Man pages for andrew-edwards/sizeSpectra
Fitting Size Spectra to Ecological Data Using Maximum Likelihood

binDataConstruct bins either double in size or are of equal width,...
bins_assignment_plotDemonstration of how binned body-mass values get assigned to...
calcLikeCalculate maximum likelihood estimate and 95\ interval
calcLikeSegmentsCalculate MLEs and 95\ of a data set
confPlotPlot confidence intervals of repeated estimates for one...
dataBinThe 'IBTS_data' amended with explicit length and body mass...
dataOrigOriginal IBTS dataset downloaded from DATRAS website
DistributionsBounded and unbounded power-law distributions
eightMethodsCompute size-spectra exponents for a dataset using all eight...
eightMethods.countCompute exponents for the IBTS dataset using all eight...
eightMethodsMEEUse all eight methods to fit a simple vector of body masses...
eight.methods.plotPlotting fits of eight methods for a single data set (MEE...
eight.results.defaultResults of fitting 10,000 data sets using eight methods (MEE...
eval.string.dplyrInternal function used by s_filter, s_select etc.
fFormat x to have the specified number of decimal places
fullResultsFull results from using each fitting method on each year of...
gap.barplot.custCustomising 'plotrix::gap.barplot' for a histogram with a gap...
histAxesHistogram axes for figures as in Figure 3 of MEE paper
histAxes2Do histogram axes for Figure - not used, but may need to...
IBTS_dataThe IBTS data after some processing as in vignette...
ISD_bin_plotRecommended plots of individual size distribution and fit for...
ISD_bin_plot_nonoverlappingRecommended plots of individual size distribution and fit for...
is.wholenumberTests if each value in a vector is a whole number
LBmizbinsFunCalculate the bin breaks for the LBmiz method
LBN_bin_plotBiomass size spectrum plot for binned data demonstrating...
LBNbiom.methodFit biomass size spectrum with the LBNbiom and LBbiom methods
LBNbiom.method.countsUse the LBN and LB methods to calculate the slope of the...
legJustAdd legend with right-justification
lengthToMassConvert a vector of body lengths to a vector of body masses...
length_weight_plotExample length-weight relationships for two species,...
Llin.methodFit size spectrum using Llin method
Llin.method.countsThe Llin method for count data The Llin method, which is...
lm.linePlot bounded straight line of results of 'lm()' fit
log2binsConstruct bins that double in size and encompass the data,
logTicksAdd axes and tick marks to a log-log plot to represent...
massToLengthConvert a vector of body masses to a vector of body lengths...
MLEbin.MEPS.cutoff16Simulation results of multiple data sets (with $x_min=1$ but...
MLEbin.MEPS.defaultDefault simulation results of multiple data sets binned using...
MLEbin.MEPS.xmin16Simulation results of multiple data sets (with $x_min=16$)...
MLEbin.simulateSimulate, bin and fit data using four different binning...
MLEbins.resResults from using MLEbins method on each year of IBTS data...
MLEmid.MLEbin.confOne figure with eight confidence interval plots for each of...
MLEmid.MLEbin.histOne figure with eight histograms for each of MLEmid and...
MLEmid.MLEbin.tableMake dataframe of results from MLEmid and MLEbin methods and...
MLE.plotRecommended single plot of ISD and MLE results
MLE.plots.recommendRecommended LBN-type plot with ISD for fitted MLE (MEE Figure...
negLL.PLBCalculate negative log-likelihood for the bounded power-law...
negLL.PLB.binnedCalculate negative log-likelihood for the bounded power-law...
negLL.PLB.binned.speciesCalculate the negative log-likelihood of 'b' for the PLB...
negLL.PLB.bins.speciesCalculate the negative log-likelihood of 'b' for the PLB...
negLL.PLB.countsCalculate negative log-likelihood for the bounded power-law...
pBiomassBiomass distribution function from MEE equations A.4 and A.8
pBiomassBinsTotal and normalised biomass in each bin for a fitted...
pBiomassBinsConfsWrapper to call 'pBiomassBins()' for three values of b (MLE...
plot_binned_fittedAdd horizontal bars and shaded rectangles to 'LBN_bin_plot()'
profLikeProfile log-likelihood method to calculate 95\...
qqtabProduce row for a dataframe, LaTeX or Rmarkdown table code...
specCodeNamesSpecies codes and their scientific names
species_bins_plotsPlot the species-specific bins for all species, as in Figures...
s_selectModified version of dplyr's select that uses string arguments
timeSerPlotPlot time series of estimated _b_ with confidence intervals
timeSerPlot.eightCall 'timeSerPlot()' eight times to create MEPS Figure 1,...
totalBiomassCalculate the total biomass for given parameter values for...
andrew-edwards/sizeSpectra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:09 p.m.