
This is a resubmission of malacoda, which was previously released May 31 2019. In this submission:

Previous submission comments

Test environments

Windows is not a target platform for us, so Windows-related errors/warnings/build-failures do not bother us if they are not a problem for the CRAN maintainers.

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.

There were 4 NOTEs: * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer: 'Andrew Ghazi'

New submission

Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION: CRISPR (9:84, 9:144) MPRA (9:75, 9:127) barcodes (9:132) gRNAs (9:151)

This is a resubmission of this package (my first) after previous submission was rejected do to some initial problems.

The words CRISPR, MPRA, barcodes, and gRNAs are all spelled correctly. These seem to be false positives from the spell-checker. We have used devtools::spell_check() and didn't spot any problems.

GNU make was added as a system requirement by rstantools::rstan_package_skeleton(). Removing this requirement would likely interfere with the compilation of the Stan models in this package.

The -march=native flag is recommended by the RStan team as part of our Stan installation. We have tried leaving off this flag and it doesn't seem to cause any problems, so we don't think its absence will cause issues.

The large compiled libraries come from the package's Stan models and the associated pre-compiled C++ modules which are fairly large. There doesn't seem to be a way of reducing the size of these compiled Stan models, and they are essential to the function of the package.

Downstream dependencies

There are no downstream dependencies for this package.

Thank you! :)

andrewGhazi/malacoda documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 12:54 a.m.