

test_that("salmon_sim() gives correct answer with defaults", {
  default_sim_create_in_test <- salmon_sim()

  expect_equal(dplyr::select(default_sim_create_in_test, -c("alpha")),

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if any non-numeric inputs", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(T = "a"))
          expect_error(salmon_sim(h_t = "a"))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if deterministic not TRUE or FALSE", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(deterministic = "a"))
          expect_error(salmon_sim(deterministic = c(TRUE, FALSE)))
          expect_error(salmon_sim(deterministic = NA))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if length(h_t) != T (if h_t not scalar), T_transient + T too small, h_t too big ", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(T = 50,
                                  h_t = rep(0.2, 49)))
          expect_error(salmon_sim(T_transient = 1, T = 1))
          expect_error(salmon_sim(h_t = 1))
          expect_silent(salmon_run(h_t = 0.5))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if length(R_t_init) != 8 or has no positive values", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(R_t_init = 1:7))
          expect_error(salmon_sim(R_t_init = rep(0,8)))
          expect_silent(salmon_sim(R_t_init = c(0.5, rep(0, 7))))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if sum(p_prime) != 1", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(p_prime = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if dimesions of epsilon_tg != c(T, length(p_prime)", {
  expect_error(salmon_sim(epsilon_tg = matrix(777,
                                              length(p_prime) -1 )))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if length(nu_t) != T", {
  expect_error(salmon_sim(nu_t = 1:(T - 1)))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if all parameters (excluding nu_t) not >= 0", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(rho = -1))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if alpha = 0", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(alpha = 0))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if scalar inputs are vectors instead", {
          expect_error(salmon_sim(rho = c(0.2, 0.5)))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives error if beta wrong length or does not sum to 1", {
  expect_error(salmon_sim(beta = c(1, 2, 3)))
  expect_error(salmon_sim(beta = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 5)))

test_that("salmon_sim() gives correct steady state for deterministic run", {
  # Use defaults
  h_star <- 0.2
  alpha <- 0.8
  beta_vec <- c(0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1)/1.2
  T <- 1000
  R_star <- max((log(alpha) + log(1 - h_star)) / (sum(beta_vec) * (1 - h_star)),
                0)         # Don't care about a -ve steady state
  R_numeric_tail <- salmon_sim(alpha = alpha,
                               h_t = h_star,
                               beta = beta_vec,
                               T = T,
                               deterministic = TRUE
  expect_equal(min(R_numeric_tail), R_star)
  expect_equal(max(R_numeric_tail), R_star)

test_that("salmon_sim() results in R^* = 0 steady state if alpha < 1/(1-h_star)", {
  # Use defaults
  h_star <- 0.2
  alpha <- 0.8
  T <- 1000
  R_numeric_tail <- salmon_sim(alpha = alpha,
                               h_t = h_star,
                               T = T,
                               deterministic = TRUE
  expect_equal(min(R_numeric_tail), 0)
  expect_equal(max(R_numeric_tail), 0)

test_that("plot_sim() can create a plot for default run (no seed set)", {
andrew-edwards/EDMsimulate documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 2:43 p.m.