
Defines functions buildForecastIDs.rtdata buildForecastIDs.heddata buildForecastIDs calcForecastError

Documented in buildForecastIDs buildForecastIDs.heddata buildForecastIDs.rtdata calcForecastError

#' Calculate the forecast accuracy of series of indexes
#' Estimate the index accuracy with forecasting for a (progressive) series of indexes
#' @param is_obj Object of class 'hpiseries'
#' @param pred_df Set of sales to be used for predictive quality of index
#' @param return_forecasts default = FALSE; return the forecasted indexes
#' @param forecast_length default = 1; Length of period(s) in time to forecast
#' @param ... Additional Arguments
#' @return object of class `hpiaccuracy` inheriting from class `data.frame` containing
#' the following fields:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{prop_id}{Property Identification number}
#'   \item{price}{Transaction Price}
#'   \item{pred_price}{Predicted price}
#'   \item{error}{(Prediction - Actual) / Actual}
#'   \item{log_error}{log(prediction) - log(actual)}
#'   \item{pred_period}{Period of the prediction}
#'   \item{series}{Series position from which the prediction was generated}
#' }
#' @importFrom purrr map map2
#' @importFrom forecast forecast ets
#' @importFrom stats ts start end frequency
#' @section Further Details:
#' If you set `return_forecasts` = TRUE, the forecasted indexes for each period will be
#' returned in the `forecasts` attribute of the `hpiaccuracy` object. (attr(accr_obj,
#' 'forecasts')
#' For now, the `pred_df` object must be a set of repeat transactions with the class `rt`,
#' inheriting from `hpidata`
#'  # Load example sales
#'  data(ex_sales)
#'  # Create Index
#'  hed_index <- hedIndex(trans_df = ex_sales,
#'                        periodicity = 'monthly',
#'                        max_date = '2011-12-31',
#'                        adj_type = 'clip',
#'                        date = 'sale_date',
#'                        price = 'sale_price',
#'                        trans_id = 'sale_id',
#'                        prop_id = 'pinx',
#'                        estimator = 'robust',
#'                        log_dep = TRUE,
#'                        trim_model = TRUE,
#'                        max_period = 24,
#'                        dep_var = 'price',
#'                        ind_var = c('tot_sf', 'beds', 'baths'),
#'                        smooth = FALSE)
#'  # Create Series (Suppressing messages do to small sample size of this example)
#'   suppressMessages(
#'     hpi_series <- createSeries(hpi_obj = hed_index,
#'                                train_period = 12))
#'  # Create Prediction data
#'  rt_data <- rtCreateTrans(trans_df = ex_sales,
#'                           prop_id = 'pinx',
#'                           max_date = '2011-12-31',
#'                           trans_id = 'sale_id',
#'                           price = 'sale_price',
#'                           periodicity = 'monthly',
#'                           date = 'sale_date',
#'                           min_period_dist = 12)
#'  # Calculate forecast accuracty
#'  fc_accr <- calcForecastError(is_obj = hpi_series,
#'                               pred_df = rt_data)
#' @export

calcForecastError <- function(is_obj,
                              return_forecasts = FALSE,
                              forecast_length = 1,

  # Check Classes

  if (!'serieshpi' %in% class(is_obj)){
    message('"is_obj" argument must be of class "serieshpi"')

  if (!any('data.frame' %in% class(pred_df)) ||
      !any(class(pred_df) %in% c('rtdata', 'heddata'))){
    message('"pred_df" argument must be a data.frame with additional class of ',
            ' "rtdata" or "heddata"')

  # Set start and end
  start <- stats::end(is_obj$hpis[[1]]$index$value)[1] + 1
  end <- stats::end(is_obj$hpis[[length(is_obj$hpis)]]$index$value)[1] + 1
  time_range <- start:end

  # Get data
  fc_preddata <- purrr::map(.x = time_range,
                            hpi_df = pred_df,
                            forecast_length = forecast_length,

  # Predict value
  if ('smooth' %in% names(list(...)) &&
       isTRUE(list(...)$smooth) &&
       'smooth' %in% names(is_obj$hpis[[1]]$index)){
    index_name <- 'smooth'
  } else {
    if ('smooth' %in% names(list(...)) && isTRUE(list(...)$smooth)){
      message('No smoothed indexes found.  Create them with "smoothSeries()" and ',
              'try again')
    index_name <- 'value'

  fc_forecasts <- purrr::map(.x=is_obj$hpis,
                                 new_x <- forecast::forecast(
                                                       model='ANN'), h=forecast_length)
                                 stats::ts(c(x$index[[index_name]], new_x$mean),

  # Iterate through score and calc errors
  fc_error <- purrr::map2(.x=fc_preddata,
                          .f=function(x, y, pred_df){
                            calcInSampleError(pred_df=pred_df[x, ],

  error_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(fc_error)
  class(error_df) <- unique(c('seriesaccuracy', 'hpiaccuracy', class(error_df)))
  attr(error_df, 'test_method') <- 'forecast'

  # If returnning errors
  if (return_forecasts){
    attr(error_df, 'forecasts') <- fc_forecasts

  # Return Values


#' Create the row IDs for forecast accuracy
#' Generate a vector of row IDs for use in forecast accuracy tests
#' @param time_cut Period after which to cut off data
#' @param hpi_df Data to be converted to training or scoring
#' @param forecast_length default = 1; Length of forecasting to do
#' @param train Default=TRUE; Create training data?  FALSE = Scoring data
#' @return vector of row_ids indicating inclusion in the forecasting data as either the
#' training set (train = TRUE) or the scoring set (train = FALSE)
#' @section Further Details:
#' This function is rarely (if ever) used directly.  Most often called by
#' `calcForecastError()`
#' It is a generic method that dispatches on the `hpi_df` object.
#' @examples
#'   # Load example sales
#'  data(ex_sales)
#'  # Create RT data
#'  rt_data <- rtCreateTrans(trans_df = ex_sales,
#'                           prop_id = 'pinx',
#'                           trans_id = 'sale_id',
#'                           price = 'sale_price',
#'                           periodicity = 'monthly',
#'                           date = 'sale_date')
#' # Create ids
#'   fc_ids <- buildForecastIDs(time_cut = 27,
#'                              hpi_df = rt_data,
#'                              forecast_length = 2,
#'                              train = TRUE)
#' @export

buildForecastIDs <- function(time_cut,
                             forecast_length = 1,
                             train = TRUE){

  if (!'data.frame' %in% class(hpi_df)){
    message('"hpi_df" argument must be a data.frame')

  if (!class(time_cut) %in% c('integer', 'numeric') ||
       time_cut < 0){
    message('"time_cut" must be a positive, numeric value')

  if (!class(forecast_length) %in% c('numeric', 'integer') ||
       forecast_length < 1){
    message('"forecast_length" must be a positive integer')

  UseMethod("buildForecastIDs", hpi_df)


#' Create the row IDs for forecast accuracy (hed approach)
#' Generate a vector of row IDs for use in forecast accuracy tests (hed approach)
#' @method buildForecastIDs heddata
#' @inherit buildForecastIDs params
#' @export

buildForecastIDs.heddata <- function(time_cut,
                                     forecast_length = 1,
                                     train = TRUE){

  # Extract data if given a full 'hpi' object
  if ('hpi' %in% class(hpi_df)){
    hpi_df <- hpi_df$data

    time_ids <- which(hpi_df$trans_period < time_cut)
  } else {
    time_seq <- time_cut:(time_cut + (forecast_length - 1))
    time_ids <- which(hpi_df$trans_period %in% time_seq)

#' Create the row IDs for forecast accuracy (rt approach)
#' Generate a vector of row IDs for use in forecast accuracy tests (rt approach)
#' @method buildForecastIDs rtdata
#' @inherit buildForecastIDs params
#' @export

buildForecastIDs.rtdata <- function(time_cut,
                                    forecast_length = 1,

  # Extract data if given a full 'hpi' object
  if ('hpi' %in% class(hpi_df)){
    hpi_df <- hpi_df$data

    time_ids <- which(hpi_df$period_2 < time_cut)
  } else {
    time_seq <- time_cut:(time_cut + (forecast_length - 1))
    time_ids <- which(hpi_df$period_2 %in% time_seq)
andykrause/hpiR documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 8:13 p.m.