#' Title
#' @param model
#' @param data
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import lme4
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @examples
predRE.binary <- function(model, data){
model.formula <- formula(model)
var.group <- names(ranef(model))
X.formula <- as.formula(nobars(model.formula)[-2])
#Z.formula <- as.formula(paste("~", as.character(findbars(model.formula)[[1]])[2]))
Z.formula <- lapply(findbars(model.formula),
FUN = function(x){
return(as.formula(paste("~", as.character(x)[2])))
# parametres
beta <- fixef(model) # fixed effect
B <- as.matrix(bdiag(VarCorr(model))) # random effects matrice var-covar
# creation matrix estimation random effects
bi.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(unique(data[,var.group])), ncol = ncol(B),
dimnames = list(unique(data[,var.group]), colnames(B)))
# boucle pour chaque sujet
for (ind_subject in unique(data[,var.group])){
# historique des mesures repetees le sujet selectionne
data.subject <- na.omit(data[which(data[,var.group]==ind_subject), all.vars(terms(model.formula))])
if (nrow(data.subject)>0) {
X.mat <- model.matrix(X.formula, data.subject)
if (length(Z.formula)>1){
#Z.mat <- sapply(Z.formula, FUN = function(x) model.matrix(x, data.subject))
Z.mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(Z.formula, FUN = function(x) model.matrix(x,data.subject)))
Z.mat <- model.matrix(Z.formula[[1]], data.subject)
Y <- data.subject[,as.character(model.formula)[2]]
levels(Y) <- c(0,1)
bi.function <- function(bi, X.mat, beta, Z.mat, Y, B){
num <- exp(X.mat%*%beta+Z.mat%*%bi)^ifelse(Y==1,1,0)
den <- 1+exp(X.mat%*%beta+Z.mat%*%bi)
f1 <- prod(num/den) # f(Yi|bi)
q <- nrow(B)
f2 <- ((2*pi)^(-q/2))*(det(B)^(-1/2))*exp(-0.5*bi%*%solve(B)%*%bi) # f(bi) loi normale multivariee
# optim
neg.bi.function <- function(bi, X.mat, beta, Z.mat, Y, B){-bi.function(bi, X.mat, beta, Z.mat, Y, B)}
maxi.opt <- optim(rep(0.1,ncol(B)), fn = neg.bi.function,
X.mat = X.mat, beta = beta, Z.mat = Z.mat, Y = Y, B = B)
bi.mat[which(rownames(bi.mat)==ind_subject),] <- maxi.opt$par
# marquart
# maxi.opt <- marqLevAlg(m = ncol(B), fn = bi.function,
# X.mat = X.mat, beta = beta, Z.mat = Z.mat, Y = Y, B = B,
# minimize = FALSE)
# bi.mat[which(rownames(bi.mat)==ind_subject),] <- maxi.opt$b
bi.mat[which(rownames(bi.mat)==ind_subject),] <- NA
return(list(b_i = bi.mat,
beta = beta,
call = model.formula,
group = var.group))
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