
Defines functions my_top eval_performance magick_to_array array_to_view update_avg_mean load_obj

Documented in array_to_view eval_performance load_obj magick_to_array my_top update_avg_mean

# function for loading regarding of the object name...
#' Title
#' This functions creates a new environment and load object to a different "new" object name.
#' @param file_path
#' @return New opbejct.
#' @export
load_obj <- function(file_path) {
  env <- new.env()
  nm <- load(file_path, env)[1]

#' update_avg_mean
#' This function averages and updates the array (avg_mean) for w.r.t. the given `file_in` array.
#' This works for 1 and 3 channels
#' @param file_in path to complete array. objects must be named: arr_img
#' @param file_out path to save directory. objects must be named: avg_mean
#' @return `TRUE`
#' @export
update_avg_mean <- function(file_in, file_out = "./data/avg_mean.Rda") {
  arr_img <- load_obj(file_in)
  if (length(dim(arr_img)) == 4){
    # 3 channels
    avg_mean <- apply(arr_img, c(2,3,4),mean)
  } else {
    # 1 channels
    avg_mean <- apply(arr_img, c(2,3),mean)
  save(avg_mean, file = file_out)

#' array_to_view
#' @param arr an array of dim(h x w x channel) in range 0-255.
#' @importFrom magick image_read
#' @return `TRUE`
#' @export
array_to_view <- function(arr = arr_img[1,,,]) {
  image_read(arr / 255)

#' magick_to_array
#' This functions converts a magick object to a multidimensionelt integer array.
#' @param img magick obejct.
#' @param channels number of channels. fefaults is `3` else a gray-scale image will be returned.
#' @importFrom magick image_data
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @return an array.
#' @export
magick_to_array <- function(img, channels = 3){
  img <- img %>%
    image_data(channels = ifelse(channels == 3, "rgb", "gray")) %>%
    # change dimensions
    aperm(., c(2,3,1))
  # return
  array(data=as.integer(img), dim = dim(img))

#' eval_performance
#' @param y_act correct class
#' @param y_pred predicted class
#' @param order_classes index of class name
#' @param label_classes class labels (unique)
#' @param file_name name of tex table file
#' @param create_tex_table default is `TRUE`
#' @param model_name name of model, default is `NULL`
#' @param norm_cm normalize the CM?, default is `TRUE`
#' @param performace_metric include performance metrics, default is `TRUE`
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @return a text table and a list with performance metrics.
#' @export

eval_performance <- function(y_act = sample(1:5, 400, TRUE),
                             y_pred = c(sample(1:5, 200, TRUE), rep(5, 200)),
                             order_classes = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
                             prior_classes = NULL,
                             label_classes = c("one", "two", "cat", "cow", "dog"),
                             file_name = "test",
                             create_tex_table = TRUE,
                             model_name = NULL,
                             norm_cm = TRUE,
                             performace_metric = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(prior_classes)){
    prior_classes <- as.vector((table(y_act) / length(y_act)))
  n_classes <- length(order_classes)
  n <- length(y_pred)
  # create confusion matrix ----
  cm <- matrix(0, ncol = n_classes, nrow = n_classes)
  for (ii in 1:n) {
    cm[y_act[ii], y_pred[ii]] <- cm[y_act[ii], y_pred[ii]] + 1
  # re-order
  cm <- cm[order_classes, order_classes]

  # normalize
  if (norm_cm) {
    cm <- cm / rowSums(cm)
    cm <- matrix(as.integer(round(cm * 100)), ncol = n_classes, nrow = n_classes)
  } else {
    cm <- matrix(as.integer(cm), ncol = n_classes, nrow = n_classes)

  # performance calculations ----

  n <- sum(cm)
  TP <- diag(cm)
  rowsums <- apply(cm, 1, sum)
  colsums <- apply(cm, 2, sum)
  diag_sum <- sum(TP)
  rowsums_sum <- sum(rowsums)
  colsums_sum <- sum(colsums)
  p <- rowsums / n
  q <- colsums / n
  expAcc <- sum(p * q)
  FP <- rowsums - TP
  FN <- colsums - TP

  # per class metric
  precision <- TP / (TP + FP)
  precision[is.nan(precision)] <- 0
  recall <- TP / (TP + FN)
  recall[is.nan(recall)] <- 0
  F1 <- 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
  F1[is.nan(F1)] <- 0
  accuracy <- TP / (FP +TP)
  accuracy[is.nan(accuracy)] <- 0
  kappa <- (accuracy - expAcc) / (1 - expAcc)
  kappa[is.nan(kappa)] <- 0

  # accuracy <- diag / rowsums
  # accuracy[is.nan(accuracy)] <- 0
  # precision <- diag / colsums
  # precision[is.nan(precision)] <- 0
  # recall <- diag / (diag + (colsums - diag))
  # recall[is.nan(recall)] <- 0
  # F1 <- 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
  # F1[is.nan(F1)] <- 0
  # kappa <- (accuracy - expAcc) / (1 - expAcc)
  # kappa[is.nan(kappa)] <- 0

  # macro
  accuracy_mac <- mean(accuracy)
  precision_mac <- mean(precision)
  recall_mac <- mean(recall)
  F1_mac <- mean(F1)
  kappa_mac <- (accuracy_mac - expAcc) / (1 - expAcc)
  kappa_mac[is.nan(kappa_mac)] <- 0

  # micro (best for imblanaced data)

  precision_mic <- sum(TP) / (sum(TP) + sum(FP))
  precision_mic[is.nan(precision_mic)] <- 0
  recall_mic <- sum(TP) / (sum(TP) + sum(FN))
  recall_mic[is.nan(recall_mic)] <- 0
  F1_mic <- 2 * (precision_mic * recall_mic) / (precision_mic + recall_mic)
  F1_mic[is.nan(F1_mic)] <- 0
  accuracy_mic <- sum(TP) / (sum(FP) +sum(TP))
  accuracy_mic[is.nan(accuracy_mic)] <- 0
  kappa_mic <- (accuracy_mic - expAcc) / (1 - expAcc)
  kappa_mic[is.nan(kappa_mic)] <- 0

  perforamnce_metric <- tibble(metric = c("Acc.", "Pre.", "Sens.", "F1", "Kappa"),
         micro_avg = c(accuracy_mic, precision_mic, recall_mic, F1_mic, kappa_mic),
         macro_avg = c(accuracy_mac, precision_mac, recall_mac, F1_mac, kappa_mac))

  # create cm data frame ----
  cm <- data.frame(cm, row.names = label_classes)
  colnames(cm)[1:length(label_classes)] <- label_classes
  if (performace_metric) {
    cm$Pre <- as.integer(round(precision * 100))
    cm$Sen <- as.integer(round(recall * 100))
    cm$F1 <- as.integer(round(F1 * 100))
    cm$Acc <- as.integer(round(accuracy * 100))
    cm$Kap <- as.integer(round(kappa * 100))

  # create table
      df = cm,
      case = 3,
      file_name = file_name,
      norm_cm = norm_cm,
      model_name = model_name

  # return
      "accuracy" = accuracy,
      "precision" = precision,
      "recall" = recall,
      "F1" = F1,
      "kappa" = kappa,
      "perforamnce_metric" = perforamnce_metric,
      "cm" = cm

#' my_top
#' @param df input tibble.. must be `glo_df`
#' @param split case specific
#' @return an ordered tibble grouped on `country_code` and `country_name`
#' @export
my_top <- function(df, split = NULL) {
  N <- nrow(df)
  df <- df %>%
    group_by(country_code, country_name) %>%
      n = n(),
      pct = n / N,
      `Percentage (\\%)` = as.integer(round(pct * 100))
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(`Country Name` = country_name) %>%
    arrange(desc(n)) %>%
    rename(N = n)

  if (!is.null(split)) {
    df <-
      df %>% select(-country_name  , -`Country Name`,-`Percentage (\\%)`,-N)
  } else {
    df <- df %>% select(-country_code)

  # return


#' get_train_and_test
#' @param df input tibble.. must be `glo_df`
#' @param n_top an integer for groupen the most `n_top` classes and the rest to another signle class.
#' @param shuffle shuffle the rows before splitting
#' @param balanced balance the number of classes in train and test.
#' @param pct percentage to split into test.
#' @return `sagsnr`, `test` and `label`.. must bed left joined to `glo_df`
#' @export
get_train_and_test <- function(df,
                               n_top = 5,
                               shuffle = TRUE,
                               balanced = TRUE,
                               pct = 1 / 5) {
  glo_df_TOP <- my_top(df, TRUE)

  df_n_top <-
    dplyr::left_join(df %>% filter(EU_EEA) %>% select(country_code) %>% distinct(),
                     by = "country_code") %>%
    arrange(desc(pct)) %>% slice(1:n_top)
  df <- df %>%
      label = ifelse(country_code %in% df_n_top$country_code, country_code, "OUT"),
      label = ifelse(EU_EEA, label, "NON")

  tmp <- df %>%
    group_by(label) %>%
    summarise(w = n() / nrow(df)) %>%
    arrange(desc(w)) %>% ungroup() %>%
    mutate(label_int = 1:n())

  df <- dplyr::left_join(df, tmp %>% select(-w), by = "label") %>%
    mutate(test = FALSE)

  # devide samples
  if (shuffle) {
    df <- df %>% slice(sample(1:nrow(df), size = nrow(df)))

  if (balanced) {
    for (ii in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
      df_sub <- df %>% filter(label == tmp$label[ii])

      df$test[df$idx %in% sample(df_sub$idx, size = floor(tmp$w[ii] * nrow(df) * pct))] <-
  } else {
    df$test[df$idx %in% sample(1:nrow(df), size = floor(nrow(df) * pct))] <-
  # only return relevant columns...
  df <- df %>% select(sagsnr, path, test, label)

  # return
anderslaunerbaek/homemade documentation built on Sept. 18, 2022, 6:47 a.m.