
Defines functions execute_attachment_fetch

#' Execution engine loop for all the fetch commands
#' @param self The R6 connection object.
#' @param id A message id obtained inside the main loop in \code{fetch_attachments_int}.
#' @param id_folder The name of the folder containing the message id.
#' @param content_disposition A \code{string} indicating which type of
#'   "Content-Disposition" attachments should be retrieved. The options are
#'   \code{both}, \code{attachment}, and \code{inline}. Default is
#'   \code{"both"}, which retrieves regular attachments ("Content-Disposition:
#'   attachment") and  inline attachments ("Content-Disposition: inline").
#' @param override A \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE}, overrides existent files
#'   containing the same name in the local directory. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param df_meta_to_fetch A \code{data frame} returned by
#'   \code{extract_MIME_level_and_filename()} containing the filenames, the
#'   MIME level in which each attachment is, and the content-disposition of the
#'   file.
#' @param fetch_request A string containing the fetch request to the server that
#'   will be added to the curl handle.
#' @param folder_clean A \code{character} string containing the cleaned folder
#'   name, which will be uses to create a local folder.
#' @param retries Number of attempts to connect and execute the command. Default
#'   is \code{1}.
#' @param as_is If \code{TRUE} then write out attachments without base64
#'   decoding. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @noRd
execute_attachment_fetch <- function(self, id, id_folder, df_meta_to_fetch, fetch_request,
                                     folder_clean, content_disposition,
                                     override, retries, as_is) {

  url <- self$con_params$url
  # url <- con$url
  # override = FALSE

  h <- self$con_handle
  # h <- con$con_handle

  # fetching
  # msg_list <- list()
  # idx = 0

  # finding and removing any repeated MIME.level
  # this situation may happen for inline attachments. Because in this case the data
  # will come with the cntent_disposition: inline plus the filename and we will call
  # get_attachments, we do not need to worry about the name as it will be identified
  # by get_attachments after fetching
  # and this willl prevent us from doing a second fetch of the same part

  df_meta_to_fetch <- df_meta_to_fetch[!duplicated(df_meta_to_fetch$MIME_level), ]

  df_meta_to_fetch$adjusted_filenames <- adjust_repeated_filenames(df_meta_to_fetch$filenames)

  df_meta_to_fetch$adjusted_filenames <- decode_mime_header(string = df_meta_to_fetch$adjusted_filenames)

  # loop exec
  last_level = 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(df_meta_to_fetch)) {
    # print(i)
    # i = 1
    # idx = idx + 1
    current_level = df_meta_to_fetch$MIME_level[i]

    if (current_level != last_level) {

      adjusted_fetch_request <- gsub(pattern = "#", replacement = id, x = fetch_request)

      adjusted_fetch_request <- gsub(pattern = "level.MIME",
                                     replacement = df_meta_to_fetch$MIME_level[i],
                                     x = adjusted_fetch_request)

      # self$select_folder("INBOX")
          handle = h,
          customrequest = adjusted_fetch_request)
      }, error = function(e){
        stop("The connection handle is dead. Please, configure a new IMAP connection with configure_imap().")

      # REQUEST
      response <- tryCatch({
        curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h)
      }, error = function(e){
        # print(e$message)
        response_error_handling(e$message[1]) # returns NULL for operation timeout: try reconnection


      # print(exists("response")); print(exists("response")); print(exists("response"))

      if (!is.null(response)) {

        # msg_text = rawToChar(response$headers)
        attachment <- clean_fetch_results(
          rawToChar(response$headers), attachment_fetch = TRUE)

      } else {
        count_retries = 0 #the first try was already counted
        # FORCE appending fresh_connect
        # curl::handle_setopt(handle = h, fresh_connect = TRUE)
        select_folder_int(self, name = self$con_params$folder, mute = TRUE, retries = 0) # ok! v0.0.9
        # select folder will automatically adjust the folde rname inside

        while (is.null(response) && count_retries < retries) {
          count_retries = count_retries + 1

          # reset customrequest in handle
              handle = h,
              customrequest = adjusted_fetch_request) #bug: response was NULL when recovering from a fetch timeout error
          }, error = function(e){
            stop("The connection handle is dead. Please, configure a new IMAP connection with configure_imap().")

          # REQUEST
          response <- tryCatch({
            curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = h)
          }, error = function(e){
            # print(e$message)
            response_error_handling(e$message[1]) # returns NULL for operation timeout: try reconnection


          if (!is.null(response)) {

            attachment <- clean_fetch_results(
              rawToChar(response$headers), attachment_fetch = TRUE)

          } else {
            stop('Fetch error: the server returned an error. Try to increase "timeout_ms".')

        } #while
      } #else-response


    last_level = current_level # v0.9.1 # skips leveling up the fetching when there are more than one attachment in a unique level

    # saving the file:
    # preparing the directory for saving

    # here we test if it is the case of:
    # 1) the fetch has an inline attachment with the text part, and;
    # 2) the fetch has more than one attachment
    # OBS: has_attachment() is used as a tweak because it is able to recognize if the attachment is not "pure",
    #  like it had came with a boundary with some metadata of that part
    if (has_attachment(attachment, call_from = "fetch_attachments")) {
      msg_list <- list(attachment)
      names(msg_list) <- id_folder
      self$get_attachments(msg_list = msg_list,
                           content_disposition = content_disposition,
                           override = override, mute = TRUE)
      # we still have to inform content_disposition in case there is two different types of attachments in the same part
      #.. and one is an unwanted type

    } else {

      forbiden_chars <- "[\\/:*?\"<>|]"
      # url <- "imaps://outlook.office365.com/"
      # url_folder <- regmatches(url, gregexpr("://(.*?)(/|.)$", url))
      user_folder <- self$con_params$username
      user_folder = gsub(forbiden_chars, "", user_folder)

      complete_path <- paste0("./", user_folder, "/", folder_clean, "/", id_folder)
      # complete_path <- paste0("./", folder_clean, "/", id)
      dir.create(path = complete_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

      if (isTRUE(override)) {
        complete_path_with_filename <- paste0(complete_path, "/",
      } else {
        # complete_path_with_filename <- serialize_filename(
        #   sufix = paste0(complete_path, "/", df_meta_to_fetch$adjusted_filenames[i]))
        complete_path_with_filename <- serialize_filename(
          sufix = df_meta_to_fetch$adjusted_filenames[i], complete_path = complete_path)

      # looping on attachments
      # for (i in seq_along(df_meta_to_fetch$filename)) {

      # # base64 encoding
      # if (encodings[i] == "base64") {

      if (as_is) {
        ## write out the file directly to the final file name
        writeBin(attachment, complete_path_with_filename)
      } else {
        # saving attachments
        # thank's to:
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36708191/convert-base64-to-png-jpeg-file-in-r
        # writing binary file
        temp_bin_name <- paste0(sample(letters, 4), sample(0:9, 4), collapse="")
        conn <- file(paste0(complete_path, "/", temp_bin_name, ".bin"),"wb")
        writeBin(attachment, conn)
        # decoding from BIN to the appropriate file extension
        inconn <- file(paste0(complete_path, "/", temp_bin_name, ".bin"),"rb")
        outconn <- file(complete_path_with_filename,"wb")

        # base64 text decoding
          base64enc::base64decode(what=inconn, output=outconn)
        }, error = function(e) {
          warning(paste0("Base64 text decoding failed for", df_meta_to_fetch$filenames[i]))


        unlink(paste0(complete_path, "/", temp_bin_name, ".bin")) # deleting binary file
        # From unlink() help: Not deleting a non-existent file is not a failure
        # we don't need a tryCatch()

        # }

  } #for


allanvc/mRpostman documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 3:57 p.m.