#' Confusion matrix
#' \code{confusion.matrix} returns confusion matrix along with accompanied performance metrics.
#'@param predictions Model predictions.
#'@param observed Observed values of target variable.
#'@param cutoff Cutoff value. Single value numeric vector between 0 and 1.
#'@return The command \code{confusion.matrix} returns list of two objects. The first object is confusion matrix table,
#' while the second one is data frame with accompanied performance metrics.
#'#identify numeric risk factors
#'num.rf <- sapply(loans, is.numeric)
#'num.rf <- names(num.rf)[!names(num.rf)%in%"Creditability" & num.rf]
#'#discretized numeric risk factors using mdt.bin from monobin package
#'loans[, num.rf] <- sapply(num.rf, function(x)
#' mdt.bin(x = loans[, x], y = loans[, "Creditability"])[[2]])
#'res <- stepFWD(start.model = Creditability ~ 1,
#' p.value = 0.05,
#' coding = "WoE",
#' db = loans)
#'loans$model.pred <- predict(res$model, type = "response")
#'#confusion matrix
#'confusion.matrix(predictions = predict(res$model, type = "response"),
#' observed = loans$"Creditability",
#' cutoff = 0.5)
confusion.matrix <- function(predictions, observed, cutoff) {
cc <- complete.cases(predictions, observed)
predictions <- predictions[cc]; observed <- observed[cc]
if (!all(predictions >= 0 & predictions <= 1)) {
stop("predictions should be betweeen 0 and 1")
if (!sum(observed%in%c(0, 1)) == length(observed)) {
stop("observed is not 0/1 variable.")
if (!(cutoff[1] > 0 & cutoff[1] < 1)) {
stop("cutoff should be betweeen 0 and 1")
predicted <- ifelse(predictions <= cutoff, 0, 1)
conf.mat <- table(observed, predicted)
metrics <- cm.metrics(conf.mat = conf.mat)
res <- list("confusion.matrix" = conf.mat, metrics = metrics)
cm.metrics <- function(conf.mat) {
total.cases <- sum(conf.mat)
accuracy <- sum(diag(conf.mat)) / total.cases
error.rate <- 1 - accuracy
sensitivity <- conf.mat[2, 2] / sum(conf.mat[2, ])
specificity <- conf.mat[1, 1] / sum(conf.mat[1, ])
precision <- conf.mat[2, 2] / sum(conf.mat[, 2])
f1.score <- 2 * (precision * sensitivity)/(precision + sensitivity)
false.positive <- 1 - specificity
false.discovery <- 1 - precision
metrics <- data.frame(metric = c("accuracy", "error rate", "sensitivity",
"specificity", "precision", "f1.score",
"false positive", "false discovery"),
value = c(accuracy, error.rate, sensitivity,
specificity, precision, f1.score,
false.positive, false.discovery))
metrics$metric <- factor(metrics$metric, levels = metrics$metric, ordered = TRUE)
#' Palette of cutoff values that minimize and maximize metrics from the confusion matrix
#' \code{cutoff.palette} returns confusion matrix along with accompanied performance metrics.
#'@param predictions Model predictions.
#'@param observed Observed values of target variable.
#'@param min.pct.obs Minimum percentage of observations. Used to select boundaries of cutoff values. Default value is 0.05.
#'@param min.pct.def Minimum percentage of default. Used to select boundaries of cutoff values. Default value is 0.01.
#'@return The command \code{cutoff.palette} returns data frame with minimum and maximum values of each confusion
#' matrix metric along with optimized cutoff itself.
#'#identify numeric risk factors
#'num.rf <- sapply(loans, is.numeric)
#'num.rf <- names(num.rf)[!names(num.rf)%in%"Creditability" & num.rf]
#'#discretized numeric risk factors using mdt.bin from monobin package
#'loans[, num.rf] <- sapply(num.rf, function(x)
#' mdt.bin(x = loans[, x], y = loans[, "Creditability"])[[2]])
#'res <- stepFWD(start.model = Creditability ~ 1,
#' p.value = 0.05,
#' coding = "WoE",
#' db = loans)
#'#run cutoff optimization
#'cop <- cutoff.palette(predictions = predict(res$model, type = "response"),
#' observed = loans$"Creditability",
#' min.pct.obs = 0.05,
#' min.pct.def = 0.01)
#run confustion matrix for optimized cutoff
#'confusion.matrix(predictions = predict(res$model, type = "response"),
#' observed = loans$"Creditability",
#' cutoff = cop$cutoff.max[cop$metric%in%"f1.score"])
cutoff.palette <- function(predictions, observed, min.pct.obs = 0.05, min.pct.def = 0.01) {
cc <- complete.cases(predictions, observed)
predictions <- predictions[cc]; observed <- observed[cc]
if (!all(predictions >= 0 & predictions <= 1)) {
stop("predictions should be betweeen 0 and 1")
if (!sum(observed%in%c(0, 1)) == length(observed)) {
stop("observed is not 0/1 variable.")
if (min.pct.obs < 0.05 | min.pct.obs > 0.5) {
stop("min.pct.obs has to be between 0.05 and 0.5.")
if (min.pct.def < 0.01 | min.pct.def > 0.99) {
stop("min.pct.def has to be between 0.01 and 0.99.")
mdb.r <- length(observed)
mdb.d <- sum(observed)
min.obs <- ceiling(ifelse(mdb.r * min.pct.obs < 30, 30, mdb.r * min.pct.obs))
min.rate <- ceiling(ifelse(mdb.d * min.pct.def < 1, 1, mdb.d * min.pct.def))
pred.r <- range(predictions)
cp.seq <- seq(pred.r[1], pred.r[2], length.out = 102)[-c(1, 102)]
cpl <- length(cp.seq)
#check candidates based on min.obs and min.def
min.obs.lt <- rep(NA, cpl); min.obs.ut <- rep(NA, cpl)
min.def.lt <- rep(NA, cpl); min.def.ut <- rep(NA, cpl);
for (i in 1:cpl) {
cp.l <- cp.seq[i]
min.obs.lt[i] <- sum(predictions <= cp.l) >= min.obs
min.obs.ut[i] <- sum(predictions >= cp.l) >= min.obs
min.def.lt[i] <- sum(observed[predictions <= cp.l]) >= min.rate
min.def.ut[i] <- sum(observed[predictions >= cp.l]) >= min.rate
av <- which(min.obs.lt & min.obs.ut & min.def.lt & min.def.ut)
lt <- min(av)
ut <- max(av)
if (ut < lt) {
stop("no cutoff candidates can be found for selected min.pct.obs & min.pct.def")
cp.seq <- cp.seq[lt:ut]
cp.s <- lapply(cp.seq, function(x) {
predicted <- ifelse(predictions <= x, 0, 1)
cm <- cm.metrics(conf.mat = table(observed, predicted))
cbind.data.frame(cm, cutoff = x)
res <- cp.s %>%
bind_rows() %>%
group_by(metric) %>%
summarise(min = min(value),
max = max(value),
cutoff.min = unique(cutoff[value == min(value)])[1],
cutoff.max = unique(cutoff[value == max(value)])[1])
res <- data.frame(res)
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