#' Ensemble blocks regression
#' \code{ensemble.blocks} performs blockwise regression where the predictions of each blocks' model are
#' integrated into a final model. The final model is estimated in the form of logistic regression without
#' any check of the estimated coefficients (e.g. statistical significance or sign of the estimated coefficients).
#'@seealso \code{\link{staged.blocks}}, \code{\link{embedded.blocks}}, \code{\link{stepMIV}}, \code{\link{stepFWD}},
#' \code{\link{stepRPC}}, \code{\link{stepFWDr}} and \code{\link{stepRPCr}}.
#'@param method Regression method applied on each block.
#' Available methods: \code{"stepMIV"}, \code{"stepFWD"}, \code{"stepRPC"}, \code{"stepFWDr"}, and \code{"stepRPCr"}.
#'@param target Name of target variable within \code{db} argument.
#'@param db Modeling data with risk factors and target variable.
#'@param coding Type of risk factor coding within the model. Available options are: \code{"WoE"} and
#' \code{"dummy"}. If \code{"WoE"} is selected, then modalities of the risk factors are replaced
#' by WoE values, while for \code{"dummy"} option dummies (0/1) will be created for \code{n-1}
#' modalities where \code{n} is total number of modalities of analyzed risk factor.
#'@param blocks Data frame with defined risk factor groups. It has to contain the following columns: \code{rf} and
#' \code{block}.
#'@param p.value Significance level of p-value for the estimated coefficient. For \code{WoE} coding this value is
#' is directly compared to p-value of the estimated coefficient, while for \code{dummy} coding
#' multiple Wald test is employed and its p-value is used for comparison with selected threshold (\code{p.value}).
#' This argument is applicable only for \code{"stepFWD"} and \code{"stepRPC"} selected methods.
#'@param miv.threshold MIV (marginal information value) entrance threshold applicable only for code{"stepMIV"} method.
#' Only the risk factors with MIV higher than the threshold are candidate for the new model.
#' Additional criteria is that MIV value should significantly separate
#' good from bad cases measured by marginal chi-square test.
#'@param m.ch.p.val Significance level of p-value for marginal chi-square test applicable only for code{"stepMIV"} method.
#' This test additionally supports MIV value of candidate risk factor for final decision.
#'@return The command \code{embeded.blocks} returns a list of three objects.\cr
#' The first object (\code{model}) is the list of the models of each block (an object of class inheriting from \code{"glm"}).\cr
#' The second object (\code{steps}), is the data frame with risk factors selected from the each block.\cr
#' The third object (\code{dev.db}), returns the list of block's model development databases.\cr
#'Anderson, R.A. (2021). Credit Intelligence & Modelling, Many Paths through the Forest of Credit Rating and Scoring,
#' OUP Oxford
#'#create risk factor priority groups
#'rf.all <- names(loans)[-1]
#'blocks <- data.frame(rf = rf.all, block = sample(1:3, length(rf.all), rep = TRUE))
#'blocks <- blocks[order(blocks$block), ]
#'#method: stepRPCr
#'res <- ensemble.blocks(method = "stepRPCr",
#' target = "Creditability",
#' db = loans,
#' blocks = blocks,
#' p.value = 0.05)
#'nb <- length(res[["models"]])
#'auc.model(predictions = predict(res$models[[nb]], type = "response",
#' newdata = res$dev.db[[nb]]),
#' observed = res$dev.db[[nb]]$Creditability)
#'@import monobin
#'@importFrom stats formula coef vcov
ensemble.blocks <- function(method, target, db, coding = "WoE", blocks,
p.value = 0.05, miv.threshold = 0.02, m.ch.p.val = 0.05) {
method.opt <- c("stepMIV", "stepFWD", "stepRPC", "stepFWDr", "stepRPCr")
if (!method%in%method.opt) {
stop(paste0("method argument has to be one of: ", paste0(method.opt, collapse = ', '), "."))
if (!all(c("rf", "block")%in%names(blocks))) {
stop("blocks data frame has to contain columns: rf and block.")
if (!all(blocks$rf%in%names(db))) {
rp.rf.miss <- blocks$rf[!blocks$rf%in%names(db)]
msg <- "Following risk factors from blocks are missing in supplied db: "
msg <- paste0(msg, paste0(rp.rf.miss, collapse = ", "), ".")
names.c <- check.names(x = names(db))
names(db) <- unname(names.c[names(db)])
target <- unname(names.c[target])
blocks$rf <- unname(names.c[blocks$rf])
start.model <- as.formula(paste0(target, " ~ 1"))
if (method%in%"stepMIV") {
eval.exp <- "stepMIV(start.model = start.model,
miv.threshold = miv.threshold,
m.ch.p.val = m.ch.p.val,
coding = coding,
coding.start.model = TRUE,
db = db[, c(target, rf.b)])"
if (method%in%"stepFWD") {
eval.exp <- "stepFWD(start.model = start.model,
p.value = p.value,
coding = coding,
coding.start.model = TRUE,
check.start.model = TRUE,
db = db[, c(target, rf.b)])"
if (method%in%"stepRPC") {
eval.exp <- "stepRPC(start.model = start.model,
risk.profile = data.frame(rf = rf.b, group = 1:length(rf.b)),
p.value = p.value,
coding = coding,
coding.start.model = TRUE,
check.start.model = TRUE,
db = db[, c(target, rf.b)])"
if (method%in%"stepFWDr") {
eval.exp <- "stepFWDr(start.model = start.model,
p.value = p.value,
check.start.model = TRUE,
db = db[, c(target, rf.b)])"
if (method%in%"stepRPCr") {
eval.exp <- "stepRPCr(start.model = start.model,
risk.profile = data.frame(rf = rf.b, group = 1:length(rf.b)),
p.value = p.value,
check.start.model = TRUE,
db = db[, c(target, rf.b)])"
#initiate procedure
db.eb <- data.frame(db[, target, drop = FALSE])
blocks <- blocks[complete.cases(blocks$rf, blocks$block), ]
bid <- unique(blocks$block)
bidl <- length(bid)
steps <- vector("list", bidl)
models <- vector("list", bidl + 1)
dev.db <- vector("list", bidl + 1)
for (i in 1:bidl) {
message(paste0("--------Block: ", i, "-------"))
bid.l <- bid[i]
rf.b <- blocks$rf[blocks$block%in%bid.l]
res.l <- eval(parse(text = eval.exp))
if (nrow(res.l$steps) == 0) {next}
steps[[i]] <- cbind.data.frame(block = i, res.l$steps)
models[[i]] <- res.l$model
names(models)[i] <- paste0("block_", i)
b.l.p <- unname(predict(res.l$model, type = "link", newdata = res.l$dev.db))
db.eb <- cbind.data.frame(db.eb, b.l.p)
names(db.eb)[i + 1] <- paste0("block_", i)
dev.db[[i]] <- res.l$dev.db
names(dev.db)[i] <- paste0("block_", i)
steps <- bind_rows(steps)
#ensemble model
message(paste0("-----Ensemble block----"))
bp <- names(db.eb)[!names(db.eb)%in%target]
eb.frm <- paste0(target, " ~ ", paste(bp, collapse = " + "))
eb.mod <- glm(formula = as.formula(eb.frm), family = "binomial", data = db.eb)
models[[bidl + 1]] <- eb.mod
names(models)[bidl + 1] <- "ensemble_block"
dev.db[[bidl + 1]] <- db.eb
names(dev.db)[bidl + 1] <- "ensemble_block"
res <- list(models = models, steps = steps, dev.db = dev.db)
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