
Defines functions nicedayformat suffice exmap mapdata latest_median mapstyles2 mapstyles

mapstyles = function(){
    list(elevs = c("over"="R over 1","under"="R under 1","uncertain"="Uncertain"),
         pal = c("#b2182b","#92c5de","#f0f0f0")

mapstyles2 = function(){
    list(elevs = c("over"="R over 1","under"="R under 1","uncertain"="Uncertain"),
         pal = c("#FF000080","#0000FF80","#f0f0f020")

latest_median  <- function(pf, code){
    pf$time = as.Date(pf$time)
    sps = split(pf, pf[[code]])
    slm = sapply(sps, function(sp){
        ## remove predictions
        sp = sp[!is.na(sp$observed),]
mapdata <- function(map, exp,codename, namename, pf){
    map$exceed1 = exp$ex_prob > .9
    map$below1 = exp$ex_prob < .1

    map$code = map[[codename]]
    map$name = map[[namename]]
    map$med = latest_median(pf, codename)
    map = st_transform(map, 4326)

exmap <- function(mapdata, plotfolder, last_day, basemap="OpenStreetMap.Mapnik"){

    overs = which(mapdata$exceed1 & mapdata$med > 1)
    unders = which(mapdata$below1 & mapdata$med > 1)

    w = options()$warn
    options(warn=-1) # prevent CRS warnings
    mappts = st_point_on_surface(mapdata)

    undericons <- awesomeIcons(
        icon = 'arrow-graph-down-right',
        iconColor = 'black',
        library = 'ion',
        markerColor = "blue"
    overicons <- awesomeIcons(
        icon = 'arrow-graph-up-right',
        iconColor = 'white',
        library = 'ion',
        markerColor = "red"

    pal <- colorNumeric(
        palette = "YlOrRd",
        domain = mapdata$med

    # less than one case will be much more transparent
    fillop = function(x){
        ifelse(x<1, .1, .8)
    labs = lapply(1:nrow(mapdata), function(im){
        md = mapdata[im,]
        if(im %in% overs){
            return(htmltools::HTML(paste0("<b>",md$name," : increasing</b><br/>Case report median estimate : ",sprintf(fmt="%d", round(md$med)))))
        if(im %in% unders){
            return(htmltools::HTML(paste0("<b>",md$name," : decreasing</b><br/>Case report median estimate : ",sprintf(fmt="%d", round(md$med)))))
        htmltools::HTML(paste0("<b>",md$name,"</b><br/>Case report median estimate : ",sprintf(fmt="%d", round(md$med))))

    ims = lapply(1:nrow(mapdata), function(im){
        md = mapdata[im,]
        fp = file.path(plotfolder, paste0(md$name,".html"))
        iframe = paste0('<iframe style="border:none" width="800" height="450" src="',fp,'"></iframe><a title="show in a new window" target="_blank" href="',fp,'">popout</a>')
    #Tags not working (where are tags??) AG 10/7/20
    tag.map.title <- tags$style(HTML("
  .leaflet-control.map-title {
    transform: translate(-50%,20%);
    xxxposition: fixed !important;
    left: 50%;
    xxtext-align: center;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 4em;
    background: rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
    xxxfont-weight: bold;
width: 10em;
    font-size: 1.5em;
    last_day = as.Date(last_day)
    niceday = nicedayformat(last_day)
    text = paste0("<p>Case counts, markers show significant increasing and decreasing areas.</p><p>Last data report: ", niceday,"</p>")
    title <- tags$div(
                      tag.map.title, HTML(text)
    popopts = list(minWidth=850, maxWidth=850)
    M = leaflet() %>%
        M = M %>% addAwesomeMarkers(data=mappts[unders,],
                                    group="unders", icon=undericons,
                                    popup=ims[unders], popupOptions=popopts
        M = M %>% addAwesomeMarkers(data=mappts[overs,], group="overs",icon=overicons, label=labs[overs],
                                    popup=ims[overs], popupOptions=popopts)
    M = M %>%  addPolygons(data=mapdata, group="map", fillColor=~pal(med), fillOpacity=~fillop(med), color="#404040", weight=1, opacity=1,
                    popupOptions=popopts) %>%
        addLegend(data=mapdata, "topright", pal = pal, values = ~med,
                  title = "Case count",
                  opacity = 1) %>%
        addControl(html=title, position = "bottomleft", className="map-title")

suffice = function(n){
    n = as.character(n)
    suff=list("1"="st", "21"="st", "31"="st", "2"="nd", "22"="nd", "3"="rd", "23"="rd")
    if(n %in% names(suff)){
        return(paste0(n,"th") )

nicedayformat <- function(d){
    d = as.Date(d)
    format(d,paste0("%A, %B ",suffice(format(d,"%-d"))," %Y"))
amgeronimo/chicaslab---stsmodel_africa documentation built on Oct. 9, 2020, 2:28 a.m.