters", {
                 success <- save_info(x = values$adapters,
                                      path = paste(values$adapters_dir,
                                                   sep = ""),
                                      delimeter = "#",
                                      col_names = FALSE)
                   output$adapter_changes_saved <- renderText(expr = {return("Saved")})

  observeEvent(values$adapters, {output$adapter_changes_saved <- renderText({" "})})

  ### Common functions

  # Close the modal
  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$close_modal, {removeModal()})

  ### Run the workflow on a dataset
  # show_plots <- function(){
  #   results <- eventReactive(input$show_plots,#input$begin_processing,
  #                            #label = "show_plts", #priority = 0,
  #                            {
  #                              print("Sleep before making plots")
  #                              Sys.sleep(40)
  #                              print("Outputing the plots ...")
  #                              for(i in plots[["plot_list"]]){
  #                                print(i)
  #                                output[[i]] <- renderPlot({plots[[i]]})
  #                              }
  #                            })
  # }

  # eventReactive(values$new_tabset, {
  #   appendTab(inputId = 'main',
  #             tab = values$new_tabset,
  #             select = FALSE)
  # })

  # makeNewTabs <- function(gene_set){
  #   eventReactive({
  #   create_new_tabset(name = gene_set)
  # })}

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$begin_processing, once = TRUE, label = "Make Tabs", priority = 5, handlerExpr = {
    values$gene_sets <- load_gene_sets(gene_sets = values$selected_genome[["Gene.Sets"]])
    print("Making the new tabsets")
    for(gene_set_ in names(values$gene_sets)){
      appendTab(inputId = 'main',
                tab = create_new_tabset(name = gene_set_),
                select = FALSE)
    values$begin <- TRUE

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$show_plots, #values$begin, #input$begin_processing,
               once = TRUE,
               label = "Show the plots",
               # priority = 0, ignoreInit = TRUE,
               handlerExpr = {
                 print("Outputing the plots ...")
                 output[["test_plot"]] <- renderImage({
                     # src = "/PACER/data/output/SRR5023999_100K_sample-_2018-06-03_01-20-39/Full/five_prime/five_prime_plot__Full__no_mm__both__positions.svg",
                     src = "/media/ab/HD4/PACER/data/output/SRR5023999_100K_sample-_2018-06-04_21-07-38/Full/five_prime/five_prime_plot__Full__shuffled_alignment__both__reads.png",
                     filetype = "image/png",
                     width = 'auto',
                     height = 'auto',
                     alt = "sample plot"
                 # for(i in plots[["plot_list"]]){
                 #   print(i)
                 #   output[[i]] <- renderPlot({plots[[i]]})
                 # }

  observeEvent(eventExpr = input$make_plots, #values$begin, #input$begin_processing,
               #once = TRUE,
               label = "Make the plots",
               priority = 0,
               ignoreInit = TRUE,
               handlerExpr = {
                 #### Toggle everything off!!
    # Create a Progress object
    # values$progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
    # values$progress$set(message = "Progress: ", value = 0)
    # on.exit(values$progress$close())

    # Get the current time
    values$timestamp <- get_timestamp()

    values$dataset_ID <- make_filename(filename = input$input_file,
                                       dataset_name = input$dataset_name)
    values$output_dir <- getAbsolutePath(create_output_dir(out_dir = values$output_dir,
                                                            name = paste(values$dataset_ID,
                                                                         gsub(pattern = ":",
                                                                              replacement = "-",
                                                                              x = values$timestamp[[1]][2]),
                                                                         sep = "_")))
    #withProgress(value = 0, message = "Generating alignments ...", {
    #  shiny::setProgress(value = .25, detail = "Working")
    values$bam_path <- align_reads(trim_cmd = values$trim_cmd,
                                   align_cmd = values$align_cmd,
                                   input_dir = getAbsolutePath(values$input_dir),
                                   input_file = input$input_file,
                                   output_dir = values$output_dir,
                                   adapters_file = paste(values$adapters_dir,
                                                         sep = "/"),
                                   index_dir = values$selected_genome[["Bowtie.Index"]],
                                   genome = values$selected_genome[["Version"]],
                                   cores = input$cores,
                                   dataset_ID = values$dataset_ID,
                                   min_length = input$get_range[[1]])
    ## Print the trimming and alignment logs to the UI
    output$trim_log <- renderUI({
      pre(includeText(paste(values$output_dir, '/trim.log', sep = '')))
    #output$trim_cmd <- renderUI({values$trim_cmd})
    output$align_log <- renderUI({
      pre(includeText(paste(values$output_dir, '/align.log', sep = '')))
    output$align_cmd <- renderUI({values$align_cmd})
    #shiny::setProgress(value = 1, detail = "Done")

    ### Load genome information
    #withProgress(min = 0, max = 1, message = "Filtering Alignments", expr = {

    ### Loading the genome data
    #incProgress(amount = .2, detail = "Loading intervals")
    values$genome_data <- load_genome_data(path = values$genomes_dir,
                                           genome = values$selected_genome[["Version"]])
    #incProgress(amount = .2, detail = "Loading gene sets")
    ### Ths is the gene sets loader - be sure to uncomment it if needed
    #values$gene_sets <- load_gene_sets(gene_sets = values$selected_genome[["Gene.Sets"]])
    ### Load alignment
    #incProgress(amount = .2, detail = "Loading alignments")
    values$alignments <- load_alignments(path = values$bam_path)

    ### Filter alignments by size
    #incProgress(amount = .1, detail = "Filtering alignment sizes")
    values$alignments <- filter_alignments_by_size(alignments = values$alignments,
                                                   minimum = input$get_range[[1]],
                                                   maximum = input$get_range[[2]])

    ### Filter overrepresented reads
    #incProgress(amount = .1, detail = "Filtering overrpreseented reads")
    values$alignments <- remove_overrepresented_sequences(alignments = values$alignments,
                                                          cutoff = input$read_cutoff)

    ### Get the read and genome sequence
    #incProgress(amount = .1, detail = "Get the read sequences")
    values$alignments <- get_genome_sequence(gr = values$alignments,
                                             genome_sequence = load_fasta_genome(
                                               path = values$selected_genome[['Genome.FASTA']]

    ### Create 3 sets of alignments based on the mismatch fields
    #incProgress(amount = .1, detail = "Filtering mismatches")
    mismatch_indexes <- filter_BAM_tags(values$alignments)
    values$two_mm <- values$alignments[mismatch_indexes$two_mm]
    values$no_mm <- values$alignments[mismatch_indexes$no_mm]
    values$no_mm_in_seed <- values$alignments[mismatch_indexes$no_mm_seed]

    ###### Start the loops to make each plot here
    strand_filter <- c("+", "-")
    position_filter <- c(FALSE, TRUE)
    length_filter <- c(input$get_range[[1]]:input$get_range[[2]])
    alignments_sets <- c("two_mm", "no_mm", "no_mm_in_seed", "shuffled_alignment")
    region_filter <- c("sense", "antisense", "both")

    ### Create a shuffled alignment and get the new read sequence
    values$shuffled_alignment <- shuffle_alignments(alignments = values$no_mm,
                                                    intervals = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
                                                    antisense = TRUE)
    values$shuffled_alignment <- get_genome_sequence(gr = values$shuffled_alignment,
                                                     genome_sequence = load_fasta_genome(
                                                       path = values$selected_genome[['Genome.FASTA']]
    plots[["plot_list"]] <- c()

    for (gene_set_ in names(values$gene_sets[1])){
      filtered_genes <- filter_by_gene(gr = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
                                       gene_list = values$gene_sets[[gene_set_]],
                                       invert = FALSE)
      values$five_prime_dir <- create_output_dir(out_dir = paste0(values$output_dir,
                                                 name = 'five_prime')
      # appendTab(inputId = 'main',
      #           tab = create_new_tabset(name = gene_set_),
      #           select = FALSE)
      # values[["new_tabset"]] <- create_new_tabset(name = gene_set_)

      # makeNewTabs(gene_set_)

      # insertUI(selector = paste0("#","row1_", input$add),
      #          where = "afterEnd",
      #          ui =
      # )

      for (alignment_set_ in alignments_sets){
        gr_alignment_set_ <- values[[alignment_set_]]

        for (regions_ in region_filter){
          gr_regions <- filter_by_regions(gr = gr_alignment_set_,
                                          type = regions_,
                                          regions = filtered_genes)

          for (position_ in position_filter){
            if(position_ == TRUE){

              gr_position <- filter_unique_positions(gr = gr_regions)
              position_name <- "positions"
            if(position_ == FALSE){
              gr_position <- gr_regions
              position_name <- "reads"}

            print("make the plot name")

            plot_name <- paste(gene_set_, alignment_set_, regions_, position_name, sep="__")

            print("make the plot")
            # ### This is the main plot function - be sure to uncomment it
            plots[[paste0("five_prime_plot__", plot_name)]] <- five_prime_plot(gr = gr_position)
            # plots[[paste0("five_prime_plot__", plot_name)]] <- ggplot2::ggplot()
            # ###
            print("save the plot")

            # save('gr_regions',
            #      file = 'gr_regions.RData',
            #      ascii = FALSE)

            #a <- plots[[paste0("five_prime_plot__", plot_name)]]
            #save(a, file = 'plots.RData', ascii = FALSE)

            # ### Uncomment this to save files
            save_plot(p = plots[[paste0("five_prime_plot__", plot_name)]],
                      path = values$five_prime_dir,
                      label = paste0("five_prime_plot__", plot_name))

            insertUI(selector = paste0("#","five_prime_plot__",
                     where = "beforeEnd",
                     ui = create_new_output(ID = paste0("five_prime_plot__",
                     immediate = FALSE)

            plots[["plot_list"]] <- append(x = plots[["plot_list"]],
                                           values = paste0("five_prime_plot__", plot_name))

            # a <- paste0("five_prime_plot__", plot_name)
            # output[[a]] <- renderPlot({
            #   plots[[a]]
            # })

            # output$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both__22nt_5prime <- renderPlot({
            #   plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both__22nt_5prime})

    print("go to sleep")

    # for(i in plots[["plot_list"]][[1]]){
    #   print(i)
    #   output$test_plot <- renderPlot({plots[[i]]})
    #   #Sys.sleep(50)
    # }
    #a <- plots[["plot_list"]][[1]]
    #output$test_plot <- renderPlot({plots[[a]]})

    print("wake up")
    # show_plots()
    # values$make_plots <- TRUE
    ### Start of the good figures
    #       incProgress(amount = .2, detail = "Filtering regions")
    #       values$two_mm__both <- filter_by_regions(alignments = values$two_mm,
    #                                              regions = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #                                              type = "both")
    #       values$two_mm__sense <- filter_by_regions(alignments = values$two_mm,
    #                                                regions = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #                                                type = "sense")
    #       values$two_mm__antisense <- filter_by_regions(alignments = values$two_mm,
    #                                                regions = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #                                                type = "antisense")
    #       print('print(values$alignments)')
    #       print(values$alignments)
    #       print('The length of values$two_mm is: ')
    #       print(length(x = print(values$two_mm)))
    #       #print(values$two_mm)
    #       #print(values$no_mm)
    #       #print(values$no_mm_in_seed)
    #       print('making the plots')
    #       print('making the plots two_mm')
    #       print(width(values$two_mm))
    #       print(strand(values$two_mm))
    #       print(mcols(values$two_mm))
    #       print("shuffled")
    #       print(values$shuffled)
    #       ## Create the output directory for the 5' plots
    #       values$five_prime_dir <- create_output_dir(out_dir = values$output_dir,
    #                                                  name = 'five_prime')
    #       print(values$five_prime_dir)
    #       plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both <- five_prime_plot(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__both)
    #       plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense <- five_prime_plot(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__sense)
    #       plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense <- five_prime_plot(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__antisense)
    #       save_plot(p = plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both,
    #                 path = values$five_prime_dir,
    #                 label = 'five_prime_plot__two_mm__both')
    #       save_plot(p = plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense,
    #                 path = values$five_prime_dir,
    #                 label = 'five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense')
    #       save_plot(p = plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense,
    #                 path = values$five_prime_dir,
    #                 label = 'five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense')
    #       output$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both <- renderPlot({plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both})
    #       output$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense <- renderPlot({plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense})
    #       output$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense <- renderPlot({plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense})
    #       ### Create datasets with 5' ends assigned to 22nt reads
    #       values$two_mm__both__22nt_5prime <- assign_5prime_to_a_length(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__both,
    #         primary_length = 22)
    #       values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime <- assign_5prime_to_a_length(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__antisense,
    #         primary_length = 22)
    #       values$two_mm__sense__22nt_5prime <- assign_5prime_to_a_length(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__sense,
    #         primary_length = 22)
    #       plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both__22nt_5prime <- five_prime_plot(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__both__22nt_5prime)
    #       plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense__22nt_5prime <- five_prime_plot(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__sense__22nt_5prime)
    #       plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime <- five_prime_plot(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime)
    #       save_plot(p = plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both__22nt_5prime,
    #                 path = values$five_prime_dir,
    #                 label = 'five_prime_plot__two_mm__both__22nt_5prime')
    #       save_plot(p = plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense__22nt_5prime,
    #                 path = values$five_prime_dir,
    #                 label = 'five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense__22nt_5prime')
    #       save_plot(p = plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime,
    #                 path = values$five_prime_dir,
    #                 label = 'five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime')
    #       output$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both__22nt_5prime <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__both__22nt_5prime})
    #       output$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense__22nt_5prime <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__sense__22nt_5prime})
    #       output$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$five_prime_plot__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime})
    #       ### Create the dataset with the gene overlap counts
    #       print("create the dataframe with gene overlap counts")
    #       values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts <- count_overlaps_by_width(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime,
    #         regions = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #         overlap = "antisense",
    #         normalized = FALSE)
    #       values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts_base_22 <- count_overlaps_by_width_and_base(
    #         gr = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime,
    #         regions = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #         overlap = "antisense",
    #         normalized = FALSE,
    #         alignment_width = 22,
    #         base_col = 'five')
    #       #print(values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts_base_22)
    #       ## Create the output directory for the scatter plots
    #       values$scatter_dir <- create_output_dir(out_dir = values$output_dir,
    #                                                  name = 'scatter')
    #       print(values$scatter_dir)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_15 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 15)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_16 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 16)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_17 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 17)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_18 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 18)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_19 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 19)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_20 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 20)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_21 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 21)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_23 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 23)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_24 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 24)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_25 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 25)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_26 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 26)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_27 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 27)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_28 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 28)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_29 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 29)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_30 <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts,
    #         x = 22,
    #         y = 30)
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22A <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts_base_22,
    #         x = 'G',
    #         y = 'A')
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22C <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts_base_22,
    #         x = 'G',
    #         y = 'C')
    #       plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22T <- scatter_plot(
    #         df = values$two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__overlap_counts_base_22,
    #         x = 'G',
    #         y = 'T')
    #       ### Get sequences for alignments with no mismatches
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_15,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_15')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_16,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_16')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_17,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_17')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_18,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_18')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_19,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_19')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_20,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_20')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_21,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_21')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_23,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_23')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_24,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_24')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_25,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_25')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_26,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_26')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_27,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_27')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_28,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_28')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_29,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_29')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_30,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_30')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22A,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22A')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22C,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22C')
    #       # save_plot(p = plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22T,
    #       #           path = values$scatter_dir,
    #       #           label = 'scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22T')
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_15 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_15})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_16 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_16})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_17 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_17})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_18 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_18})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_19 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_19})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_20 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_20})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_21 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_21})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_23 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_23})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_24 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_24})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_25 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_25})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_26 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_26})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_27 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_27})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_28 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_28})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_29 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_29})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_30 <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22_30})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22A <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22A})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22C <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22C})
    #       output$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22T <- renderPlot({
    #         plots$scatter__two_mm__antisense__22nt_5prime__22G_22T})
    #       ### Create alignments with no mismatches in the seed region
    #       values$seq_logo_dir <- create_output_dir(
    #         out_dir = values$output_dir,
    #         name = 'seq_logos')
    #       values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled <- shuffle_alignments(
    #         alignments = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         intervals = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #         antisense = TRUE)
    #       values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled <- get_genome_sequence(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         genome_sequence = load_fasta_genome(
    #           path = values$selected_genome[['Genome.FASTA']]))
    #       values$no_mm_in_seed <- filter_by_regions(
    #         alignments = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         regions = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #         type = "antisense")
    #       #print(values$no_mm_in_seed)
    #       #print(values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled)
    #       plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__20nt <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         shuffled_gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         length = 20,
    #         five_prime_base = NULL)
    #       plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__21nt <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         shuffled_gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         length = 21,
    #         five_prime_base = NULL)
    #       plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__22nt <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         shuffled_gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         length = 22,
    #         five_prime_base = NULL)
    #       plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__23nt <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         shuffled_gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         length = 23,
    #         five_prime_base = NULL)
    #       plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__24nt <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         shuffled_gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         length = 24,
    #         five_prime_base = NULL)
    #       plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__25nt <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         shuffled_gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         length = 25,
    #         five_prime_base = NULL)
    #       plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__26nt <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #         gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #         shuffled_gr = values$no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #         length = 26,
    #         five_prime_base = NULL)
    #       output$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__20nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__20nt)
    #         })
    #       output$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__21nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__21nt)
    #       })
    #       output$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__22nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__22nt)
    #       })
    #       output$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__23nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__23nt)
    #       })
    #       output$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__24nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__24nt)
    #       })
    #       output$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__25nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__25nt)
    #       })
    #       output$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__26nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__26nt)
    #       })
    #       ### Create alignments with no mismatches
    #       values$phasing_dir <- create_output_dir(
    #         out_dir = values$output_dir,
    #         name = 'phasing')
    #       values$no_mm__overlapping_genes <- filter_by_regions(
    #         alignments = values$no_mm,
    #         regions = values$genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #         type = "both")
    #       plots$phasing__no_mm__22nt <- phasing_plot(gr = values$no_mm__overlapping_genes,
    #                                                               length = 22,
    #                                                               start_base = 'G')
    #       plots$phasing__no_mm__26nt <- phasing_plot(gr = values$no_mm__overlapping_genes,
    #                                                  length = 26,
    #                                                  start_base = 'G')
    #       output$phasing__no_mm__22nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$phasing__no_mm__22nt)
    #       })
    #       output$phasing__no_mm__26nt <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$phasing__no_mm__26nt)
    #       })
    #       ### Create alignments with no mismatches
    #       values$offsets_dir <- create_output_dir(
    #         out_dir = values$output_dir,
    #         name = 'offsets')
    #       values$no_mm__5prime_22nt <- assign_5prime_to_a_length(gr = values$no_mm__overlapping_genes,
    #                                                              primary_length = 22)
    #       TEMP <- values$no_mm__5prime_22nt
    #       save('TEMP',
    #            file = 'no_mm__5prime_22nt.RData',
    #            ascii = FALSE)
    #       plots$offsets__no_mm__5prime_22nt__sense <- offset_plot(gr = values$no_mm__overlapping_genes,
    #                                                        primary_length = 22,
    #                                                        maximum_offset = 10,
    #                                                        overlap_type = 'sense')
    #       plots$offsets__no_mm__5prime_22nt__antisense <- offset_plot(gr = values$no_mm__overlapping_genes,
    #                                                        primary_length = 22,
    #                                                        maximum_offset = 10,
    #                                                        overlap_type = 'antisense')
    #       output$offsets__no_mm__5prime_22nt__sense <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$offsets__no_mm__5prime_22nt__sense)
    #       })
    #       output$offsets__no_mm__5prime_22nt__antisense <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$offsets__no_mm__5prime_22nt__antisense)
    #       })
    #       ### Create alignments with no mismatches
    #       values$heatmaps_dir <- create_output_dir(
    #         out_dir = values$output_dir,
    #         name = 'heatmaps')
    #       values$no_mm__5prime_longest <- assign_5prime_to_longer(
    #         gr = values$no_mm)
    #       values$no_mm__shuffled__5prime_longest <- assign_5prime_to_longer(
    #         gr = values$no_mm__shuffled)
    #       TEMP <- values$no_mm__5prime_longest
    #       save('TEMP',
    #            file = 'no_mm__5prime_longest.RData',
    #            ascii = FALSE)
    #       values$no_mm__shuffled__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__pos <- calculate_heatmaps(
    #         gr = values$no_mm__shuffled__5prime_longest,
    #         length = 22,
    #         strand = NULL)
    #       values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__pos <- calculate_heatmaps(
    #         gr = values$no_mm__5prime_longest,
    #         length = 22,
    #         strand = "+")
    #       values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__neg <- calculate_heatmaps(
    #         gr = values$no_mm__5prime_longest,
    #         length = 22,
    #         strand = "-")
    #       values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__pos <- subtract_heatmap_background(
    #         gr = values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__pos,
    #         bg = values$no_mm__shuffled__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__pos)
    #       values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__neg <- subtract_heatmap_background(
    #         gr = values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__neg,
    #         bg = values$no_mm__shuffled__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__pos)
    #       plots$heatmaps__no_mm__22nt__pos <- heatmap_plot(
    #         heatmap_data = values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__pos)
    #       plots$heatmaps__no_mm__22nt__neg <- heatmap_plot(
    #         heatmap_data = values$no_mm__5prime_longest__hm__22nt__neg)
    #       output$heatmaps__no_mm__22nt__pos <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$heatmaps__no_mm__22nt__pos)
    #       })
    #       output$heatmaps__no_mm__22nt__neg <- renderPlot({
    #         grid.draw(x = plots$heatmaps__no_mm__22nt__neg)
    #       })

    #### End of the good figures

    # save_plot(p = plots$seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__23nt,
    #           path = values$seq_logo_dir,
    #           label = 'seq_logo__no_mm_in_seed__antisense__23nt')

    # plots$no_mm_in_seed__23 <- seq_logo_comparisons(
    #   gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #   shuffled_gr = no_mm_in_seed__shuffled,
    #   length = 23,
    #   five_prime_base = NULL)

    # two_mm_five_prime <- make_length_plots(gr = values$two_mm,
    #                        path = paste(values$output_dir,
    #                                     '/five_prime',
    #                                     sep = ''),
    #                        label = "two_mm__five_prime")
    # output$two_mm_five_prime <- renderPlot({two_mm_five_prime})
    # no_mm_five_prime <- make_length_plots(gr = values$no_mm,
    #                                 path = paste(values$output_dir,
    #                                              '/five_prime',
    #                                              sep = ''),
    #                                 label = "no_mm__five_prime")
    # output$no_mm_five_prime <- renderPlot({no_mm_five_prime})
    # no_mm_in_seed_five_prime <- make_length_plots(gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #                                 path = paste(values$output_dir,
    #                                              '/five_prime',
    #                                              sep = ''),
    #                                 label = "no_mm_in_seed__five_prime")
    # output$no_mm_in_seed_five_prime <- renderPlot({no_mm_in_seed_five_prime})
    # shuffled_five_prime <- make_length_plots(gr = values$shuffled,
    #                                               path = paste(values$output_dir,
    #                                                            '/five_prime',
    #                                                            sep = ''),
    #                                               label = "shuffled__five_prime")
    # output$shuffled_five_prime <- renderPlot({shuffled_five_prime})

    # print('making the plots no_mm')
    # make_length_plots(gr = values$no_mm,
    #                   path = paste(values$output_dir,
    #                                '/five_prime',
    #                                sep = ''),
    #                   label = "no_mm__all_genes")
    # print('making the plots no_mm_in_seed')
    # make_length_plots(gr = values$no_mm_in_seed,
    #                   path = paste(values$output_dir,
    #                                '/five_prime',
    #                                sep = ''),
    #                   label = "no_mm_in_seed__all_genes")

    # output$fivepp_all <- renderPlot({
    #   print('making the plot')
    #   p = make_length_plots(gr = values$two_mm,
    #                         path = paste(values$output_dir,
    #                                      '/five_prime/',
    #                                      sep = ''),
    #                         label = 'two_mm__all_genes')
    #   print('printing the plot')
    #   print(p)
    #   return(NULL)
    # })
    #make_length_plots(gr = values$two_mm, path = values$output_dir, label = "two_mm")
    #make_length_plots(gr = values$no_mm, path = values$output_dir, label = "no_mm")
    #make_length_plots(gr = values$no_mm_in_seed, path = values$output_dir, label = "no_mm_in_seed")

    # strvalues$selected_genome
    # for(i in values$selected_genome)
    # {
    # }


# alignments <- filter_alignments(alignments = alignments,
    #                                 regions = genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #                                 regions_filter = "both",
    #                                 minimum = length_range["minimum"],
    #                                 maximum = length_range["maximum"])

    #gene_lists <- load_gene_lists(path = paste(getwd(),"genomes",genome, sep = "/"), gene_lists_files = genome_files[[genome]]$gene_list_files)

    # genome_data <- load_genome_data(path = "data/genomes", genome = "WBcel235")
    # #genome_data <- load_genome_data(path = paste(getwd(),"data/genomes", sep="/"), genome = genome)
    # genome_sequence <- load_fasta_genome(path = paste(getwd(),"genomes",genome,as.character(genome_files[[genome]]$genome_file), sep="/"))
    # gene_lists <- load_gene_lists(path = paste(getwd(),"genomes",genome, sep = "/"), gene_lists_files = genome_files[[genome]]$gene_list_files)
    # ## Load and filter the main alignment file
    # #alignments <- load_alignments(path = alignment_file)
    # alignments <- load_alignments(path = "data/output/WT_early_rep1/two_seed_mm_SRR5023999.bam")
    # alignments <- filter_alignments(alignments = alignments,
    #                                 regions = genome_data[["gene_intervals"]],
    #                                 regions_filter = "both",
    #                                 minimum = length_range["minimum"],
    #                                 maximum = length_range["maximum"],
    # trim_cmd <- make_trim_command(input_dir = getAbsolutePath(values$input_dir),
    #                                       output_dir = values$output_dir,
    #                                       dataset_ID = values$dataset_ID,
    #                                       input_file = input$input_file,
    #                                       adapter_file = paste(values$adapters_dir,
    #                                                            values$adapters_file,
    #                                                            sep = "/"),
    #                                       min_length = input$get_range[[1]])
    # print(trim_cmd)
    # print(input$cores)

    # values$trim_output <- run_trimmer(output_dir = values$output_dir,
    #                                   dataset_ID = values$dataset_ID,
    #                                   trim_cmd = trim_cmd)

    # write_data_to_TSV(data = trim_log,
    #                   path = values$output_dir,
    #                   filename = paste(values$dataset_ID,
    #                                    ".trim.log",
    #                                    sep = ""))

### Listeners
#align_dataset_listener <- reactive({input$align_dataset})
#view_results_listener <- reactive({input$view_results})
#begin_processing_listener <- reactive({input$begin_processing})

#select_genome_listener <- reactive({input$select_genome})
#load_genome_listener <- reactive({input$load_genome})
#view_genome_listener <- reactive({input$view_genome})
#get_ensembl_genomes_listener <- reactive({input$get_ensembl_genomes})
#add_genome_listener <- reactive({input$add_genome})
#remove_genome_listener <- reactive({input$remove_genome})
#get_intervals_listener <- reactive({input$get_intervals})
#check_complete_genome_listener <- reactive({values$genomes})
#remove_gene_list_listener <- reactive({input$remove_gene_list})
#update_genome_view_listener <- reactive({values$update_genome_view})
#genome_fasta_finder_listener <- reactive({ input$genome_fasta_finder})
#genome_index_finder_listener <- reactive({ input$genome_index_finder})
#gene_list_finder_listener <- reactive({input$gene_list_finder})
#save_genomes_listener <- reactive({input$save_genomes})
#load_genome_listener <- reactive({input$load_genome})
#nrow_genomes_listener <- reactive({values$genomes})
#view_adapters_listener <- reactive({input$view_adapters})
#add_adapter_listener <- reactive({input$add_adapter})
#remove_adapter_listener <- reactive({input$remove_adapter})
#save_adapters_listener <- reactive({input$save_adapters})

#output$adapter_changes_saved <- renderText({" "})

# output$input_dir <- renderText({
#   # If a save directory is selected, display the name of the save directory
#   return(values$input_dir)
# })

# # Get the current time
# timestamp <- strsplit(x = as.character(Sys.time()), split = " ")
# # Make the full output directory with timestamp
# values$output_dir <- paste(values$save_dir, "/", timestamp[[1]][1], "_", timestamp[[1]][2], sep = "")
alb202/PACER documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:05 a.m.