
Defines functions tam.mml.wle2

Documented in tam.mml.wle2

## File Name: tam.mml.wle2.R
## File Version: 0.869

tam.mml.wle2 <- function( tamobj, score.resp=NULL, WLE=TRUE, adj=.3, Msteps=20,
            convM=.0001, progress=TRUE, output.prob=FALSE, pid=NULL,
    CALL <- match.call()
    iweights <- NULL
    #--- process input data
    res <- tam_mml_wle_proc_input_data( tamobj=tamobj, score.resp=score.resp )
    AXsi <- res$AXsi
    B <- res$B
    resp <- res$resp
    resp.ind <- res$resp.ind
    resp_ind_bool <- resp.ind==1
    nitems <- res$nitems
    nstud <- res$nstud
    ndim <- res$ndim
    maxK <- res$maxK
    pweights <- res$pweights
    if ( is.null(pid)){
        pid <- res$pid
        if ( ! is.null(score.resp)){
            pid <- rep(NA, nrow(score.resp) )
    pweights <- tam_mml_wle_pweights(score.resp=score.resp, pweights=pweights)

    A <- res$A
    xsi <- res$xsi

    #*** readjust in case of WLE
    if (WLE){
        adj <- 0

    col.index <- rep( 1:nitems, each=maxK )
    cResp <- resp[, col.index  ]*resp.ind[, col.index ]
    cResp <- 1 * t( t(cResp)==rep(0:(maxK-1), nitems) )
    if (!is.null(iweights)){
        B1 <- B*iweights
    } else {
        B1 <- B
        iweights <- rep(1, nitems)

    cB <- t( matrix( aperm( B1, c(2,1,3) ), nrow=dim(B)[3], byrow=TRUE ) )
    cB[is.na(cB)] <- 0
    #Compute person sufficient statistics (total score on each dimension)
    PersonScores <- cResp %*% cB

    #Compute possible maximum score for each item on each dimension
    maxBi <- apply(B1, 3, tam_rowMaxs, na.rm=TRUE)

    #Compute possible maximum score for each person on each dimension
    PersonMax <- resp.ind %*% maxBi
    PersonMax[ PersonMax==0 ] <- 2 * adj

    #Adjust perfect scores for each person on each dimension
    ind_max <- which(PersonScores==PersonMax)
    PersonScores[ind_max] <- PersonScores[ind_max] - adj

    #Adjust zero scores for each person on each dimension
    ind0 <- which(PersonScores==0)
    PersonScores[ind0] <- PersonScores[ind0] + adj

    #Calculate Axsi. Only need to do this once.
    # for (i in 1:nitems) {
    #  for (k in 1:maxK){
    #    AXsi[i,k] <- ( A[i,k,] %*% xsi )
    #  }
    # }

    #Initialise theta (WLE) values for all students
    if (is.null(theta_init)){
        theta <- log((PersonScores+.5)/(PersonMax-PersonScores+1))
            #log of odds ratio of raw score
    } else {
        theta <- as.matrix( theta_init )

    #Compute WLE
    #similar to the M step in the tam function, but each student's theta vector is now one node.
    converge <- FALSE
    Miter <- 0
    BB <- array (0, dim=c(nitems,maxK,ndim,ndim))
    BBB <- array (0, dim=c(nitems,maxK,ndim))
    for (i in 1:nitems) {
      for (k in 1:maxK) {
        BB[i,k,,] <- B[i,k,] %*% t(B[i,k,])
        BBB[i,k,] <- BB[i,k,,] %*% B[i,k,]
    BL <- matrix(B, nitems*maxK, ndim)
    BBL <- matrix(BB, nitems*maxK, ndim*ndim)
    BBBL <- matrix(BBB, nitems*maxK, ndim)

    increment <- array(0, dim=c(nstud,ndim))
    old_increment <- 3 + increment

    #******** Begin iterations
    while (!converge & ( Miter <=Msteps ) ) {

        resWLE <- tam_mml_calc_prob( iIndex=1:nitems, A=A, AXsi=AXsi, B=B,
                    xsi=xsi, theta=theta, nnodes=nstud, maxK=maxK, recalc=FALSE,
                    use_rcpp=TRUE, maxcat=max(maxK), avoid_outer=TRUE )
        rprobsWLE <- resWLE$rprobs

        rprobsWLEL <- matrix(rprobsWLE, nrow=nitems*maxK, ncol=nstud )
        rprobsWLEL[is.na(rprobsWLEL)] <- 0

        resB <- tam_rcpp_wle_suffstat( RPROBS=rprobsWLEL, CBL=BL, CBB=BBL,
                    CBBB=BBBL, cndim=ndim, cnitems=nitems, cmaxK=maxK,
                    cnstud=nstud, resp_ind=resp.ind )
        B_bari <- array(resB$B_bari, dim=c(nstud, nitems,ndim))
        BB_bari <- array(resB$BB_bari, dim=c(nstud, nitems, ndim, ndim))
        BBB_bari <- array(resB$BBB_bari, dim=c(nstud, nitems, ndim))

      B_Sq <- array(resB$B_Sq,dim=c(nstud, nitems, ndim, ndim))
      B2_B <- array(resB$B2_B,dim=c(nstud, nitems, ndim))
      B_Cube <- array(resB$B_Cube,dim=c(nstud, nitems, ndim))
      expected <- colSums(aperm(B_bari,c(2,1,3)))
      err <- colSums(aperm(BB_bari,c(2,1,3,4))) - colSums(aperm(B_Sq, c(2,1,3,4)))  #sum over the items

      if (ndim==1) {
        # err_inv <- apply(err,1,function(x) 1/x )
        err_inv <- 1 / err
      } else {
        ## diag err_i=forall i
        diag_ind <- cbind(rep(1:nstud, each=ndim), 1:ndim, 1:ndim)
        err[diag_ind] <- err[diag_ind]+1E-15
        errl <- matrix(err, nrow=nstud, ncol=ndim*ndim)
        err_inv <- tam_rcpp_wle_errinv( myERR=errl, cndim=ndim, cnstud=nstud )

      err_inv <- array(abs(err_inv),dim=c(nstud,ndim,ndim))
      warm <- -3*B2_B + 2*B_Cube + BBB_bari
      warmadd <- colSums(aperm(warm,c(2,1,3)))  #sum over the items
      scores <- PersonScores - expected
      if (WLE) {
        warmaddon <- array(0,dim=c(nstud,ndim))
        for (d1 in 1:ndim) {
          warmaddon[,d1] <- 0
          for (d2 in 1:ndim) {
            warmaddon[,d1] <- warmaddon[,d1] + err_inv[,d1,d2]*warmadd[,d2]
        scores <- scores + warmaddon/2.0

      increment <- array(0, dim=c(nstud,ndim))
      for (d1 in 1:ndim) {
        increment[,d1] <- 0
        for (d2 in 1:ndim) {
          increment[,d1] <- increment[,d1] + err_inv[,d1,d2]*scores[,d2]

      # dampening the increment
      for ( d1 in 1:ndim){
        #       increment[,d1] <- ifelse( abs(increment[,d1]) > 3, sign( increment[,d1] )*3, increment[,d1] )
        ci <- ceiling( abs(increment[,d1]) / ( abs( old_increment[,d1]) + 1e-10 ) )
        increment[,d1] <- ifelse( abs( increment[,d1]) > abs(old_increment[,d1]),
                                  increment[,d1] )
#        old_increment[,d1] <- increment[,d1]
        old_increment[,d1] <- .95 * old_increment[,d1]
        # avoid NaNs in increment
        increment[,d1] <- ifelse( is.na(increment[,d1] ), 0, increment[,d1] )
        # increment[abs(increment)>3] <- sign(increment[abs(increment)>3])*3

      theta <- theta + increment
      if ( max(abs(increment)) < convM ) {
        converge <- TRUE

      Miter <- Miter + 1

      if (progress){
        cat( paste( "Iteration in WLE/MLE estimation ", Miter,
                      "  | Maximal change ", round( max(abs(increment)), 4), "\n" ))
    }  # end of Newton-Raphson

    res <- tam_mml_wle_postproc( ndim=ndim, err_inv=err_inv, theta=theta, pid=pid,
                resp.ind=resp.ind, PersonScores=PersonScores, PersonMax=PersonMax,
                adj=adj, WLE=WLE, rprobsWLE=rprobsWLE, output.prob=output.prob,
                progress=progress, pweights=pweights, CALL=CALL, B=B,
                score.resp=score.resp )
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.