
# Copyright (c) 2024 Andrew Marx. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under AGPLv3.0. See LICENSE file in the project root for details.

#' @include samc-class.R location-class.R

#' Calculate visitation metrics
#' Calculates the number of times that transient states are visited before absorption.
#' \eqn{\tilde{F}_{t} = (\sum_{n=0}^{t-1}{Q}^n)}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, time)}
#' The result is a matrix \eqn{M} where \eqn{M_{i,j}} is the number of times that
#' transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited after \eqn{\mathit{t}} time steps
#' if starting at transient state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' The returned matrix will always be dense and cannot be optimized. Must enable
#' override to use (see \code{\link{samc-class}}).
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, origin, time)}
#' The result is a vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} where \eqn{\mathbf{v}_j} is the number
#' of times that transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited after \eqn{\mathit{t}}
#' time steps if starting at transient state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' If the samc-class object was created using matrix or RasterLayer maps, then
#' vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} can be mapped to a RasterLayer using the
#' \code{\link{map}} function.
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, dest, time)}
#' The result is a vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} where \eqn{\mathbf{v}_i} is the number
#' of times that transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited after \eqn{\mathit{t}}
#' time steps if starting at transient state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' If the samc-class object was created using matrix or RasterLayer maps, then
#' vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} can be mapped to a RasterLayer using the
#' \code{\link{map}} function.
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, origin, dest, time)}
#' The result is a numeric value that is the number of times transient state
#' \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited after \eqn{\mathit{t}} time steps if starting at
#' transient state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' }
#' \eqn{\psi^T \tilde{F}_{t}}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, init, time)}
#' The result is a vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} where \eqn{\mathbf{v}_j} is the number
#' of times that transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited after \eqn{\mathit{t}}
#' time steps before absorption given an initial state \eqn{\psi}.
#' If the samc-class object was created using matrix or RasterLayer maps, then
#' vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} can be mapped to a RasterLayer using the
#' \code{\link{map}} function.
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, init, dest, time)}
#' The result is a numeric value that is the number of times transient state
#' \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited after \eqn{\mathit{t}} time steps given an initial
#' state \eqn{\psi}.
#' }
#' \eqn{F = (I-Q)^{-1}}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc)}
#' The result is a matrix \eqn{M} where \eqn{M_{i,j}} is the number of times that
#' transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited before absorption if starting at
#' transient state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' The returned matrix will always be dense and cannot be optimized. Must enable
#' override to use (see \code{\link{samc-class}}).
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, origin)}
#' The result is a vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} where \eqn{\mathbf{v}_j} is the number
#' of times that transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited before absorption if
#' starting at transient state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' If the samc-class object was created using matrix or RasterLayer maps, then
#' vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} can be mapped to a RasterLayer using the
#' \code{\link{map}} function.
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, dest)}
#' The result is a vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} where \eqn{\mathbf{v}_i} is the number
#' of times that transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited before absorption if
#' starting at transient state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' If the samc-class object was created using matrix or RasterLayer maps, then
#' vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} can be mapped to a RasterLayer using the
#' \code{\link{map}} function.
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, origin, dest)}
#' The result is a numeric value that is the number of times transient state
#' \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited before absorption if starting at transient
#' state \eqn{\mathit{i}}.
#' }
#' \eqn{\psi^TF}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, init)}
#' The result is a vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} where \eqn{\mathbf{v}_j} is the number
#' of times that transient state \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited before absorption
#' given an initial state \eqn{\psi}.
#' If the samc-class object was created using matrix or RasterLayer maps, then
#' vector \eqn{\mathbf{v}} can be mapped to a RasterLayer using the
#' \code{\link{map}} function.
#'   \item \strong{visitation(samc, init, dest)}
#' The result is a numeric value that is the number of times transient state
#' \eqn{\mathit{j}} is visited before absorption given an initial state \eqn{\psi}.
#' }
#' @template section-perf
#' @template param-samc
#' @template param-init
#' @template param-origin
#' @template param-dest
#' @template param-time
#' @return See Details
#' @example inst/examples/example.R
#' @export

  function(samc, init, origin, dest, time) {

# TODO tests for short-term visitation metrics
# visitation(samc, time) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "missing", dest = "missing", time = "numeric"),
  function(samc, time){

    if (!samc@override)
      stop("This version of the visitation() method produces a large dense matrix.\nSee the documentation for details.", call. = FALSE)

    if (time %% 1 != 0 || time < 1 || length(time) > 1)
      stop("The time argument must be a single positive integer", call. = FALSE)

    q <- as.matrix(samc$q_matrix)
    q2 = base::diag(nrow(q))
    res <- q2

    for (i in 1:(time-1)) {
      q2 = q2 %*% q
      res <- res + q2

    if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      pv = samc@prob_mat
      pv = pv[!is.na(pv)]

      res = diag(pv) %*% res

      res = apply(res, 1, function(x) samc:::.summarize_crw(samc, x, sum))
      res = apply(res, 1, function(x) samc:::.summarize_crw(samc, x, sum)) # Same margin because results of last are transposed


# visitation(samc, origin, time) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "location", dest = "missing", time = "numeric"),
  function(samc, origin, time){

    if (is(origin, "matrix")) {
      if (nrow(origin) > 1) stop("Only a single origin is supported for CRW", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (length(origin) != 1) stop("origin can only contain a single value for this version of the function", call. = FALSE)

    origin = .process_locations(samc, origin)
    init = .map_location(samc, origin)

    return(visitation(samc, init, time = time))

# visitation(samc, dest, time) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "missing", dest = "location", time = "numeric"),
  function(samc, dest, time){

    if (length(dest) != 1)
      stop("dest can only contain a single location for this version of the function", call. = FALSE)

    dest = .process_locations(samc, dest)

    q = samc$q_matrix

    time = c(1, time)

    if (samc@model$name == "RW") {
      vec = numeric(samc@nodes)
      vec[dest] = 1
    } else if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      vec = as.numeric(samc@crw_map[,1] == dest)
    } else {
      stop("Unexpected model", call. = FALSE)

    ft = .sum_qpow_col(q, vec, time)
    names(ft) = as.character(time[-1])

    ft = lapply(ft, as.vector)

    if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      pv = samc@prob_mat
      pv = pv[!is.na(pv)]

      ft = lapply(ft, function(x) .summarize_crw(samc, pv * x, sum))

    if (length(ft) == 1) {
    } else {

# visitation(samc, origin, dest, time) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "location", dest = "location", time = "numeric"),
  function(samc, origin, dest, time){

    dest = .process_locations(samc, dest)

    ft <- visitation(samc, origin = origin, time = time)

    if (is.list(ft)){
      return(lapply(ft, "[", dest))
    } else if (is.vector(ft)) {
    } else {
      stop("This should not have been possible. Please submit a report with a fully reproducible and simplified example.", call. = FALSE)

# visitation(samc, init, time) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "ANY", origin = "missing", dest = "missing", time = "numeric"),
  function(samc, init, time){

    check(samc, init)

    pv <- .process_init(samc, init)

    if (samc@solver %in% c("direct", "iter")) {
      q <- samc$q_matrix

      time <- c(1, time)
      ft <- .sum_qpow_row(q, pv, time)
      names(ft) = as.character(time[-1])

      ft = lapply(ft, as.vector)

      if (samc@model$name == "CRW") ft = lapply(ft, function(x) .summarize_crw(samc, x, sum))

      if (length(ft) == 1) {
      } else {
    } else if (samc@solver == "conv") {
      if (samc@precision == "single") {
        results_list = samc:::.convolution_short_float(time, samc@conv_cache, pv, samc@threads)
      } else if (samc@precision == "double") {
        results_list = samc:::.convolution_short_double(time, samc@conv_cache, pv, samc@threads)
      } else {
        stop("Invalid data type. Must be either 'single' or 'double'", call. = FALSE)
      if (length(results_list$vis) == 1) {
      } else {
    } else {
      stop("Invalid method attribute in samc object.")

# visitation(samc) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "missing", dest = "missing", time = "missing"),

    if (!samc@override)
      stop("This version of the visitation() method produces a large dense matrix.\nSee the documentation for details.", call. = FALSE)

    n = Matrix::solve(samc@data@f)
    n = as.matrix(n)

    if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      pv = samc@prob_mat
      pv = pv[!is.na(pv)]

      n = diag(pv) %*% n

      n = apply(n, 1, function(x) samc:::.summarize_crw(samc, x, sum))
      n = apply(n, 1, function(x) samc:::.summarize_crw(samc, x, sum)) # Same margin because results of last are transposed


# visitation(samc, origin) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "location", dest = "missing", time = "missing"),
  function(samc, origin){

    if (is(origin, "matrix")) {
      if (nrow(origin) > 1) stop("Only a single origin is supported for CRW", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (length(origin) != 1)
        stop("origin can only contain a single value for this version of the function", call. = FALSE)

    origin = .process_locations(samc, origin)
    init = .map_location(samc, origin)

    return(visitation(samc, init = init))

# visitation(samc, dest) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "missing", dest = "location", time = "missing"),
  function(samc, dest){

    if (is.matrix(dest)) {

    } else {
      if (length(dest) != 1)
        stop("dest can only contain a single location for this version of the function", call. = FALSE)

    dest = .process_locations(samc, dest)

    if (samc@model$name == "RW") {
      vec = numeric(samc@nodes)
      vec[dest] = 1
    } else if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      vec = as.numeric(samc@crw_map[,1] == dest)
    } else {
      stop("Unexpected model", call. = FALSE)

    if (samc@solver == "iter") {
      r = .f_col_iter(samc@data@f, vec)
    } else {
      r = .f_col(samc@data@f, vec, samc@.cache$sc)

    if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      pv = samc@prob_mat
      pv = pv[!is.na(pv)]

      r = .summarize_crw(samc, pv * r, sum)


# visitation(samc, origin, dest) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "location", dest = "location", time = "missing"),
  function(samc, origin, dest){

    origin <- .process_locations(samc, origin)
    dest <- .process_locations(samc, dest)

    if(length(origin) != length(dest))
      stop("The 'origin' and 'dest' parameters must have the same number of values", call. = FALSE)

    result <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(origin))

    for (o in unique(origin)) {
      # Using visitiation(samc, origin) because visitation(samc, dest) involves an extra transpose operation
      t <- visitation(samc, origin = o)
      result[origin == o] <- t[dest[origin == o]]


# visitation(samc, init) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "ANY", origin = "missing", dest = "missing", time = "missing"),
  function(samc, init){
    check(samc, init)

    pv <- .process_init(samc, init)

    if (samc@solver %in% c("direct", "iter")) {
      if (samc@solver == "iter") {
        r <- .f_row_iter(samc@data@f, pv)
      } else {
        r <- .f_row(samc@data@f, pv, samc@.cache$sc)

      r = as.vector(r)

      if (samc@model$name == "CRW") r = .summarize_crw(samc, r, sum)

    } else if (samc@solver == "conv") {
      if (samc@precision == "single") {
        results_list = samc:::.convolution_long_float(samc@conv_cache, pv, samc@threads)
      } else if (samc@precision == "double") {
        results_list = samc:::.convolution_long_double(samc@conv_cache, pv, samc@threads)
      } else {
        stop("Invalid data type. Must be either 'single' or 'double'", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid method attribute in samc object.")

# visitation(samc, init, dest) ----
#' @rdname visitation
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "ANY", origin = "missing", dest = "location", time = "missing"),
  function(samc, init, dest){

    dest = .process_locations(samc, dest)

    vis = visitation(samc, init)


#' Calculate net visitation
#' Calculates the net number of times that transient states are visited before absorption.
#' Add details here
#' @template section-perf
#' @template param-samc
#' @template param-init
#' @template param-origin
#' @template param-dest
#' @return See Details
#' @example inst/examples/example.R
#' @export

  function(samc, init, origin, dest) {

# visitation_net(samc, origin) ----
#' @rdname visitation_net
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "location", dest = "missing"),
  function(samc, origin) {

    if (length(origin) != 1)
      stop("origin can only contain a single location for this version of the function", call. = FALSE)

    origin = .process_locations(samc, origin)
    init = .map_location(samc, origin)

    return(visitation_net(samc, init = init))

# visitation_net(samc, origin, dest) ----
#' @rdname visitation_net
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "location", dest = "location"),
  function(samc, origin, dest) {
    warning("Version 4 of the package updated the usage of this function and is no longer compatable with older usage. See NEWS.md for details.", call. = FALSE)
    if (length(dest) != 1) {
      stop("dest can only contain a single location for this version of the function", call. = FALSE)

    dest = .process_locations(samc, dest)
    res = visitation_net(samc, origin = origin)


# visitation_net(samc, init) ----
#' @rdname visitation_net
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "ANY", origin = "missing", dest = "missing"),
  function(samc, init) {

    check(samc, init)

    pv = .process_init(samc, init)

    if (samc@solver %in% c("direct", "iter")) {
      if (samc@solver == "iter") {
        r = .f_row_iter(samc@data@f, pv)
      } else {
        r = .f_row(samc@data@f, pv, samc@.cache$sc)

      r = as.vector(r)

      # if (samc@model$name == "CRW") r = .summarize_crw(samc, r, sum)

      vis = r
    } else if (samc@solver == "conv") {
      if (samc@precision == "single") {
        results_list = samc:::.convolution_long_float(samc@conv_cache, pv, samc@threads)
      } else if (samc@precision == "double") {
        results_list = samc:::.convolution_long_double(samc@conv_cache, pv, samc@threads)
      } else {
        stop("Invalid data type. Must be either 'single' or 'double'", call. = FALSE)

      vis = results_list$vis
    } else {
      stop("Invalid method attribute in samc object.")

    vq = vis * samc$q_matrix
    n_net = Matrix::skewpart(vq) * 2 # undo div by 2 in skewpart to get vq-t(vq). TODO: check if actually more efficient than direc vq-t(vq)
    n_net@x = pmax(n_net@x, 0)
    visit_net = as.vector(Matrix::colSums(n_net)) + pv


# visitation_net(samc, init, dest) ----
#' @rdname visitation_net
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "ANY", origin = "missing", dest = "location"),
  function(samc, init, dest) {
    if (length(dest) != 1) {
      stop("dest can only contain a single location for this version of the function", call. = FALSE)

    dest = .process_locations(samc, dest)
    res = visitation_net(samc, init = init)

andrewmarx/samc documentation built on Nov. 1, 2024, 10:10 p.m.