
Defines functions summary.simmr_output

Documented in summary.simmr_output

#' Summarises the output created with \code{\link{simmr_mcmc}} or 
#' \code{\link{simmr_ffvb}}
#' Produces textual summaries and convergence diagnostics for an object created
#' with \code{\link{simmr_mcmc}} or \code{\link{simmr_ffvb}}. The different
#' options are: 'diagnostics' which produces Brooks-Gelman-Rubin diagnostics
#' to assess MCMC convergence, 'quantiles' which produces credible intervals
#' for the parameters, 'statistics' which produces means and standard
#' deviations, and 'correlations' which produces correlations between the
#' parameters.
#' The quantile output allows easy calculation of 95 per cent credible
#' intervals of the posterior dietary proportions. The correlations, along with
#' the matrix plot in \code{\link{plot.simmr_output}} allow the user to judge
#' which sources are non-identifiable. The Gelman diagnostic values should be
#' close to 1 to ensure satisfactory convergence.
#' When multiple groups are included, the output automatically includes the
#' results for all groups.
#' @param object An object of class \code{simmr_output} produced by the
#' function \code{\link{simmr_mcmc}} or \code{\link{simmr_ffvb}}
#' @param type The type of output required. At least none of 'diagnostics',
#' 'quantiles', 'statistics', or 'correlations'.
#' @param group Which group or groups the output is required for.
#' @param ...  Not used
#' @return A list containing the following components: \item{gelman }{The
#' convergence diagnostics} \item{quantiles }{The quantiles of each parameter
#' from the posterior distribution} \item{statistics }{The means and standard
#' deviations of each parameter} \item{correlations }{The posterior
#' correlations between the parameters} Note that this object is reported
#' silently so will be discarded unless the function is called with an object
#' as in the example below.
#' @author Andrew Parnell <andrew.parnell@@mu.ie>, Emma Govan
#' @seealso See \code{\link{simmr_mcmc}} and \code{\link{simmr_ffvb}}for
#' creating objects suitable for this function, and many more examples.
#' See also \code{\link{simmr_load}} for creating simmr objects,
#' \code{\link{plot.simmr_input}} for creating isospace plots,
#' \code{\link{plot.simmr_output}} for plotting output.
#' @importFrom stats sd cor
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # A simple example with 10 observations, 2 tracers and 4 sources
#' # The data
#' data(geese_data_day1)
#' simmr_1 <- with(
#'   geese_data_day1,
#'   simmr_load(
#'     mixtures = mixtures,
#'     source_names = source_names,
#'     source_means = source_means,
#'     source_sds = source_sds,
#'     correction_means = correction_means,
#'     correction_sds = correction_sds,
#'     concentration_means = concentration_means
#'   )
#' )
#' # Plot
#' plot(simmr_1)
#' # MCMC run
#' simmr_1_out <- simmr_mcmc(simmr_1)
#' # Summarise
#' summary(simmr_1_out) # This outputs all the summaries
#' summary(simmr_1_out, type = "diagnostics") # Just the diagnostics
#' # Store the output in an
#' ans <- summary(simmr_1_out,
#'   type = c("quantiles", "statistics")
#' )
#' }
#' @export
summary.simmr_output <-
  function(object, type = c("diagnostics", "quantiles", "statistics", "correlations"), group = 1, ...) {
    if (inherits(object, "simmr_output") == TRUE) {
      if (inherits(object, "simmr_mcmc_object") == TRUE) {
        #simmr solo run determine if true or not
        if (nrow(object$input$mixtures) == 1) {
          solo <- TRUE
        } else {
          solo <- FALSE
        # Get the specified type
        type <- match.arg(type, several.ok = TRUE)

        # Set up containers
        out_bgr <- out_quantiles <- out_statistics <- out_cor <- vector("list", length = length(group))
        group_names <- levels(object$input$group)
        names(out_bgr) <- paste0("group_", group)
        names(out_quantiles) <- paste0("group_", group)
        names(out_statistics) <- paste0("group_", group)
        names(out_cor) <- paste0("group_", group)

        # Loop through groups
        for (i in 1:length(group)) {
          message("\nSummary for ", group_names[group[i]], "\n")
          out_all <- object$output[[group[i]]]$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix

          # Get objects
          out_bgr[[i]] <- object$output[[i]]$BUGSoutput$summary[, "Rhat"]
          out_quantiles[[i]] <- t(apply(out_all, 2, "quantile", probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))
          #  coda:::summary.mcmc.list(object$output)$quantiles
          out_statistics[[i]] <- t(apply(out_all, 2, function(x) {
            return(c(mean = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)))
          # coda:::summary.mcmc.list(object$output)$statistics[,1:2]
          if(solo == TRUE){
            out_cor[[i]] <- stats::cor(out_all[,1:(object$input$n_sources +1)])
          }else if(solo == FALSE){
          out_cor[[i]] <- stats::cor(out_all)

          if ("diagnostics" %in% type) {
            # Print out gelman diagnostics of the output
            message("R-hat values - these values should all be close to 1.\n")
            message("If not, try a longer run of simmr_mcmc.\n")
            if (solo == FALSE){
            print(round(out_bgr[[i]], 2))
            } else if(solo == TRUE){
              print(round(out_bgr[[i]][1:(length(object$input$source_names) +1)], 2))

          if ("quantiles" %in% type) {
            # Print out quantiles argument
            print(round(out_quantiles[[i]], 3))

          if ("statistics" %in% type) {
            # Print out quantiles argument
            print(round(out_statistics[[i]], 3))

          if ("correlations" %in% type) {
            # Print out quantiles argument
            print(round(out_cor[[i]], 3))

        if (object$input$n_groups == 1) {
          invisible(list(gelman = out_bgr[[1]], quantiles = out_quantiles[[1]], statistics = out_statistics[[1]], correlations = out_cor[[1]]))
        } else {
          invisible(list(gelman = out_bgr, quantiles = out_quantiles, statistics = out_statistics, correlations = out_cor))
      } else if (inherits(object, "simmr_ffvb_object") == TRUE) {
        # Get the specified type
        type <- match.arg(type, several.ok = TRUE)

        # Set up containers
        out_bgr <- out_quantiles <- out_statistics <- out_cor <- vector("list", length = length(group))
        group_names <- levels(object$input$group)
        names(out_bgr) <- paste0("group_", group)
        names(out_quantiles) <- paste0("group_", group)
        names(out_statistics) <- paste0("group_", group)
        names(out_cor) <- paste0("group_", group)

        # Loop through groups
        for (i in 1:length(group)) {
          message("\nSummary for ", group_names[group[i]], "\n")
          out_all <- object$output[[group[i]]]$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix

          # Get objects
          out_quantiles[[i]] <- t(apply(out_all, 2, "quantile", probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))
          #  coda:::summary.mcmc.list(object$output)$quantiles
          out_statistics[[i]] <- t(apply(out_all, 2, function(x) {
            return(c(mean = mean(x), sd = stats::sd(x)))
          # coda:::summary.mcmc.list(object$output)$statistics[,1:2]
          out_cor[[i]] <- stats::cor(out_all)

          if ("diagnostics" %in% type) {
            message("Diagnostics can't be printed for ffvb \n")

          if ("quantiles" %in% type) {
            # Print out quantiles argument
            print(round(out_quantiles[[i]], 3))

          if ("statistics" %in% type) {
            # Print out quantiles argument
            print(round(out_statistics[[i]], 3))

          if ("correlations" %in% type) {
            # Print out quantiles argument
            print(round(out_cor[[i]], 3))

        if (object$input$n_groups == 1) {
          invisible(list(gelman = out_bgr[[1]], quantiles = out_quantiles[[1]], statistics = out_statistics[[1]], correlations = out_cor[[1]]))
        } else {
          invisible(list(gelman = out_bgr, quantiles = out_quantiles, statistics = out_statistics, correlations = out_cor))
    } else {
      (return(message("incorrect object passed to function")))
andrewcparnell/simmr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 6:33 p.m.