#' Index genome for STAR alignment
#' @param genome_path Path to the genome .fasta file.
#' @param gff_path Path to the .gff/.gtf file with annotations.
#' @param mappingdir Path to the directory where read mapping files (.bam) will
#' be stored.
#' @param threads Number of threads for STAR aligner. Default: 2.
#' @return A 2-column data frame with path to index in the first column and
#' index build status in the second column, with "OK" if the index was
#' built successfully and NA otherwise.
#' @export
#' @rdname star_genome_index
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' genome_path <- system.file("extdata", "Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75_subset.fa",
#' package="bears")
#' gff_path <- system.file("extdata", "Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75_subset.gtf",
#' package="bears")
#' mappingdir <- tempdir()
#' if(star_is_installed()) {
#' star_genome_index(genome_path, gff_path, mapping_dir)
#' }
#' }
star_genome_index <- function(genome_path = NULL,
gff_path = NULL,
mappingdir = "results/04_read_mapping",
threads = 2) {
if(!star_is_installed()) { stop("Unable to find STAR in PATH.") }
indexdir <- file.path(mappingdir, "genomeIndex")
if(!dir.exists(indexdir)) { dir.create(indexdir, recursive = TRUE) }
exonparent <- "Parent"
if(tools::file_ext(gff_path) == "gtf") { exonparent <- "transcript_id" }
args <- c("--runThreadN", threads, "--runMode genomeGenerate",
"--genomeDir", indexdir, "--genomeFastaFiles", genome_path,
"--sjdbGTFfile", gff_path,
"--sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript", exonparent,
"--sjdbOverhang 25")
system2("STAR", args = args)
status <- "OK"
if(length(dir(indexdir)) == 0) { status <- NA }
df_status <- data.frame(index_path = indexdir,
status = status)
#' Wrapper to create a list of paths to reads to pass to STAR
#' @param sample_info Data frame of sample metadata created with the
#' function \code{create_sample_info}.
#' @param filtdir Path to the directory where filtered reads will be stored.
#' Default: results/03_filtered_FASTQ.
#' @return A list with paths to reads in a suitable format for STAR input.
#' @noRd
star_reads <- function(sample_info,
filtdir = "results/03_filtered_FASTQ") {
single <- sample_info[sample_info$Layout == "SINGLE", ]
paired <- sample_info[sample_info$Layout == "PAIRED", ]
slist <- split(single, single$BioSample)
plist <- split(paired, paired$BioSample)
slist2 <- lapply(slist, function(x) {
x$Run <- paste0(filtdir, "/", x$Run, ".fastq.gz")
if(nrow(x) > 1) {
y <- paste0(x$Run, collapse = ",")
} else {
y <- x$Run
plist2 <- lapply(plist, function(x) {
x$Run <- paste0(filtdir, "/", x$Run)
if(nrow(x) == 1) {
p1 <- paste0(x$Run, "_1.fastq.gz")
p2 <- paste0(x$Run, "_2.fastq.gz")
y <- paste(p1, p2, sep = " ")
} else {
runs <- x$Run
p1 <- vapply(runs, function(x) paste0(x, "_1.fastq.gz"), character(1))
p1 <- paste(p1, collapse = ",")
p2 <- vapply(runs, function(x) paste0(x, "_2.fastq.gz"), character(1))
p2 <- paste(p2, collapse = ",")
y <- paste(p1, p2, sep = " ")
final_list <- c(slist2, plist2)
#' Align reads to a reference genome using STAR
#' @param sample_info Data frame of sample metadata created with the
#' function \code{create_sample_info}.
#' @param filtdir Path to the directory where filtered reads will be stored.
#' Default: results/03_filtered_FASTQ.
#' @param qc_table Data frame of fastp summary statistics as returned
#' by \code{summary_stats_fastp()}.
#' @param mappingdir Path to the directory where read mapping files (.bam) will
#' be stored.
#' @param gff_path Path to the .gff/.gtf file with annotations.
#' @param threads Number of threads for STAR aligner. Default: 1.
#' @return A 2-column data frame with BioSample IDs in the first column
#' and STAR running status in the second column, with "OK" if reads
#' were mapped (.bam files were created) and NA if STAR failed to map reads.
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @export
#' @rdname star_align
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(sample_info)
#' qc_table <- summary_stats_fastp(system.file("extdata", package = "bears"))
#' genome_path <- system.file("extdata", "Hsapiens_GRCh37.75_subset.fa",
#' package="bears")
#' gff_path <- system.file("extdata", "Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75_subset.gtf",
#' package="bears")
#' mappingdir <- tempdir()
#' filtdir <- system.file("extdata", package="bears")
#' if(star_is_installed()) {
#' star_genome_index(genome_path, gff_path, mapping_dir, indexdir)
#' star_align(sample_info, filtdir, qc_table, mappingdir, gff_path)
#' }
#' }
star_align <- function(sample_info = NULL,
filtdir = "results/03_filtered_FASTQ",
qc_table = NULL,
mappingdir = "results/04_read_mapping",
gff_path = NULL,
threads = 1) {
if(!star_is_installed()) { stop("Unable to find STAR in PATH.") }
indexdir <- file.path(mappingdir, "genomeIndex")
exonparent <- "Parent"
if(tools::file_ext(gff_path) == "gtf") { exonparent <- "transcript_id" }
qc_table <- qc_table[, c("Sample", "after_meanlength")]
sample_info2 <- merge(sample_info[!duplicated(sample_info$BioSample),],
qc_table, by.x="Run", "Sample")
reads <- star_reads(sample_info, filtdir)
aln <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(sample_info2)), function(x) {
var <- var2list(sample_info2, index = x)
file <- paste0(filtdir, "/", var$run, ".fastq.gz")
if(var$layout == "PAIRED") {
file <- paste0(filtdir, "/", var$run, "_1.fastq.gz")
if(skip(var$platform, path = file)) {
message("Skipping file...")
} else {
prefix <- paste0(mappingdir, "/", sample_info2[x, "BioSample"])
args <- c("--runThreadN", threads, "--genomeDir", indexdir,
"--readFilesIn", reads[[x]], "--readFilesCommand zcat",
"--outFileNamePrefix", prefix,
"--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate",
"--outSAMstrandField intronMotif",
"--sjdbGTFfile", gff_path,
"--sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript", exonparent,
"--sjdbOverhang 25")
system2("STAR", args = args)
flist <- list.files(path = mappingdir, pattern = ".bam")
flist <- gsub("Aligned.*", "", flist)
df_status <- data.frame(sample = sample_info$BioSample)
df_status$status <- ifelse(flist %in% df_status$sample, "OK", NA)
#' Keep only samples that passed minimum requirements in STAR alignment
#' @param mapping_qc Data frame with read mapping statistics, as generated by
#' \code{multiqc()}.
#' @param sample_info Data frame with sample metadata as generated by
#' \code{create_sample_info}.
#' @details Samples are excluded if i. more than 50 percent of the reads
#' fail to map, or ii. more than 40 percent of the reads fail to uniquely map.
#' @return Data frame with metadata of samples that passed alignment QC.
#' @export
#' @rdname mapping_pass
#' @examples
#' data(sample_info)
#' data(mapping_qc)
#' mapping_passed <- mapping_pass(mapping_qc, sample_info)
mapping_pass <- function(mapping_qc = NULL,
sample_info = NULL) {
filt <- mapping_qc
filt$uniqueperc <- filt$uniquely_mapped_percent
filt$unmapperc <- filt$unmapped_tooshort_percent +
filt$unmapped_other_percent +
filt <- filt[filt$uniqueperc >= 50 & filt$unmapperc < 40, ]
sinfo <- sample_info[sample_info$BioSample %in% filt$Sample, ]
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