# This is a internal development testing script for the
# flowdiagramr R package. Mostly used by ATT and AH for
# finding edge cases where errors might occur.
# Load flowdiagramr ------------------------------------------------------
varlabels = c("S", "I", "R")
flows = list(
S_flows = c("-b*S*I"),
I_flows = c("b*S*I","-g*I"),
R_flows = c("g*I","-k*R*I")
mymodel = list(variables = varlabels, flows = flows)
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(mymodel)
# this currently treats S^2 as a single variable and preserves it
# I think that's ok right now? We don't really support "to the power" yet though, do we?
# The diagram looks ok based on the model, just wondering if/how things can go wrong with the ^ symbol
varlabels = c("S", "I", "R")
flows = list(
S_flows = c("-b*S^2*I"),
I_flows = c("b*S^2*I","-g*I"),
R_flows = c("g*I")
mymodel = list(variables = varlabels, flows = flows)
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(mymodel)
# trying the power thing again
# seems actually ok, but the arrow goes through a box
# so placement of interaction arrow needs some tweaking
# otherwise seems ok
varlabels = c("S", "I", "R")
flows = list(
S_flows = c("-b*S^2*I"),
I_flows = c("b*S^2*I","-g*I"),
R_flows = c("g*I","-k*R*I")
mymodel = list(variables = varlabels, flows = flows)
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(mymodel)
# this is a trick one. The model is properly formulated
# the arrow placement is somewhat off
# i think flipping curvature for cSI would make it right
# though the double-directional arrow between S and I is hard to read
# such loops show up I think rarely enough that we could ask the user
# to manually offset one of the arrows between S and I so it's clear those are
# 2 separate loops/processes
# UPDATE: I think back and forth might actually happen, see my updated goldilocks example
# (now as blog post)
varlabels = c("S", "I", "R")
flows = list(
S_flows = c("-b*S*I", "c*S*I"),
I_flows = c("b*S*I","-g*I", "-c*S*I"),
R_flows = c("g*I")
mymodel = list(variables = varlabels, flows = flows)
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(mymodel)
# covid model
variables <- c("S", "L", "Ia", "Isu", "Isd", "C", "H", "D", "R")
flows <- list(
S_flows = c("-f(t)*S"),
L_flows = c("f(t)*S", "-g*a*L", "-(1-g)*(1-a)*L", "-(1-g)*a*L"),
Ia_flows = c("g*a*L", "-s*Ia"),
Isu_flows = c("(1-g)*(1-a)*L", "-s*Isu"),
Isd_flows = c("(1-g)*a*L", "-s*v(t)*Isu"),
C_flows = c("s*v(t)*Isu", "-w*C*(1-h)/v(t)", "-w*C*h/v(t)"),
H_flows = c("w*C*h/v(t)", "-z*H*(1-m(t))", "-z*H*m(t)"),
D_flows = c("z*H*m(t)"),
R_flows = c("s*Ia", "s*Isu", "w*C*(1-h)/v(t)", "z*H*(1-m(t))")
model_list <- list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
locs <- matrix(data = c("", "", "Ia", "", "", "",
"S", "L", "Isu", "", "", "R",
"", "", "Isd", "C", "H", "D"),
nrow = 3, ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE)
setts <- list(varlocations = locs, varspace_x_size = 1, varbox_x_size = 1.5)
mod <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings = setts)
newsettings <- list(var_outline_color = c(all = "white",
Ia = "#ef6677",
Isu = "#ef6677"),
var_fill_color = c(S = "#91cdf0",
L = "#cdbb44",
Ia = "white",
Isu = "#fbd9dd",
Isd = "#ef6677",
C = "#a6a6a6",
H = "#322f8a",
D = "#842257",
R = "#50aa98"),
var_label_color = c(Ia = "grey25",
Isu = "grey25"),
var_label_text = c(S = "susceptible",
L = "latent",
Ia = "asymptomic\ninfectious",
Isu = "undetected\ninfectious",
Isd = "detected\ninfectious",
C = "cases",
H = "hospitalizations",
D = "deaths",
R = "recovered"),
var_label_size = c(all = 4,
H = 3.5),
flow_line_color = c(all = "grey15"),
flow_label_text = c(all = ""),
flow_ystart = c(m_wC1hvt = 0.25, m_zH1mt = 0.25),
flow_yend = c(m_wC1hvt = -0.25, m_zH1mt = -0.5, m_sIa = 0.25))
mod2 <- update_diagram(mod, newsettings)
# ggplot2::ggsave("../../Desktop/covid-model.png", height=4, width = 10, units = "in", dpi = 360)
# Simple SIR model for an easy test ---------------------------------------
# make model
variables = c("S","I","R")
flows = list(S_flows = c("n", "-b*S*I", "-m*S"),
I_flows = c("+b*S*I","-g*I", "-m*I"),
R_flows = c("g*I", "-m*R"))
model_list = list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
dfs <- prepare_diagram(model_list)
make_diagram(dfs) # prints the model diagram
make_diagram(dfs, with_grid = TRUE) # show the grid
# quick test of update
newsettings <- list(var_label_color = c(S = "green", I = "blue", R = "red"),
var_xlabel = c(all = -0.25, R = 0.25),
var_ylabel = c(all = 0.25, R = -0.25),
flow_line_size = c(interaction = 1.5),
flow_line_color = c(all = "grey25",
interaction = "orange",
e_n = "red"),
flow_xstart = c(i_bSI = -0.5),
flow_xlabel = c(all = 0.1, i_bSI = -0.25),
flow_ylabel = c(i_bSI = -0.1),
flow_label_text = c(i_bSI = "transmission"))
diag_list_up <- update_diagram(dfs, diagram_settings = newsettings)
# and one with an error
newsettings <- list(var_label_color = c(S = "green", I = "blue", R = "red"),
flow_line_size = c(interaction = 1.5),
flow_line_color = c(all = "grey25",
interaction = "orange",
e_n = "red"),
flow_xstart = c(z_n = 0.5)) # ERROR HERE IN NAME
# diag_list_up <- update_diagram(dfs, diagram_settings = newsettings)
# Test locations for SIR --------------------------------------------------
varlocs1 = matrix(c("S","","R","","I",""),byrow=TRUE,nrow=2)
varlocs2 = matrix(c("S","I","R"),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3)
varlocs3 = matrix(data = c("S", "",
"", "I",
"R", "" ),
nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# two rows, with I in second row
model_settings = list(varlocs1)
make_diagram(prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings)) #should error
model_settings = list(varlocations = varlocs1)
make_diagram(prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings)) #should work
# vertical diagram -- not always the best looking
model_settings = list(varlocations = varlocs2, varspace_y_size = 1)
make_diagram(prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings), with_grid = F)
# two columns, 3 rows
model_settings = list(varlocations = varlocs3)
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list , model_settings)
# Test model_settings and errors/warnings ---------------------------------
# these settings are good model settings, should work
model_settings1g = list(
varbox_x_size = 0.5,
varbox_y_size = 2)
model_settings2g = list(
varlocations = varlocs2,
varbox_x_size = 0.5,
varbox_y_size = 0.5,
varspace_x_size = 1,
varspace_y_size = 1)
model_settings3g = list(
varlocations = varlocs1,
varbox_x_size = c(1,2,1),
varbox_y_size = c(0.5,0.5,2),
varspace_x_size = 1,
varspace_y_size = 1)
model_settings4g = list(
varlocations = varlocs1,
varbox_x_size = c(1,2,1),
varbox_y_size = c(0.5,0.5,2)
model_settings5g = list(
varlocations = varlocs1,
varbox_x_size = c(1,0.5,1),
varbox_y_size = c(0.5,2,2)
model_settings6g = list(
varlocations = varlocs2,
varspace_y_size = c(1,2)
# now try them out...no errors/warnings should be produced
diagram_list_orig <- prepare_diagram(model_list)
diagram_list1g <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings1g)
diagram_list2g <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings2g)
diagram_list3g <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings3g)
diagram_list4g <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings4g)
diagram_list5g <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings5g)
diagram_list6g <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings6g)
# do they all print as expected?
# these are bad settings, should fail
model_settings1b = list(
varlocations = varlocs1,
varbox_x_size = 0.5,
varbox_y_size = 0.5,
varspace_x_size = c(1, 1),
varspace_y_size = c(0.1, 0.1))
prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings1b) # isses Error
# test sizes for each box
variables = c("S","I","R")
flows = list(S_flows = c("n", "-b*S*I", "-m*S"),
I_flows = c("+b*S*I","-g*I", "-m*I"),
R_flows = c("g*I", "-m*R"))
model_list = list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
test_settings = list(varlocations = matrix(data = c("S", "",
"", "I",
"R", "" ),
nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
varbox_x_size = c(1, 1.5, 1),
varbox_y_size = c(2, 1, 1),
varspace_x_size = 1.5,
varspace_y_size = c(0.5,1)
dlist <- prepare_diagram(model_list, test_settings)
make_diagram(dlist, with_grid = TRUE)
# Test model updating -----------------------------------------------------
# this should work
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list)
diagram_list_new <- update_diagram(
diagram_settings = list(flow_line_color = c(main = "orange")))
# this should work
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list)
diagram_list_new <- update_diagram(
diagram_settings = list(flow_line_color = c(main = "orange"),
flow_arrow_size = c(main = 2),
flow_show_arrow = c(interaction = FALSE)))
# this should issue a warning about no new settings
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list)
diagram_list_new <- update_diagram(diagram_list) # warning issued
# this should work
diagram_settings <- list(var_outline_color = c(S = "black", I = "white", R = "red"))
diagram_list_ok <- update_diagram(diagram_list, diagram_settings)
make_diagram(diagram_list_ok) # good!
#this should work
diagram_settings <- list(var_outline_color = c(S = "black", I = "white", R = "red"),
var_fill_color = c(all ="red"))
diagram_list_ok <- update_diagram(diagram_list, diagram_settings)
make_diagram(diagram_list_ok) # good!
# this should error out - it does
diagram_settings <- list(var_outline_color = c(J = "black", K = "red"))
diagram_list_new <- update_diagram(diagram_list, diagram_settings)
# this should also error out - wrong number of entries again
# it does error out
diagram_settings <- list(var_outline_color = c(all = "solid"))
diagram_list_new <- update_diagram(diagram_list, diagram_settings)
# this should also error out - it does!
diagram_settings <- list(flow_line_type = c(main = "black"))
diagram_list_new <- update_diagram(diagram_list, diagram_settings)
# Test make_diagram -------------------------------------------------------
# this works
# test predator prey model
variables = c("Pat","Imm")
flows = list(Pat_flows = c("g*Pat*(1-Pat/pmax)", "-dP*Pat", "-k*Pat*Imm"),
Imm_flows = c("r*Pat*Imm", "-dI*Imm"))
model_list = list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list)
# test an inflow
variables <- c("A", "B", "C")
flows = list(A_flows = c(""),
B_flows = c("r*A*C"),
C_flows = c(""))
model_list <- list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
# environmental transmission
variables = c("S","I","R","P")
flows = list(S_flows = c("n","-m*S","-bI*S*I", "-bP*S*P"),
I_flows = c("bI*S*I", "bP*S*P", "-g*I", "-m*I"),
R_flows = c("g*I", "-m*R"),
P_flows = c("q*I", "-c*P")
mymodel = list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
diagram_list = prepare_diagram(mymodel)
# better positioning
myvarlocs = matrix(c("","P","","S","I","R"),byrow=TRUE,nrow=2)
model_settings = list(varlocations = myvarlocs)
make_diagram(prepare_diagram(mymodel, model_settings = model_settings))
# acute virus and IR model - DSAIRM
# original version fails
# several alternatives I tried also fail
# seems the division component is not processed right?
# getting this to work is important since models like that
# show up a lot in DSAIRM (and other places)
variables = c("U","I","V","F","T")
flows = list(U_flows = c("-b*U*V"),
I_flows = c("b*U*V","-dI*I","-kT*T*I"),
# V_flows = c("p*I", "-dV*V","-g*b*U*V"), # works
# V_flows = c("I/F", "-dV*V","-g*b*U*V"), # also fails
# V_flows = c("p*I", "-dV*V","-g*b*U*V"), #also fails
# V_flows = c("p*I/(kF*F)", "-dV*V","-g*b*U*V"), #also fails
V_flows = c("p*I/(1+kF*I)","-dV*V","-g*b*U*V"), #original, fails
F_flows = c("rF*I","-dF*F"),
T_flows = c("rT*T*F","-dT*T")
model <- list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
layout = list(varlocations = matrix(c("U","","I","","V",
nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),
varspace_x_size = 0.3
dlist <- prepare_diagram(model,layout)
diag <- make_diagram(dlist)
## ATT testing
model_list <- model
model_settings = list(varlocations = matrix(c("U", "I", "V",
"F", "T", ""),
nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
dlist <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings)
diag <- make_diagram(dlist, with_grid = TRUE)
# try to make it prettier...
model_settings = list(varlocations = matrix(c("", "V", "",
"U", "", "I",
"F", "", "T"),
nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE))
dlist <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings)
diag <- make_diagram(dlist, with_grid = TRUE)
update_diagram(diagram_list = dlist)
newd <- update_diagram(
diagram_list = dlist,
diagram_settings = list(
flow_xstart = c(i_pI1kFI = 0.5, i_bUV = 0.5),
flow_ystart = c(
i_pI1kFI = 0.5,
i_rTTF = -0.25,
i_rFI = -0.25,
i_bUV = -0.75
flow_xend = c(
i_rFI = -0.5,
i_bUV = 0.5,
i_gbUV = -0.5
flow_yend = c(i_rFI = 0.5),
flow_ylabel = c(
i_rFI = -0.2,
i_rTTF = -0.1,
i_bUV = -0.75
flow_xlabel = c(
i_pI1kFI = 0.9,
i_kTTI = 1.1,
i_bUV = 1.6,
i_gbUV = -0.25,
e_dVV = 0.55
flow_curvature = c(
i_kTTI = 1,
i_rFI = 0.1,
i_bUV = -0.8
# extended bacteria model - DSAIRM
# version with log() kinda works (surprising to me, since I didn't think we supported that yet
# but arrow placement is poor
# taking out log doesn't improve arrow placement
variables = c("B","I","A")
flows = list(B_flows = c("g*B*(1-B/bmax)","-dB*B","-kI*B*I", "-kA*B*A"),
I_flows = c("rI*B*(1-I/imax)", "-dI*I"),
# A_flows = c("rA*A*I/(h+I)","-dA*A") #gives pretty much same result
A_flows = c("rA*A*log(I)/(h+log(I))","-dA*A") #original
model_list <- list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
model_settings = list(varlocations = matrix(c("","B","",
nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
dlist <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings)
diag <- make_diagram(dlist)
# make it pretty
model_settings = list(varlocations = matrix(c("B","","I",
nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
dlist <- prepare_diagram(model_list, model_settings)
update_diagram(diagram_list = dlist)
newd <- update_diagram(
diagram_list = dlist,
diagram_settings = list(
flow_xstart = c(e_dBB = -0.2, e_kIBI = 0.2, i_rAAlogIhlogI = 0.2),
flow_xend = c(e_dBB = -0.2, e_kIBI = 0.2, i_kIBI = 0.2, i_rAAlogIhlogI = 0.3),
flow_ystart = c(i_kIBI = 0.2, i_rAAlogIhlogI = -0.5),
flow_yend = c(i_rAAlogIhlogI = -0.2),
flow_xlabel = c(e_dBB = -0.6, i_kABA = -0.6),
flow_ylabel = c(i_kABA = -0.5, i_kIBI = 0.4, i_rAAlogIhlogI = -0.3),
flow_curvature = c(i_kABA = -0.5, i_kIBI = 0)))
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