
Defines functions tam_mml_wle_postproc

## File Name: tam_mml_wle_postproc.R
## File Version: 0.25

tam_mml_wle_postproc <- function(ndim, err_inv, theta, pid, resp.ind,
    PersonScores, PersonMax, adj, WLE, rprobsWLE, output.prob, progress,
    pweights, CALL, B, score.resp)
    #standard errors of theta estimates
    if (ndim==1) {
        error <- apply(err_inv,1,sqrt)
    } else {
        error <- aperm(apply(sqrt(err_inv),1,diag), c(2,1))
    # The output contains
    #   Person Scores on the test, by dimension
    #   Person possible maximum score, by dimension (Each person could take
    #    different items, so possible maximum could vary)
    #   WLE or MLE estimate, by dimension
    #   Standard errors of WLE/MLE estimates, by dimension

    dimlabels <- substring( 100+1:ndim, 2)

    if ( ndim> 1){
        colnames(error) <- paste0("error.Dim", dimlabels )
    res <- data.frame( "pid"=pid,
                    "PersonMax"=PersonMax, "theta"=theta, error )

    if (ndim==1){
        colnames(res)[4:5] <- c("PersonMax", "theta")
    if (ndim>1){
        colnames(res)[ 1:ndim + 2] <- paste0("PersonScores.Dim", dimlabels )
        ind <- grep( "theta", colnames(res) )
        colnames(res)[ind] <- paste0("theta.Dim", dimlabels )
    # correct personMax set theta and standard error to missing
    # if there are no observations on one dimension
    ind1 <- grep("PersonMax", colnames(res))
    check1 <- ( res[, ind1, drop=FALSE]==2*adj )
    ind2 <- grep("theta", colnames(res))
    D <- length(ind1)
    for (ii in 1:D){
        res[ check1[,ii], ind2[ii] ] <- NA
    ind2 <- grep("error", colnames(res))
    for (ii in 1:D){
        res[ check1[,ii], ind2[ii] ] <- NA
    #--- WLE reliability and average error variance
    M_sq_error <- rep(NA,ndim)
    names(M_sq_error) <- paste0("Dim",1:ndim)
    WLEvar <- WLEM <- M_sq_error
    if (WLE){
        w1 <- "WLE"
    } else {
        w1 <- "MLE"
    if ( ndim==1 ){
        ind <- which( res$N.items > 0 )
        WLE.rel <- WLErel(theta=theta, error=error, w=pweights, select=ind)
        if (progress){
            cat("----\n", w1,"Reliability=", round(WLE.rel,3),"\n" )
        res$WLE.rel <- rep( WLE.rel, nrow(res) )
        M_sq_error[1] <- weighted_mean( error[ind]^2, pweights[ind] )
        WLEM[1] <- weighted_mean( theta[ind], pweights[ind] )
        WLEvar[1] <- weighted_var( theta[ind], pweights[ind] )
    if ( ndim>1 ){
        for (dd in 1:ndim){
            dimlabel_dd <- dimlabels[dd]
            ind1 <- paste0("theta.Dim", dimlabel_dd )
            ind2 <- paste0("error.Dim", dimlabel_dd )
            h1 <- WLErel( theta=res[,ind1], error=res[,ind2], w=pweights )
            res[, paste0("WLE.rel.Dim", dimlabel_dd ) ] <- h1
            if (progress){
                cat(paste0(w1, " Reliability (Dimension", dd, ")=", round(h1,3) ), "\n" )
            M_sq_error[dd] <- weighted_mean( res[,ind2]^2, pweights)
            WLEM[dd] <- weighted_mean( res[,ind1], pweights)
            WLEvar[dd] <- weighted_var( res[,ind1], pweights )

    #--- check identifiability
    res0 <- tam_mml_wle_check_identifiability(B=B)
    res <- as.data.frame(res)
    attr(res,"ndim") <- ndim
    attr(res,"nobs") <- nrow(res)
    attr(res,"M_sq_error") <- M_sq_error
    attr(res,"WLEvar") <- WLEvar
    attr(res,"WLEM") <- WLEM
    #--- collect reliabilities
    i1 <- grep( "WLE.rel", colnames(res), fixed=TRUE )
    if (ndim==1){
        attr(res,"WLE.rel") <- res[[i1]][1]
    } else {
        v1 <- as.numeric(res[1,i1])
        names(v1) <- colnames(res)[i1]
        attr(res,"WLE.rel") <- v1
    attr(res,"call") <- CALL
    class(res) <- c("tam.wle","data.frame")
    if (output.prob){
        res <- as.list(res)
        res$probs <- rprobsWLE
    #--- OUTPUT
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.