
Defines functions combineEnsemble.fn

Documented in combineEnsemble.fn

#' Samples from each ensemble model 
#' @param models  A list of SS_ouput models
#' @param param   The name of the parameter to be combined (does not include year)
#' @param element The list element to get param from (e.g., derived_quants, parameters)
#' @param yrs     The yrs of the parameter to summarize.  If NULL, it will either include all years, or the param does not have a year.
#' @param useCov  logical to determine if covariance are filled in the covariance matrix. If false, only standard errors are used and covariances are zero.
#' @param totN    Total number of samples of combined models
#' @param wts     Weights applied to each model when combining. This is normalized, so can be any number. A single number means equal weights (default)
#' @param asList  Will keep the sample from each model as a list element.  By default it is FALSE, but will be changed to true if the variables are not the same for each model (which would occur if some are not estimated in a model)
#' @export
combineEnsemble.fn <- function(models, param="SSB", element="derived_quants", yrs=NULL, useCov=F, totN=1e6, wts=1, asList=FALSE, logSpace=FALSE, logBiasCorr = TRUE) {

	if(length(wts)==1) wts<-rep(wts,length(models))
	wts <- wts/sum(wts)
	eachN <- totN * wts

	colNames <- switch(element,
		               derived_quants = c("Value","StdDev"),
		               parameters = c("Value","Parm_StDev"),
		               stop("'element' must be 'derived_quants' or 'parameters'.\n"))
	#paste together year and param so that each param has a year
	if(length(param)>1 & !is.null(yrs)) {
		params <- NULL
		for(i in 1:length(param)) {
			params <- c(params,paste(param[i],yrs,sep="_"))
		param <- params
		yrs <- NULL
	#get the values desired
	vals <- lapply(models,function(x,e,p,y,cn) {
								if(is.null(y)) {
									out <- getVals.fn(x[[e]], param=p, cols=cn)
								} else {
									out <- getVals.fn(x[[e]], param=paste(p,y,sep="_"),cols=cn)
	        }, e=element, p=param, y=yrs, cn=colNames)

	#test that there are rows with that parameter name
	test <- any(unlist(lapply(vals,function(x){all(is.na(x[,1]))})))
	if(test) {
		stop("For at least one model, none of the parameters and/or years are present\n")
	#test that there are rows with estimated SD
	test <- any(unlist(lapply(vals,function(x){all(is.na(x[,2]))})))
	if(test) {
		stop("For at least one model, none of the parameters were estimated. Try including a parameter estimated in all models.\n")

	lens <- unlist(lapply(vals,nrow))
	if(any(lens != lens[1])) {
		asList <- TRUE

	if(asList) {
		samps <- vector(length=length(models),mode="list")
	} else {
		samps <- NULL
	for(i in 1:length(models)) {
		sig <- diag(nrow(vals[[i]]))
		diag(sig) <- vals[[i]][,colNames[2]]^2
		sig[is.na(sig)] <- 0
		rownames(sig) <- colnames(sig) <- rownames(vals[[i]])
		if(useCov) {
			#now fill in covariances if desired
			sig <- getCov.fn(models[[i]], rownames(vals[[i]]))
		#test for positive definite and create multivariate normal sample
		tmp <- createSample.fn(eachN[i], vals[[i]][,colNames[1]],sig, , logSpace=logSpace, logBiasCorr=logBiasCorr)
		rownames(tmp) <- paste("Model",i,1:eachN[i],sep="_")
		if(asList) {
			samps[[i]] <- tmp
			colnames(samps[[i]]) <- rownames(vals[[i]])
		} else {
			samps <- rbind(samps, tmp)			

	if(!asList) {
		colnames(samps) <- rownames(vals[[1]])		

allanhicks/Ensemble documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:37 a.m.