
Simple model in Stan

We start with defining a very simple model with only one location. The model is given by [ I(t) \sim Poisson(R_t \sum_{s = 0}^{t}{I_{t} ws_{t - s}}). ]

The model is tested with simulated data.

Parameter estimation for simulated data

Load in the data and prepare to feed into Stan.

mean_SI  <- 14.2
CV_SI    <- 9.6 / 14.2
SItrunc  <- 40
SI_Distr <- sapply(0:SItrunc,
                   function(e) DiscrSI(e,
                                       mean_SI * CV_SI))
SI_Distr <- SI_Distr / sum(SI_Distr)

Example 1

I0 <- 110
incid <- as.matrix(I0, 1, 1)
R <- c(rep(1.5, times = 8), rep(1.1, times = 7), rep(0.3, times = 7))
R <- as.matrix(R, ncol = 1)
pij <- 1 # probability of staying at i
n.days <- 21
SI <- SI_Distr[1:(n.days + 1)] 
I1 <- project2(incid, R, SI, pij, n.days)
I1 <- c(I0, I1)

And now fitting.

sim_data <- list(T = length(I1),
                 I = I1,
                 SI = SI_Distr[1:length(I1)],
                 num_windows = 3,
                 windows_end = c(8, 15, length(I1)))

fit1 <- stan(
  file = "R/gravitymodel.stan",  # Stan program
  data = sim_data,    # named list of data
  chains = 1,             # number of Markov chains
  warmup = 1000,          # number of warmup iterations per chain
  iter = 5000,            # total number of iterations per chain
  cores = 2,              # number of cores (using 2 just for the vignette)
  refresh = 500          # show progress every 'refresh' iterations

print(fit1, pars=c("R"), probs=c(.1,.5,.9))

Looks like it is working as expected!

Example 2

I0 <- c(110, 150, 200, 300)
incid <- as.matrix(I0, length(I0), 1)
R <- c(rep(1.5, times = length(I0)),
           rep(1.5, times = 7),
           rep(1.1, times = 7),
           rep(0.3, times = 7))
R <- as.matrix(R, ncol = 1)
pij <- 1 # probability of staying at i
n.days <- 21
SI <- SI_Distr[1:(n.days + 1)] 
I1 <- project2(incid, R, SI, pij, n.days)
I1 <- c(I0, I1)

And now fitting.

sim_data <- list(T = length(I1),
                 I = I1,
                 SI = SI_Distr[1:length(I1)],
                 num_windows = 3,
                 windows_end = c(12, 19, length(I1)))

fit1 <- stan(
  file = "R/gravitymodel.stan",  # Stan program
  data = sim_data,    # named list of data
  chains = 1,             # number of Markov chains
  warmup = 1000,          # number of warmup iterations per chain
  iter = 5000,            # total number of iterations per chain
  cores = 2,              # number of cores (using 2 just for the vignette)
  refresh = 500          # show progress every 'refresh' iterations

print(fit1, pars=c("R"), probs=c(.1,.5,.9))

Looks like it is working as expected!

Parameter estimation for real data

infile     <- "WHO_bycountry.csv"
infile     <- here::here("data/CaseCounts/processed/", infile)
incid_wide <- readr::read_csv(infile)

guinea_incid <- filter(incid_wide, Country == "Guinea") %>%

lbr_incid <- filter(incid_wide, Country == "Liberia") %>%

sl_incid <- filter(incid_wide, Country == "Sierra Leone") %>%

Using incidence from Guinea

Use the entire dataset.

time_window <- 49
windows_end <- seq(time_window, length(guinea_incid), by = time_window)
num_windows <- length(windows_end)
T <- windows_end[num_windows]
I <- guinea_incid[seq(T)]

SI_len <- length(SI_Distr)
SI <- if(T < SI_len) SI_Distr[1:T] else c(SI_Distr, rep(0, T - SI_len))

sim_data <- list(T = T,
                 I = I,
                 SI = SI,
                 num_windows = num_windows,
                 windows_end = windows_end)

And get the ball rolling

fit1 <- stan(
  file = "R/gravitymodel.stan",  # Stan program
  data = sim_data,    # named list of data
  chains = 5,             # number of Markov chains
  warmup = 1000,          # number of warmup iterations per chain
  iter = 5000,            # total number of iterations per chain
  cores = 2,              # number of cores (using 2 just for the vignette)
  refresh = 500          # show progress every 'refresh' iterations

print(fit1, pars=c("R"), probs=c(.1,.5,.9))
traceplot(fit1, pars = c("R"), inc_warmup = TRUE, nrow = 5)

from_stan <- summary(fit1)
from_stan <- from_stan$summary
from_stan <- from_stan[-13, c("mean", "sd", "2.5%", "25%",  "50%", "75%", "97.5%")]

Estimate R using EpiEstim

windows_start <- seq(1, by = time_window, length.out = length(windows_end))
r.estim   <- EpiEstim::EstimateR(I,
                                 T.Start = windows_start ,
                                 T.End = windows_end,
                                 method = "NonParametricSI",
                                 SI.Distr = SI_Distr,
                                 plot = FALSE ,
                                 CV.Posterior = 1 ,
                                 Mean.Prior = 1 ,
                                 Std.Prior = 0.5)

from_epiestim <- r.estim$R[, c("Mean(R)", "Std(R)",

rownames(from_epiestim) <- rownames(from_stan)
colnames(from_epiestim) <- colnames(from_stan)

from_stan     <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(from_stan))
from_epiestim <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(from_epiestim))

And now compare them visually.

compare <- list(stan = from_stan, epiestim = from_epiestim)
compare <- bind_rows(compare, .id = "Source")
compare <- tidyr::gather(compare,
                         key = "variable",
                         value = "value", -c(Source, rowname))

compare$rowname %<>% factor(levels = c("R[1]", "R[2]",
                                       "R[3]", "R[4]",
                                       "R[5]", "R[6]",
                                       "R[7]", "R[8]",
                                       "R[9]", "R[10]",
                                       "R[11]", "R[12]"))

ggplot(compare, aes(rowname, value, color = Source)) +
    geom_point(position = "jitter") +
    facet_wrap(~variable) +

Using incidence from Liberia

Use the entire dataset.

lbr_incid   %<>% `[`(1:329) ## only non-NAs 
time_window <- 49
windows_end <- seq(time_window, length(lbr_incid), by = time_window)
num_windows <- length(windows_end)
T <- windows_end[num_windows]
I <- lbr_incid[seq(T)]

SI_len <- length(SI_Distr)
SI <- if(T < SI_len) SI_Distr[1:T] else c(SI_Distr, rep(0, T - SI_len))

sim_data <- list(T = T,
                 I = I,
                 SI = SI,
                 num_windows = num_windows,
                 windows_end = windows_end)

And get the ball rolling

fit1 <- stan(
  file = "R/gravitymodel.stan",  # Stan program
  data = sim_data,    # named list of data
  chains = 5,             # number of Markov chains
  warmup = 1000,          # number of warmup iterations per chain
  iter = 5000,            # total number of iterations per chain
  cores = 2,              # number of cores (using 2 just for the vignette)
  refresh = 500          # show progress every 'refresh' iterations

print(fit1, pars=c("R"), probs=c(.1,.5,.9))
traceplot(fit1, pars = c("R"), inc_warmup = TRUE, nrow = 5)

lbr_stan <- summary(fit1)
lbr_stan <- lbr_stan$summary
lbr_stan <- lbr_stan[-7, c("mean", "sd", "2.5%", "25%",  "50%", "75%", "97.5%")]

Estimate R using EpiEstim

windows_start <- seq(1, by = time_window, length.out = length(windows_end))
r.estim   <- EpiEstim::EstimateR(I,
                                 T.Start = windows_start ,
                                 T.End = windows_end,
                                 method = "NonParametricSI",
                                 SI.Distr = SI_Distr,
                                 plot = FALSE ,
                                 CV.Posterior = 1 ,
                                 Mean.Prior = 1 ,
                                 Std.Prior = 0.5)

lbr_epiestim <- r.estim$R[, c("Mean(R)", "Std(R)",

rownames(lbr_epiestim) <- rownames(lbr_stan)
colnames(lbr_epiestim) <- colnames(lbr_stan)

lbr_stan     <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(lbr_stan))
lbr_epiestim <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(lbr_epiestim))

And now compare them visually.

compare <- list(stan = lbr_stan, epiestim = lbr_epiestim)
compare <- bind_rows(compare, .id = "Source")
compare <- tidyr::gather(compare,
                         key = "variable",
                         value = "value", -c(Source, rowname))

compare$rowname %<>% factor(levels = c("R[1]", "R[2]",
                                       "R[3]", "R[4]",
                                       "R[5]", "R[6]",
                                       "R[7]", "R[8]",
                                       "R[9]", "R[10]",
                                       "R[11]", "R[12]"))

ggplot(compare, aes(rowname, value, color = Source)) +
    geom_point(position = "jitter") +
    facet_wrap(~variable) +

Using incidence from Sierra Leone

Use the entire dataset.

time_window <- 49
windows_end <- seq(time_window, length(sl_incid), by = time_window)
num_windows <- length(windows_end)
T <- windows_end[num_windows]
I <- sl_incid[seq(T)]

SI_len <- length(SI_Distr)
SI <- if(T < SI_len) SI_Distr[1:T] else c(SI_Distr, rep(0, T - SI_len))

sim_data <- list(T = T,
                 I = I,
                 SI = SI,
                 num_windows = num_windows,
                 windows_end = windows_end)

And get the ball rolling

fit1 <- stan(
  file = "R/gravitymodel.stan",  # Stan program
  data = sim_data,    # named list of data
  chains = 5,             # number of Markov chains
  warmup = 1000,          # number of warmup iterations per chain
  iter = 5000,            # total number of iterations per chain
  cores = 2,              # number of cores (using 2 just for the vignette)
  refresh = 500          # show progress every 'refresh' iterations

print(fit1, pars=c("R"), probs=c(.1,.5,.9))
traceplot(fit1, pars = c("R"), inc_warmup = TRUE, nrow = 5)

sl_stan <- summary(fit1)
sl_stan <- sl_stan$summary
sl_stan <- sl_stan[-13, c("mean", "sd", "2.5%", "25%",  "50%", "75%", "97.5%")]

Estimate R using EpiEstim

windows_start <- seq(1, by = time_window, length.out = length(windows_end))
r.estim   <- EpiEstim::EstimateR(I,
                                 T.Start = windows_start ,
                                 T.End = windows_end,
                                 method = "NonParametricSI",
                                 SI.Distr = SI_Distr,
                                 plot = FALSE ,
                                 CV.Posterior = 1 ,
                                 Mean.Prior = 1 ,
                                 Std.Prior = 0.5)

sl_epiestim <- r.estim$R[, c("Mean(R)", "Std(R)",

rownames(sl_epiestim) <- rownames(sl_stan)
colnames(sl_epiestim) <- colnames(sl_stan)

sl_stan     <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(sl_stan))
sl_epiestim <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(sl_epiestim))

And now compare them visually.

compare <- list(stan = sl_stan, epiestim = sl_epiestim)
compare <- bind_rows(compare, .id = "Source")
compare <- tidyr::gather(compare,
                         key = "variable",
                         value = "value", -c(Source, rowname))

compare$rowname %<>% factor(levels = c("R[1]", "R[2]",
                                       "R[3]", "R[4]",
                                       "R[5]", "R[6]",
                                       "R[7]", "R[8]",
                                       "R[9]", "R[10]",
                                       "R[11]", "R[12]"))

ggplot(compare, aes(rowname, value, color = Source)) +
    geom_point(position = "jitter") +
    facet_wrap(~variable) +

annecori/mRIIDSprocessData documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:16 p.m.