
## File Name: tam_jml_wle.R
## File Version: 9.330

#-- WLE in JML estimation
tam_jml_wle <- function ( tamobj, resp, resp.ind, A, B, nstud, nitems, maxK, convM,
            PersonScores, theta, xsi, Msteps, WLE=FALSE,
            theta.fixed=NULL, progress=FALSE, output.prob=TRUE, damp=0,
            version=2, theta_proc=NULL)

    AXsi <- matrix(0, nrow=nitems, ncol=maxK)
    B1 <- B[,,1]
    BB <- array(0, dim=c(nitems,maxK))
    BBB <- array(0, dim=c(nitems,maxK))
    B_bari <- array(0,dim=c(nstud, nitems))
    BB_bari <- array(0, dim=c(nstud, nitems))
    BBB_bari <- array(0,dim=c(nstud, nitems))
    B_Sq <- array(0,dim=c(nstud, nitems))
    B2_B <- array(0,dim=c(nstud, nitems))
    B_Cube <- array(0,dim=nstud)

    #Calculate Axsi. Only need to do this once for ability estimates.
    for (i in 1L:nitems) {
        for (k in 1L:maxK){
            AXsi[i,k] <- ( A[i,k,] %*% xsi )
    if (version==3){
        AXsi[ is.na(AXsi) ] <- -99
        B[ is.na(B) ] <- 0
    cat("\n MLE/WLE estimation        |")

    #Compute WLE
    #similar to the M step in the tam function, but each student's theta is now one node.
    convergeWLE <- FALSE
    iterWLE <- 0
    BB <- B1^2
    BBB <- BB * B1
    # BB    [ nitems, maxK ]
    # BBB    [ nitems, maxK ]
    maxChangeWLE <- 0
    if (! is.matrix(theta)){
        theta <- matrix( as.matrix(theta), ncol=1 )
    thetaOld <- theta

a0 <- Sys.time()

    while (!convergeWLE & ( iterWLE <=Msteps ) ){
        if (version==2){
            resWLE <- tam_mml_calc_prob(iIndex=1L:nitems, A=A, AXsi=AXsi,
                            B=B, xsi=xsi, theta=theta, nnodes=nstud, maxK=maxK, recalc=FALSE )
            rprobsWLE <- resWLE$rprobs
            rprobsWLE[ is.na(rprobsWLE) ] <- 0
        if (version==3){
            res <- tam_rcpp_tam_jml_calc_probs(theta=as.vector(theta), AXsi=AXsi,
                        B=B[,,1], maxK=maxK, resp_ind=resp.ind )
            rprobsWLE <- array(res$probs, dim=c(nitems,maxK,nstud))

        if (version==2){
            B_bari <- B1[,1] * rprobsWLE[, 1, ]
            BB_bari <- BB[,1] * rprobsWLE[, 1, ]
            for (kk in 2L:maxK){
                B_bari <- B_bari + B1[,kk]*rprobsWLE[,kk,]
                BB_bari <- BB_bari + BB[,kk] * rprobsWLE[, kk, ]
            B_bari <- t(B_bari) * resp.ind
            BB_bari <- t(BB_bari) * resp.ind
        if (version==3){
            res <- tam_rcpp_tam_jml_wle_bbari( rprobs=as.vector(rprobsWLE), B1=B1,
                        BB=BB, maxK=maxK, resp_ind=resp.ind)
            B_bari <- res$B_bari
            BB_bari <- res$BB_bari

        # B_bari.OLD <- sapply(1L:nitems, function(i) colSums(B1[i,] * rprobsWLE[i,,], na.rm=TRUE)) * resp.ind
        # B1        [ nitems, maxK ]
        # rprobsWLE [ nitems, maxK, nstud ]
        # resp.ind  [ nstud, nitems ]
        # colSums(B1[i,] * rprobsWLE[i,,], na.rm=TRUE))
        #    -> colSums( [ maxK, nstud ] )=[nstud]
        # B_bari    [ nstud, nitems ]

        B_Sq <- B_bari^2
        expected <- rowSums(B_bari, na.rm=TRUE)
        err <- rowSums(BB_bari, na.rm=TRUE) - rowSums(B_Sq, na.rm=TRUE)  #sum over the items
        err_inv <- abs(1/err)
        scores <- PersonScores - expected

        if (WLE) {
            BBB_bari <- BBB[,1] * rprobsWLE[, 1, ]
            for (kk in 2L:maxK){
                BBB_bari <- BBB_bari + BBB[,kk] * rprobsWLE[, kk, ]
            BBB_bari <- t(BBB_bari) * resp.ind
            B2_B <- BB_bari*B_bari
            B_Cube <- B_Sq*B_bari
            warm <- -3*B2_B + 2*B_Cube + BBB_bari
            warmadd <- rowSums(warm, na.rm=TRUE)                 #sum over the items
            warmaddon <- err_inv*warmadd
            scores <- scores + warmaddon/2.0
        }  # end WLE
        increment <-  err_inv*scores

        if (maxChangeWLE < max(abs(increment))){
            maxChangeWLE <- max(abs(increment))

        increment[abs(increment)>3] <- sign(increment[abs(increment)>3])*3

        if ( ! is.null(theta.fixed ) ){
            increment[ theta.fixed[,1] ] <- 0

        theta <- theta + increment
        if ( max(abs(increment)) < convM ) {
            convergeWLE <- TRUE
        iterWLE <- iterWLE + 1
        cat( "-"  )

    }  # end of Newton-Raphson

    if (damp>0){
        theta <- (1-damp)*theta+damp*thetaOld


    if (!is.null(theta_proc)){
        theta <- theta_proc(theta=theta)

    meanChangeWLE <- mean(theta - thetaOld)
    #standard errors of theta estimates
    errorWLE <- sqrt(err_inv)
    if ( ! is.null(theta.fixed ) ){
        errorWLE[ theta.fixed[,1] ] <- 0

    res <- list( "theta"=theta, "errorWLE"=errorWLE, "meanChangeWLE"=meanChangeWLE)
    return (res)

tam.jml.WLE <- tam_jml_wle
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.