
Defines functions write.so

Documented in write.so

#' Write a text representation of a data frame
#' `write.so` writes a call to produce—and when possible, assign—the specified
#' data frame to the console or a specified connection. The function used to
#' recreate the data frame in the output is determined by the class of the
#' input. Names for assignment are taken from names found in the argument to
#' `x`. If no name is found, the call is returned without assignment.
#' `write_so` is an alias; data frame class is determined by input class.
#' @param x A data frame to write.
#' @param file A connection or filename to which to print; passed to [`cat`].
#' @param write_clip Logical. Write result to clipboard?
#' @param indent The number of spaces by which to indent column definitions.
#' @param tbl_fun The character function name to use to create tibbles, i.e.
#'     `"tibble"`. Ignored for other cases.
#' @return Prints the call to produce the input to the specified connection;
#'     returns the call invisibly.
#' @examples
#' write.so(head(iris), write_clip = FALSE)
#' @export
write.so <- function(x, file = stdout(),
                     write_clip = getOption("read.so.write_clip", TRUE),
                     indent = getOption("read.so.indent", 4),
                     tbl_fun = c("tibble")){
    name <- substitute(x)
    name <- lapply(name, function(n){    # search call for name
        if (is.name(n) && tryCatch(!is.function(eval(n)),
                                   error = function(e) FALSE)) {
        if (is.call(n)) Recall(n[[2]])    # recurse on args
    name <- name[!vapply(name, is.null, logical(1))]    # remove nulls
    name <- if (length(name) > 0) name[[1]] else NULL
    tbl_fun <- match.arg(tbl_fun)

    dput_string <- paste(utils::capture.output(dput(x)), collapse = " ")
    dput_string <- gsub("(<.*?>)", '"\\1"', dput_string)    # quote pointers
    dput_call <- parse(text = dput_string)

    df_class <- eval(dput_call[[1]]$class)
    if ("tbl" %in% df_class) {
        df_fun <- tbl_fun
    } else {
        df_fun <- df_class[[1]]    # for data.tables

    df_call <- dput_call[[1]][[2]]
    df_call[[1]] <- as.name(df_fun)

    indent <- paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse = "")

    # deparse column vectors individually
    cols <- vapply(
            col_text <- paste(deparse(col), collapse = "")
            gsub("\\s+", " ", col_text)    # remove tabs
    # collapse deparsed columns to single string
    cols <- paste(names(cols), cols, sep = " = ", collapse = paste0(",\n", indent))
    # re-add data.frame call
    df_text <- paste0(df_fun, "(\n", indent, cols, "\n)")

    if (is.name(name)) {    # skip assigment if no name
        df_text <- paste(name, "<-", df_text)
        df_call <- bquote(.(name) <- .(df_call))

    cat(df_text, file = file)

    if (write_clip) {


#' @rdname write.so
#' @export
write_so <- write.so
alistaire47/read.so documentation built on April 23, 2020, 12:50 p.m.