
Defines functions calcSeriesVolatility calcVolatility

Documented in calcSeriesVolatility calcVolatility

#' Calculate index volatility
#' Create estimate of index volatility given a window
#' @param index An object of class `hpiindex`
#' @param window default = 3; Rolling periods over which to calculate the volatility
#' @param in_place default = FALSE; Adds volatility metric to the `hpiindex` object
#' (may be within an `hpi` object)
#' @param in_place_name default = 'vol'; Name of volatility object in `hpiindex` object
#' @param smooth default = FALSE; Calculate on the smoothed index?
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return an `indexvolatility` (S3) object, the 'index' slot of which is a `ts` object
#' \describe{
#'   \item{roll}{ volatility at each rolling point}
#'   \item{mean}{overall mean volatility}
#'   \item{median}{overall median volatility}
#' }
#' @importFrom zoo rollapply
#' @importFrom stats median sd
#' @section Further Details:
#' You may also provide an `hpi` object to this function.  If you do, it will
#' extract the `hpiindex` object from the `index` slot in the `hpi` class object.
#' @examples
#'  # Load Data
#'  data(ex_sales)
#'  # Create index with raw transaction data
#'  rt_index <- rtIndex(trans_df = ex_sales,
#'                      periodicity = 'monthly',
#'                      min_date = '2010-06-01',
#'                      max_date = '2015-11-30',
#'                      adj_type = 'clip',
#'                      date = 'sale_date',
#'                      price = 'sale_price',
#'                      trans_id = 'sale_id',
#'                      prop_id = 'pinx',
#'                      estimator = 'robust',
#'                      log_dep = TRUE,
#'                      trim_model = TRUE,
#'                      max_period = 48,
#'                      smooth = FALSE)
#'  # Calculate Volatility
#'  index_vol <- calcVolatility(index = rt_index,
#'                              window = 3)
#' @export

calcVolatility <- function(index,
                           window = 3,
                           in_place = FALSE,
                           in_place_name = 'volatility',
                           smooth = FALSE,

  ## Save index_obj for future returning

  index_obj <- index

  ## Strip from hpi or hpiindex objects

  if ('hpi' %in% class(index_obj)){
    if (!smooth){
      index <- index$index$value
    } else {
      index <- index$index$smooth
      # Check to make sure a NULL wasn't given by smooth
      if (is.null(index)) stop('No smoothed index present. Please set "smooth = FALSE"')

  if ('hpiindex' %in% class(index_obj)){
    if (!smooth){
      index <- index$value
    } else {
      index <- index$smooth
      # Check to make sure a NULL wasn't given by smooth
      if (is.null(index)) stop('No smoothed index present. Please set "smooth = FALSE"')

  ## Check for classes
  if (!'ts' %in% class(index)){
    message('The "index" object must be of class "ts"')

  # Check window
  if (class(window) %in% c('numeric', 'integer') && !is.na(window) &&
       window > 0 && window <= length(index) / 2){
    window <- as.integer(round(window, 0))
  } else {
    message('"window" argument must be a positive integer less than half the length of ',
            'the index')

  ## Calculate changes
  deltas <- (index[-1] - index[-length(index)]) / index[-length(index)]

  ## Calculate mean rolling sd
  iv <- zoo::rollapply(deltas, window, stats::sd)

  ## Create objec
  vol_obj <- structure(list(roll = iv,
                            mean = mean(iv),
                            median = stats::median(iv)),
                       class = 'indexvolatility')
  attr(vol_obj, 'orig') <- index
  attr(vol_obj, 'window') <- window

  ## Return

  # If returing in place
  if (in_place){

    if (smooth & in_place_name == 'volatility') in_place_name <- 'volatility_smooth'
    if ('hpi' %in% class(index_obj)){
      index_obj$index[[in_place_name]] <- vol_obj

    if ('hpiindex' %in% class(index_obj)){
      index_obj[[in_place_name]] <- vol_obj

  # If just returning result of volatility calculation



#' Calculate volatility of a series of indexes
#' Calculates volatility over a (progressive) series of indexes
#' @param series_obj Series object to be calculated
#' @param window default = 3; Rolling periods over which to calculate the volatility
#' @param smooth default = FALSE; Also calculate volatility for smoothed indexes
#' @param in_place_name name if saving in place
#' @param ... Additional Arguments
#' @return `serieshpi` object
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @section Further Details:
#' Leaving order blank default to a moving average with order 3.
#' @examples
#' # Load example sales
#'  data(ex_sales)
#'  # Create Index
#'  rt_index <- rtIndex(trans_df = ex_sales,
#'                      periodicity = 'monthly',
#'                      min_date = '2010-06-01',
#'                      max_date = '2015-11-30',
#'                      adj_type = 'clip',
#'                      date = 'sale_date',
#'                      price = 'sale_price',
#'                      trans_id = 'sale_id',
#'                      prop_id = 'pinx',
#'                      estimator = 'robust',
#'                      log_dep = TRUE,
#'                      trim_model = TRUE,
#'                      max_period = 48,
#'                      smooth = FALSE)
#'  # Create Series (Suppressing messages do to small sample size of this example)
#'  suppressMessages(
#'     hpi_series <- createSeries(hpi_obj = rt_index,
#'                                train_period = 12))
#'  # Calculate series volatility
#'  series_vol <- calcSeriesVolatility(series_obj = hpi_series,
#'                                     window= 3)
#' @export

calcSeriesVolatility <- function(series_obj,
                                 window = 3,
                                 smooth = FALSE,
                                 in_place_name = 'volatility',

  # Bad series_obj
  if (!'serieshpi' %in% class(series_obj)) stop('The "series_obj" must be of class "serieshpi"')

  # Apply smoothing to all indexes
  s_hpis <- purrr::map(.x=series_obj$hpis,
                       window = window,
                       .f = function(x, window){
                         ind <- x$index
                         #s_ind <-
                        calcVolatility(ind, window, smooth=FALSE,
                         #x$index <- s_ind

  if (smooth){

    s_hpis <- purrr::map(.x=s_hpis,
                         window = window,
                         .f = function(x, window){
                           ind <- x$index
                           #s_ind <-
                          calcVolatility(ind, window, smooth=TRUE,
                           #x$index <- s_ind


  # Add to series obj
  series_obj[[in_place_name]] <- s_hpis

  # Return standard

andykrause/hpiR documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 8:13 p.m.