Man pages for ananjysong/SCclust
Single Cell Copy Number Analysis and Clustering

bin_boundariesDetermine bin boundaries
bin_countsmake bin count files
cbs.segment_allGenerate the segmented profile for each cell.
cbs.segment_oneSegment the normalzied bin count profile for individual cell...
dropareascentromere areas annotation
fdr_fisherPVCompute FDRs for Fisher's test p-values.
find_cloneIdentify clones in hierarchical tree.
findpinsSelect features and generate the incidence table.
findsmearsGenerate the smear tables.
find_subcloneIdentify subclones in hierarchical tree.
gc_oneGC normalization.
hclust_treeBuild the hierarchical clustering tree.
output_viewerGenerate files for the downstream visualization using viewer.
preprocess_segfilePreprocess the segmented copy number profiles
simFisher_parallelSimulate the Fisher's test p-values.
varbinGCCompute GC content.
ananjysong/SCclust documentation built on April 18, 2022, 10:06 p.m.