
# compute the influence area

filepath <- "/home/lagee/Documents/alber/test/hysplitsimulations/all_co2"

HYSPLIT.COLNAMES <- c("V1", "V2", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "min", 
                      "V8", "V9", "lat", "lon", "height", "pressure") 

lon.range <- c(-80, -30) # range(hs.df[, "lon"])
lat.range <- c(-40, 10) # range(hs.df[, "lat"])

# build a list of sites and years
hsfiles <- list.files(filepath) <-, unique(lapply(hsfiles, function(x){
  spl <- strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]]
  return(c(spl[1], spl[2]))

countNeig <- function(egrid){
  ord.df <- egrid[with(egrid, order(xcol, ycol)), ] <- matrix(ord.df$logfreq, byrow = FALSE, nrow = max(ord.df$ycol))
  res <- list()
  counter <- 1
  for(i in 1:nrow({
    for(j in 1:ncol({
      nacount <- 0
      for(l in (i-1):(i+1)){
        for(k in (j-1):(j+1)){
          if(l > 0 && k > 0){
            if(l <= nrow( && k <= ncol({
              if([l, k])){
                nacount <- nacount + 1
            }else{nacount <- nacount + 1}
          }else{nacount <- nacount + 1}
      res[[counter]] <- c(i, j, nacount)
      counter = counter + 1
  return(, res))

#siteyear <-[1, ]
compInfArea <- function(siteyear, filepath){
  # filter files by site and year
  files <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(siteyear[1], "_", siteyear[2]), full.names = TRUE)
  # read hyspit files into a dataframe  
  hs.df <- cqmaTools::files2df(file.vec = files, header = FALSE, skip = 7, cnames = HYSPLIT.COLNAMES)
  hs.df <-, hs.df)
  # create grid (2D) 
  # - WGS84
  # - Origin site coordinates
  # - xy resolution 1 degree
  ll.res <- 2                                               # grid resolution in degrees
  grid.origin <- unlist(hs.df[1, c("lon", "lat")])
  lon.grid <- sort(c(seq(from = grid.origin[1], to = lon.range[2], by = ll.res), seq(from = grid.origin[1], to = lon.range[1], by = -ll.res)[-1]))
  lat.grid <- sort(c(seq(from = grid.origin[2], to = lat.range[2], by = ll.res), seq(from = grid.origin[2], to = lat.range[1], by = -ll.res)[-1]))
  #ll.grid <- expand.grid(lon.grid, lat.grid)
  #colnames(ll.grid) <- c("lon", "lat")
  # add a column with grid ID - add the grid ID to each vertex on each trajectory
  hs.df["gridX"] <- findInterval(hs.df$lon, lon.grid)
  hs.df["gridY"] <- findInterval(hs.df$lat, lat.grid)
  hs.df["gridXY"] <- paste0(hs.df$gridX, "-", hs.df$gridY)
  # sum the grid ID
  trajden <-$gridXY), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(trajden) <- c("crid", "freq")
  trajden <- cbind(trajden,, strsplit(trajden$crid, split = "-")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(trajden) <- c("crid", "freq", "xcol", "ycol")
  trajden$xcol <- as.numeric(trajden$xcol)
  trajden$ycol <- as.numeric(trajden$ycol)
  trajden <- trajden[, c("xcol", "ycol", "freq")]
  # remove extreme values
  trajden <- trajden[trajden$xcol != 0,]
  trajden <- trajden[trajden$ycol != 0,]
  # build grid
  egrid <- expand.grid(1:(max(trajden$xcol) - 1), 1:(max(trajden$ycol) - 1))
  colnames(egrid) <- c("xcol", "ycol")
  # joins grids
  egrid <- merge(egrid, trajden, by = c("xcol", "ycol"), all.x = TRUE)
  #---- filter ----
  #egrid[$freq), "freq"] <- 0
  #egrid[egrid$freq < 2, "freq"] <- NA
  # - - - - - - 
  egrid$ycol <-  abs(egrid$ycol - (max(egrid$ycol) + 1)) # invert the y-axis
  egrid <- egrid[order(egrid$ycol, egrid$xcol),] # order by lon & lat
  egrid$logfreq <- log(egrid$freq)
  # filter
  egrid$logfreq[egrid$logfreq < 5.5 ] <- NA
  nacount <-
  colnames(nacount) <- c("ycol", "xcol", "naneigh")
  egrid <- merge(egrid, nacount)
  egrid$logfreq[egrid$naneigh > 6 ] <- NA

  # plot the grid
  egrid <- egrid[with(egrid, order(ycol, xcol)), ]
  raster.dat <- egrid$logfreq # egrid$freq # 1:length(r1[])
  raster.dat[raster.dat < 2] <- NA
  r1 <- raster(nrows = 1:(max(trajden$xcol) - 1), 
               ncols = 1:(max(trajden$ycol) - 1),
               xmn = min(lon.grid), 
               xmx = max(lon.grid),
               ymn = min(lat.grid),
               ymx = max(lat.grid))
  r1[] <- raster.dat
  # build a convex hull
  rmat <- rasterToPoints(r1)
  chrows <- grDevices::chull(x = rmat[,"x"], y = rmat[,"y"])
  chrows <- c(chrows, chrows[1])
  #plot(r1, main = paste(siteyear, collapse = " "))
  nbreaks <- 10
  #hist(log(egrid$freq), breaks = nbreaks)
  d <- r1
  intBreaks <- seq(2, 8,length.out=nbreaks) 
  plot( d, 
        col = rev(heat.colors(nbreaks)),
        breaks = intBreaks, main = paste(siteyear, collapse = " ")) 
  lines(rmat[chrows,], col = "red")
  maps::map("world", xlim = lon.range, ylim = lat.range, add = TRUE)
# minimim value of a cell 0
# maximum value of a cell 12 flask * 14 days * 24 hours * 4 sample per hour = 16128

# analyze one site & one year
#siteyear <-[1, ]

hotspots <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow({
  siteyear <-[i, ]
  hotspots[[paste0(siteyear, collapse = "-")]] <- compInfArea(siteyear, filepath)
albhasan/cqmaTools documentation built on Dec. 12, 2023, 9:25 a.m.