
Extract airport codes for Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

airports <- here::here("data/Geography/GravityModel/global_flight_data",
                       "Airports_2010.csv") %>%
            readr::read_csv(.) %>%
            filter(CountryCode %in% c("SL", "GN", "LR")) 

nodes <- pull(airports, NodeName)

passenger_flow <- here::here("data/Geography/GravityModel/global_flight_data",
                             "Prediction_Monthly.csv") %>%
                  read.csv(.) %>%
                  filter(Origin %in% nodes & Dest %in% nodes)

annual <- passenger_flow %>% group_by(Origin, Dest) %>%
           summarise(total = sum(Prediction))

Now for the five airports, extract the populations of the cities they serve and their co-ordinates.

pops <- c(FNA = 802639, CKY = 1693456, CPA = 136404,
          NZE = 442820, MLW = 1010970)

origin_pop <- pops[as.character(annual$Origin)]
dest_pop   <- pops[as.character(annual$Dest)]
pop_prod   <- origin_pop * dest_pop

distances <- apply(annual, 1, function(row){
                                orig <- row["Origin"]
                                dest <- row["Dest"]
                                coord1 <- filter(airports,
                                                 NodeName == orig) %>%
                                          select(Lon, Lat)
                                coord2 <- filter(airports,
                                                 NodeName == dest) %>%
                                          select(Lon, Lat)
                                geosphere::distm(x = coord1,
                                                 y = coord2)})

annual$pop_prod <- pop_prod
annual$dist <- distances

standata <- list(N = nrow(annual), flow = pull(annual, total),
                 pop_prod = pull(annual,pop_prod),
                 dist = pull(annual, dist))
model_file <- here::here("R", "gravity_model.stan")

fit1 <- stan( file = model_file,
 data = standata,
 chains = 5,
 warmup = 1000,
 iter = 20000,
 cores = 2)

annecori/mRIIDSprocessData documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:16 p.m.