
#' Display a histogram and table of summary statistics
#' @param x a numeric vector.
#' @param digits number of digits to display in the summary statistics table.
#' @param plotTitle title of the histogram.
#' @param ... extra arguments (not used currently).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(flightdeck)
#' if (interactive()){
#'   runif(1000) %>% 
#'     fdPanelHistogram(plotTitle = 'Histogram of Residuals') %>%
#'     fdPreview
#' }
fdPanelHistogram <- function(x, digits = 4, plotTitle = 'Histogram', 
  x <- as.vector(x)
  xSummary <- data.frame(
    Statistic = c("Minimum", "1st Quartile", "Median", "Mean",
      "3rd Quartile", "Maximum"),
    Value = format(summary(x), digits = digits)
  xHistogram <- fdPlotly(
    data = list(list(
      x = unname(x),
      type = 'histogram'
      margin = list(t = 40), 
      bargap = 0.05,
      title = plotTitle,
    list(displaylogo = FALSE, displayModeBar = FALSE),
    height = 325
  div(class = 'fd-panel-residuals',
    fdColumn(8, xHistogram),
    fdColumn(4, fdSimpleTable(xSummary))

makePanel <- function(...){
  div(..., `data-widget-type` = 'panel')
alteryx/flightdeck documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:39 a.m.