
Defines functions format_params get_par_levels copy_attrs is_nuat explanatory_variable response_variable reorder_explanatory has_explanatory has_response is_color_string stop_glue warning_glue message_glue glue_null null_transformer check_order check_args_and_attr check_for_numeric_stat check_for_factor_stat check_point_params parse_params hypothesize_checks check_direction check_obs_stat check_type get_type parse_type

format_params <- function(x) {
  par_levels <- get_par_levels(x)
  fct_levels <- as.character(unique(dplyr::pull(x, !!attr(x, "response"))))
  attr(x, "params")[match(fct_levels, par_levels)]

get_par_levels <- function(x) {
  par_names <- names(attr(x, "params"))
  gsub("^.\\.", "", par_names)

copy_attrs <- function(to, from,
                       attrs = c(
                         "response", "success", "explanatory", "response_type",
                         "explanatory_type", "distr_param", "distr_param2",
                         "null", "params", "theory_type", "generate", "type"
                       )) {
  for (at in attrs) {
    attr(to, at) <- attr(from, at)

is_nuat <- function(x, at) {
  is.null(attr(x, at))

explanatory_variable <- function(x) {
  x[[as.character(attr(x, "explanatory"))]]

response_variable <- function(x) {
  x[[as.character(attr(x, "response"))]]

reorder_explanatory <- function(x, order) {
  x[[as.character(attr(x, "explanatory"))]] <- factor(
    x[[as.character(attr(x, "explanatory"))]],
    levels = c(order[1], order[2])

has_explanatory <- function(x) {
  !is_nuat(x, "explanatory")

has_response <- function(x) {
  !is_nuat(x, "response")

is_color_string <- function(x) {
  rlang::is_string(x) &&
    tryCatch(is.matrix(grDevices::col2rgb(x)), error = function(e) {FALSE})

stop_glue <- function(..., .sep = "", .envir = parent.frame(),
                      call. = FALSE, .domain = NULL) {
    glue_null(..., .sep = .sep, .envir = .envir),
    call. = call., domain = .domain

warning_glue <- function(..., .sep = "", .envir = parent.frame(),
                         call. = FALSE, .domain = NULL) {
    glue_null(..., .sep = .sep, .envir = .envir),
    call. = call., domain = .domain

message_glue <- function(..., .sep = "", .envir = parent.frame(),
                         .domain = NULL, .appendLF = TRUE) {
    glue_null(..., .sep = .sep, .envir = .envir),
    domain = .domain, appendLF = .appendLF

glue_null <- function(..., .sep = "", .envir = parent.frame()) {
    ..., .sep = .sep, .envir = .envir, .transformer = null_transformer

# This allows to print 'NULL' in `glue()` for code which evaluates in `NULL`
null_transformer <- function(text, envir) {
  out <- eval(parse(text = text, keep.source = FALSE), envir)
  if (is.null(out)) {


check_order <- function(x, explanatory_variable, order) {
  unique_explanatory_variable <- unique(explanatory_variable)
  if (length(unique_explanatory_variable) != 2) {
      "Statistic is based on a difference; the explanatory variable should ",
      "have two levels."
  if (is.null(order)) {
      "Statistic is based on a difference; specify the `order` in which to ",
      "subtract the levels of the explanatory variable. ",
      '`order = c("first", "second")` means `("first" - "second")`. ',
      "Check `?calculate` for details."
  } else {
    if (xor(is.na(order[1]), is.na(order[2]))) {
        "Only one level specified in `order`. Both levels need to be specified."
    if (length(order) > 2) {
      stop_glue("`order` is expecting only two entries.")
    if (order[1] %in% unique_explanatory_variable == FALSE) {
      stop_glue("{order[1]} is not a level of the explanatory variable.")
    if (order[2] %in% unique_explanatory_variable == FALSE) {
      stop_glue("{order[2]} is not a level of the explanatory variable.")

check_args_and_attr <- function(x, explanatory_variable, response_variable,
                                stat) {
  # Could also do `stat <- match.arg(stat)`
  # but that's not as helpful to beginners with the cryptic error msg
  if (
    !stat %in% c(
      "mean", "median", "sum", "sd", "prop", "count", "diff in means",
      "diff in medians", "diff in props", "Chisq", "F", "slope", "correlation",
      "t", "z"
  ) {
      "You specified a string for `stat` that is not implemented. ",
      "Check your spelling and `?calculate` for current options."

  if (!("replicate" %in% names(x)) && !is_nuat(x, "generate")) {
      'A `generate()` step was not performed prior to `calculate()`. ',
      'Review carefully.'

  if (stat %in% c("F", "slope", "diff in means", "diff in medians")) {
    if (has_explanatory(x) && !is.numeric(response_variable(x))) {
        'The response variable of `{attr(x, "response")}` is not appropriate\n',
        "since '{stat}' is expecting the response variable to be numeric."

  if (stat %in% c("diff in props", "Chisq")) {
    if (has_explanatory(x) && !is.factor(response_variable(x))) {
        'The response variable of `{attr(x, "response")}` is not appropriate\n',
        "since '{stat}' is expecting the response variable to be a factor."

check_for_numeric_stat <- function(x, stat) {
  if (stat %in% c("mean", "median", "sum", "sd")) {
    col <- base::setdiff(names(x), "replicate")

    if (!is.numeric(x[[as.character(col)]])) {
        "Calculating a {stat} here is not appropriate\n",
        "since the `{col}` variable is not numeric."

check_for_factor_stat <- function(x, stat, explanatory_variable) {
  if (stat %in% c("diff in means", "diff in medians", "diff in props", "F")) {
    if (!is.factor(explanatory_variable)) {
        'The explanatory variable of `{attr(x, "explanatory")}` is not ',
        "since '{stat}` is expecting the explanatory variable to be a factor."

check_point_params <- function(x, stat) {
  param_names <- attr(attr(x, "params"), "names")
  hyp_text <- 'to be set in `hypothesize()`.'
  if (!is_nuat(x, "null")) {
    if (stat %in% c("mean", "median", "sd", "prop")) {
      if ((stat == "mean") && !("mu" %in% param_names)) {
        stop_glue('`stat == "mean"` requires `"mu"` {hyp_text}')
      if (!(stat == "mean") && ("mu" %in% param_names)) {
        stop_glue('`"mu"` does not correspond to `stat = "{stat}"`.')
      if ((stat == "median") && !("med" %in% param_names)) {
        stop_glue('`stat == "median"` requires `"med"` {hyp_text}')
      if (!(stat == "median") && ("med" %in% param_names)) {
        stop_glue('`"med"` does not correspond to `stat = "{stat}"`.')
      ## Tests unable to get to
      # if ((stat == "sigma") && !("sd" %in% param_names)) {
      #   stop_glue('`stat == "sd"` requires `"sigma"` {hyp_text}')
      # }
      if (!(stat == "sd") && ("sigma" %in% param_names)) {
        stop_glue('`"sigma"` does not correspond to `stat = "{stat}"`.')

      ## Tests unable to get to
      # if ((stat == "prop") && !any(grepl("p.", param_names))) {
      #   stop_glue('`stat == "prop"` requires `"p"` {hyp_text}')
      # }

parse_params <- function(dots, x) {
  p_ind <- grep("p", names(dots))
  mu_ind <- grep("mu", names(dots))
  med_ind <- grep("med", names(dots))
  sig_ind <- grep("sigma", names(dots))

  # error: cannot specify more than one of props, means, medians, or sds
  if (
    length(p_ind) + length(mu_ind) + length(med_ind) + length(sig_ind) != 1
  ) {
      'Parameter values can be only one of `p`, `mu`, `med`, or `sigma`.'

  # add in 1 - p if it's missing
  # Outside if() is needed to ensure an error does not occur in referencing the
  # 0 index of dots
  if (length(p_ind)) {
    if (length(dots[[p_ind]]) == 1) {
      if ((attr(x, "null") == "point") && is_nuat(x, "success")) {
          "A point null regarding a proportion requires that `success` ",
          "be indicated in `specify()`."
      if ((dots$p < 0) || (dots$p > 1)) {
          "The value suggested for `p` is not between 0 and 1, inclusive."
      missing_lev <- base::setdiff(
        unique(dplyr::pull(x, !!attr(x, "response"))),
        attr(x, "success")
      dots$p <- append(dots$p, 1 - dots$p)
      names(dots$p) <- c(attr(x, "success"), missing_lev)
    } else {
      if (sum(dots$p) != 1) {
          "Make sure the hypothesized values for the `p` parameters sum to 1. ",
          "Please try again."

  # if (sum(dots[[p_ind]]) != 1) {
  #   dots[[p_ind]] <- dots[[p_ind]]/sum(dots[[p_ind]])
  #   warning_glue("Proportions do not sum to 1, normalizing automatically.")
  # }


hypothesize_checks <- function(x, null) {
  # error: x is not a dataframe
  if (!sum(class(x) %in% c("data.frame", "tbl", "tbl_df", "grouped_df"))) {
    stop_glue("x must be a data.frame or tibble")

  # error: null not found
  if (!(null %in% c("independence", "point"))) {
      "Choice of null is not supported. Check `?hypothesize` for options."

   # if (length(null) != 1) {
   #   stop_glue(
   #     'Choose between either `"independence"` or `"point"` for `null` ',
   #     'argument.'
   #    )
   # }

  if (!has_response(x)) {
      "The response variable is not set. Make sure to `specify()` it first."

  if ((null == "independence") && !has_explanatory(x)) {
      'Please `specify()` an explanatory and a response variable when ',
      'a null hypothesis of `"independence"`.'

check_direction <- function(direction = c("less", "greater", "two_sided",
                                          "left", "right", "both")) {
  check_type(direction, is.character)

  if (
    !(direction %in% c("less", "greater", "two_sided", "left", "right", "both"))
  ) {
      'The provided value for `direction` is not appropriate. Possible values ',
      'are "less", "greater", "two_sided", "left", "right", or "both".'

check_obs_stat <- function(obs_stat) {
  if (!is.null(obs_stat)) {
    if ("data.frame" %in% class(obs_stat)) {
      check_type(obs_stat, is.data.frame)
      if ((nrow(obs_stat) != 1) || (ncol(obs_stat) != 1)) {
          "The first row and first column value of the given `obs_stat` will ",
          "be used."

      # [[1]] is used in case `stat` is not specified as name of 1x1
      obs_stat <- obs_stat[[1]][[1]]
      check_type(obs_stat, is.numeric)
    } else {
      check_type(obs_stat, is.numeric)


#' Check object type
#' Throw an error in case object is not of desired type.
#' @param x An object to check.
#' @param predicate A function to perform check. A good idea is to use function
#'   named `is.*()` or `is_*()` with possible `<package>::` prefix.
#' @param type A string for desired type. If `NULL`, type is taken from parsing
#'   original name of supplied `predicate`: all alphanumeric with '_' and '.'
#'   characters (until the name end) after the first appearance of either `is.`
#'   or `is_`. In case of a doubt supply `type` explicitly.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- 1
#' check_type(x, is.numeric)
#' check_type(x, is.logical)
#' check_type(x, rlang::is_string, "character of length 1")
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_type <- function(x, predicate, type = NULL) {
  x_name <- deparse(rlang::enexpr(x))
  if (is.null(type)) {
    predicate_name <- deparse(rlang::enexpr(predicate))
    type <- parse_type(predicate_name)

  if (!isTRUE(predicate(x))) {
    # Not using "must be of type" because of 'tibble' and 'string' cases
    stop_glue("`{x_name}` must be '{type}', not '{get_type(x)}'.")


# This function is needed because `typeof()` on data frame returns "list"
get_type <- function(x) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {


parse_type <- function(f_name) {
    regexec("is[_\\.]([[:alnum:]_\\.]+)$", f_name)
andrewpbray/infer documentation built on Aug. 29, 2019, 5:57 a.m.