#' Updates the aesthetics settings in the variables and flows data frames
#' @description
#' This function takes a list as created by \code{\link{prepare_diagram}}
#' and allows the user to update the styling of the boxes and arrows by setting
#' the different arguments in the input list of this function.
#' @param diagram_list A required list of data frames returned from the
#' \code{\link{prepare_diagram}} function. See that function for details
#' about this object.
#' @param diagram_settings An optional list of diagram aesthetic settings. See
#' **details** for allowable syntax. The following elements are supported
#' and default values are provided:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `var_xmin`: A named numeric vector of offsets to mininum x locations.
#' \item `var_xmax`: A named numeric vector of offsets to maximum x locations.
#' \item `var_ymin`: A named numeric vector of offsets to minimum y locations.
#' \item `var_ymax`: A named numeric vector of offsets to maximum y locations.
#' \item `var_xlabel`: A named numeric vector of offsets to variable label x locations.
#' \item `var_ylabel`: A named numeric vector of offsets to variable label x locations.
#' \item `var_outline_color`: A named character vector of box outline colors.
#' Default is "black".
#' \item `var_fill_color`: A named character vector of box fill colors. Can be
#' a named color or HEX code. Default is "#6aa4c8".
#' \item `var_label_text`: A named character vector of label text for each flow.
#' \item `var_label_color`: A named character vector of variable label colors.
#' Can be a named color or HEX code. Default is "white".
#' \item `var_label_size`: A named character vector of text sized for variable
#' labels. Default is 10.
#' \item `flow_xstart`: A named numeric vector of offsets to the minimum x
#' locations (flow starting points).
#' \item `flow_xend`: A named numeric vector of offsets to the maximum x
#' locations (flow ending points).
#' \item `flow_ystart`: A named numeric vector of offsets to the minimum y
#' locations (flow starting points).
#' \item `flow_yend`: A named numeric vector of offsets to the maximum y
#' locations (flow ending points).
#' \item `flow_xlabel`: A named numeric vector of offsets to the flow label x locations.
#' \item `flow_ylabel`: A named numeric vector of offsets to the flow label y locations.
#' \item `flow_curvature`: A named numeric vector numeric curvature values.
#' \item `flow_line_color`: A named character vector specifying the color of
#' of flow lines. Default is "black".
#' \item `flow_line_size`: A named numeric vector of line sizes. Default
#' value is 1.
#' \item `flow_line_type`: A named character vector of linetypes. This
#' argument is passed to the \code{linetype} argument in ggplot2. From
#' the ggplot2 documentation: "The linetype aesthetic can be specified
#' with either an integer (0-6), a name (0 = blank, 1 = solid, 2 = dashed,
#' 3 = dotted, 4 = dotdash, 5 = longdash, 6 = twodash), a mapping to a
#' discrete variable, or a string of an even number (up to eight) of
#' hexadecimal digits which give the lengths in consecutive positions in
#' the string." flowdiagramr uses the character name. Default is "solid".
#' \item `flow_label_text`: A named character vector of label text for each flow.
#' \item `flow_label_color`: A named character vector of label colors. Default
#' is "black".
#' \item `flow_label_size`: A named numeric vector of label text sizes. Default
#' value is 5.
#' \item `flow_show_label`: A named logical vector of whether to display flow
#' labels (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default value is TRUE.
#' \item `flow_arrow_size`: A named numeric vector of arrow head sizes. Default
#' value is 0.25.
#' \item `flow_show_arrow`: A named logical vector of whether to display flows
#' (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default value is TRUE.
#' }
#' @return The same list of data frames that was sent into the function
#' with updated style settings (different values in the updated
#' columns/variables) of the data frames.
#' @details The user can provide any number of updates in the
#' \code{diagram_settings} list. Only those provided are updated. If the
#' function is called with no updates, the names of all elements in
#' the `variables` and `flows` data frames are returned.
#' For location settings (e.g., xmin)
#' and curvature settings (just for flows), the user must provide a named
#' vector for the setting argument, where the name matches one or more of
#' `variables$name` (for var_* settings) or `flows$name` (for flow_*
#' settings). For visual aesthetics for variables (e.g., fill_color), the
#' user must specify a named vector where the name is either "all"
#' (aesthetic value for all variables) or the name matches one one or more
#' of the `variables$name`. For visual aesthetics for flows (e.g.,
#' line_color), the user must specify a named vector, where allowable
#' names are: "all" (color for all lines, regardless of type or name),
#' "main" (color for main flows), "interaction" (color for interaction
#' flows), "external" (color for external flows), "generator" (color for
#' all generator flows), or the name of one of the
#' character values in `flows$name`. If a mix of type and name are supplied,
#' the type is applied first and name-specific values are applied second.
#' See examples.
#' @examples
#' # basic model specification
#' variables <- c("S","I","R")
#' flows <- list(S_flows = c("-b*S*I"),
#' I_flows = c("b*S*I","-g*I"),
#' R_flows = c("g*I"))
#' mymodel <- list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
#' diag_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list = mymodel)
#' # make all variable boxes green
#' new_setts <- list(var_fill_color = c(all = "green"))
#' new_list <- update_diagram(diag_list, new_setts)
#' # make just the S box green
#' new_setts <- list(var_fill_color = c(S = "green"))
#' new_list <- update_diagram(diag_list, new_setts)
#' # make all flow lines red
#' new_setts <- list(flow_line_color = c(all = "red"))
#' new_list <- update_diagram(diag_list, new_setts)
#' # make main flow lines red
#' new_setts <- list(flow_line_color = c(main = "red"))
#' new_list <- update_diagram(diag_list, new_setts)
#' # make the b*S*I interaction flow line red
#' new_setts <- list(flow_line_color = c(i_bSI = "red"))
#' new_list <- update_diagram(diag_list, new_setts)
#' # make all flow lines green except for b*S*I interaction flow, which is blue
#' new_setts <- list(flow_line_color = c(all = "green", i_bSI = "blue"))
#' new_list <- update_diagram(diag_list, new_setts)
#' # combine variable and flow settings
#' new_setts <- list(flow_line_color = c(all = "green", i_bSI = "blue"),
#' var_fill_color = c(all = "red", S = "cyan"))
#' new_list <- update_diagram(diag_list, new_setts)
#' # more extensive updates
#' newsettings <- list(var_label_color = c(S = "green", I = "blue", R = "red"),
#' flow_line_size = c(interaction = 1.5),
#' flow_line_color = c(all = "grey25",
#' interaction = "orange",
#' m_bSI = "red"))
#' diag_list3 <- update_diagram(diag_list, diagram_settings = newsettings)
#' @export
update_diagram <- function(diagram_list, diagram_settings = NULL) {
# checks:
# make sure diagram_list is a valid object
# make sure any provided input in diagram_settings is a valid column
# in diagram_list
# if a setting is provided as vector, make sure length matches number of
# entities of that type (e.g. number of interaction flows)
# extract the list elements as separate data frames
variables <- diagram_list$variables
flows <- diagram_list$flows
# if the user does not provide any settings, warn them
# and return the data frames
if(is.null(diagram_settings)) {
message("No settings were provided; returning names of elements in diagram_list dataframes.")
varelementnames = paste("Variables:",paste(variables$name, collapse = ", "))
flowelementnames = paste("Flows:",paste(flows$name, collapse = ", "))
elementnames = paste0(varelementnames, "\n", flowelementnames)
} # otherwise, carry on
# possible variable (var) settings are the following
var_setting_names <- paste0("var_",
# possible flow settings are the following
flow_setting_names <- paste0("flow_", c(
# concatenate into one character vector of setting names
setting_names <- c(var_setting_names,
# check user inputs provided in diagram_settings,
# if user supplies a non-recognized argument, stop
nonrecognized_inputs <- setdiff(names(diagram_settings), setting_names)
if (length(nonrecognized_inputs) > 0)
stop(paste0('These elements of diagram_settings are not recognized: ',
# if the user provides the same setting name twice, send error
test <- any(duplicated(names(diagram_settings)))
if(test == TRUE) {
dups <- names(diagram_settings)[duplicated(names(diagram_settings))]
stop(paste0("These elements of diagram_settings are duplicated: ",
". Each element can only be assigned once. See examples."))
# extract the lists for variable and flows settings
variable_settings <- diagram_settings[grep("var", names(diagram_settings))]
flow_settings <- diagram_settings[grep("flow", names(diagram_settings))]
# update variable settings
# extract list names for variable settings
if(length(variable_settings) > 0) {
for(i in 1:length(variable_settings)) {
this_setting <- variable_settings[[i]]
# check to make sure the setting has named elements
if(is.null(names(this_setting))) {
stop("All list elements must be named vectors. One the supplied settings does not contain a named vector of length 1 or greater. See examples.")
# check to make sure no duplicated names within the setting
test <- any(duplicated(names(this_setting)))
if(test == TRUE) {
dups <- names(this_setting)[duplicated(names(this_setting))]
stop(paste0("These elements within one of the settings are duplicated: ",
". Each element can only be assigned once. See examples."))
df_colname <- gsub("var_", "", names(variable_settings)[i])
# check if this is a location setting, treated as offset below
# all other, non-location settings are simply overwritten
loc_flag <- grep(pattern = c("xmin|xmax|ymin|ymax|xlabel|ylabel"),
x = names(variable_settings)[i])
# check for settings applied to all
for_all <- this_setting["all"]
if(!is.na(for_all)) {
if(length(loc_flag) > 0) {
# add offset
variables[ , df_colname] <- variables[ , df_colname] + this_setting["all"]
} else {
# overwrite
# this value will apply to all rows in that column
variables[ , df_colname] <- this_setting["all"]
# now apply variable-specific, if present
named_settings <- this_setting[names(this_setting) != "all"]
test <- which(!names(named_settings) %in% variables$name)
if(length(test) > 0) {
stop(paste0("One of the provided names for ",
" is not present in the variables data frame."))
} else {
var_vals <- variables[ , df_colname] # pull out vector of current values
names(var_vals) <- variables$name # name for matching
if(length(loc_flag) > 0) {
# if locations were changed above by "all", we need also
# subtract the "all" offset. here we create and all_off object that
# is 0 by default or the value in "all"
all_off <- 0
if(!is.na(for_all)) {
all_off <- this_setting["all"]
to_update <- match(names(named_settings), names(var_vals))
var_vals[to_update] <- var_vals[to_update] - all_off + named_settings
# overwrite the variables column (could be same values)
variables[ , df_colname] <- var_vals
} else {
# update the one's that match
to_update <- match(names(named_settings), names(var_vals))
var_vals[to_update] <- named_settings
# overwrite the variables column (could be same values)
variables[ , df_colname] <- var_vals
} # end location if/then
} # end if/then for names testing
} # end variable settings loop
} # end variable settings if/then process chunk
# update flow settings
if(length(flow_settings) > 0) {
for(i in 1:length(flow_settings)) {
this_setting <- flow_settings[[i]]
# check to make sure the setting has named elements
if(is.null(names(this_setting))) {
stop("All list elements must be named vectors. One the supplied settings does not contain a named vector of length 1 or greater. See examples.")
# check to make sure no duplicated names within the setting
test <- any(duplicated(names(this_setting)))
if(test == TRUE) {
dups <- names(this_setting)[duplicated(names(this_setting))]
stop(paste0("These elements within one of the settings are duplicated: ",
". Each element can only be assigned once. See examples."))
df_colname <- gsub("flow_", "", names(flow_settings)[i])
# check if this is a location setting, treated as offset below
loc_flag <- grep(pattern = c("xstart|xend|ystart|yend|xlabel|ylabel"),
x = names(flow_settings)[i])
# check for settings applied to all
for_all <- this_setting["all"]
if(!is.na(for_all)) {
# if a location setting, apply as offset
if(length(loc_flag) > 0) {
flows[ , df_colname] <- flows[ , df_colname] + this_setting["all"]
} else {
# this value will apply to all rows in that column
flows[ , df_colname] <- this_setting["all"]
# now apply type specific settings -- not "all" or in flows$name
typed_settings <- this_setting[names(this_setting) != "all"]
typed_settings <- typed_settings[!names(typed_settings) %in% flows$name]
test <- which(!names(typed_settings) %in% flows$type)
if(length(test) > 0) {
stop(paste0("One of the provided types/names for ",
" is not present in the flows data frame."))
} else {
typed_df <- data.frame(
type = names(typed_settings),
value = typed_settings
flows <- merge(flows, typed_df, all = TRUE)
if(length(loc_flag) > 0) {
# if locations were changed above by "all", we need also
# subtract the "all" offset. here we create and all_off object that
# is 0 by default or the value in "all"
all_off <- 0
if(!is.na(for_all)) {
all_off <- this_setting["all"]
flows[ , df_colname] <- ifelse(is.na(flows$value),
flows[ , df_colname],
flows[ , df_colname] - all_off + flows$value)
flows$value <- NULL
} else {
flows[ , df_colname] <- ifelse(is.na(flows$value),
flows[ , df_colname],
flows$value <- NULL
# now apply name specific settings -- not "all" or any possible types
named_settings <- this_setting[names(this_setting) != "all"]
avail_types <- c("main", "external", "interaction", "generator")
named_settings <- named_settings[!names(named_settings) %in% avail_types]
test <- which(!names(named_settings) %in% flows$name)
if(length(test) > 0) {
stop(paste0("One of the provided types/names for ",
" is not present in the flows data frame."))
} else {
named_df <- data.frame(
name = names(named_settings),
value = named_settings
flows <- merge(flows, named_df, all = TRUE)
if(length(loc_flag) > 0) {
# if locations were changed above by "all", we need also
# subtract the "all" offset. here we create and all_off object that
# is 0 by default or the value in "all"
all_off <- 0
if(!is.na(for_all)) {
all_off <- this_setting["all"]
flows[ , df_colname] <- ifelse(is.na(flows$value),
flows[ , df_colname],
flows[ , df_colname] - all_off + flows$value)
flows$value <- NULL
} else {
flows[ , df_colname] <- ifelse(is.na(flows$value),
flows[ , df_colname],
flows$value <- NULL
} # end flow settings loop
} # end flow settings if/then process chunk
# Check the data frames for conformity
test <- check_dataframes(list(variables = variables, flows = flows))
if(!is.null(test)) {
# all settings have been updated, return the new diagram_list
return(list(variables = variables, flows = flows))
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