
randomdata <- ts(data.frame(x1 = rnorm(12)), start = c(2000, 1), frequency = 4)

test_that("Filetypes", {
  # test that each of the filenames output the right type of file
  for (suffix in c("png", "pdf", "emf", "svg")) {
    file <- paste("foo.", suffix, sep = "")
    agg_qplot(randomdata, filename = file)

  # Special case EMF+, because we change the file extension
  agg_qplot(randomdata, filename = "foo.emf+")

  p <- arphitgg()
  expect_error(agg_draw(p, "foo.foo"), "Unsupported file type foo.")

test_that("Margins", {
  # tests for bottom spacing
  p <- arphitgg() + agg_xaxislabel("FOO")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-with-extra-bottom-spacing"))

  # tests for extra margins when have y axis labels
  p <- arphitgg() + agg_yaxislabel("FOO")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-with-extra-left-spacing"))

  # tests for extra margins with legends
  p <- arphitgg(randomdata, agg_aes(y = x1)) +
    agg_line() + agg_point() +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-legend-spacing"))

  # rotated x labels should have larger bottom padding
  p <- arphitgg(randomdata, agg_aes(y = x1), srt = 45) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-srt-45"))
  p <- arphitgg(randomdata, agg_aes(y = x1), srt = 90) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-srt-90"))

## Manual plotsize ================

test_that("Plotsize", {
  foo <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
  p <- arphitgg(foo, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), plotsize = c(2, 5)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-manual-plotsize"))

  p <- arphitgg(foo, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), portrait = TRUE) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-portrait"))

test_that("Layouts", {
  for (layout in c("1", "2h", "2v", "3h", "3v", "3b2", "4h", "4b2")) {
    p <- arphitgg(layout = layout)
    expect_true(check_graph(p, paste0("draw-figure-", layout)))

  expect_error(print(arphitgg(layout = "foo")),
               "Unknown layout option foo. Options are 1, 1h, 2h, 2v, 2b2, 3v, 3h, 3b2, 4b2.") #nolint

test_that("1h layout", {
  q <- arphitgg(data.frame(), agg_aes(letters[1:10], 1:10), layout = "1h") +
    agg_col() + agg_point()
  expect_true(check_graph(q, "draw-figure-1h-basic"))

  p <- arphitgg(data.frame(x = c("Some long ticks labels",
                                 "Yeah, really really really long stuff",
                                 "Last one, probably"),
                           y = 1:3),
                agg_aes(x, y),
                layout = "1h") +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-1h-long-labels"))

  p <- q + agg_title("foo") + agg_subtitle("bar") +
    agg_footnote("baz") + agg_source("qux")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-1h-titles-notes"))

  p <- q + agg_units("foobarbazbusquxz")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-1h-yunits-padding"))

  p <- q + agg_xaxislabel("x axis label") + agg_yaxislabel("y axis label")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-1h-axis-label"))

  p <- arphitgg(data.frame(),
                agg_aes(letters[1:10], 1:10),
                layout = "1h",
                log_scale = "y") +
    agg_col() + agg_point() + agg_ylim(0.5, 10.5, 6)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-1h-logy"))

  p <- arphitgg(data.frame(),
                agg_aes(letters[1:10], 1:10),
                layout = "1h",
                log_scale = "x") +
    agg_point() + agg_xlim(1, 10)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-1h-logx"))

  p <- arphitgg(data.frame(),
                agg_aes(x = c(1.5, 8, 1.5, 3), y = 2:5),
                layout = "1h",
                log_scale = "xy") +
    agg_point() + agg_ylim(1, 11, 6) + agg_xlim(1, 10)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "draw-figure-1h-logxy"))
angusmoore/arphit documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 9:40 a.m.