
Defines functions bbox_cut bbox_volume bbox_erode bbox_dilate bbox_distance

Documented in bbox_cut bbox_dilate bbox_distance bbox_erode bbox_volume

#' distance from points to bbox border
#' @param x coordinate matrix
#' @param bbox bounding box 
#' @export

bbox_distance <- function(x, bbox){
  dim <- ncol(bbox)
  di <- function(loc){
    d <- sapply(1:dim, function(i) min(loc[i]-bbox[1,i], abs(loc[i]-bbox[2,i])))
  c(apply(x, 1, di))

#' dilate bbox
#' @param bbox bounding box 
#' @param r size of dilation
#' @export 
bbox_dilate <- function(bbox, r){
  apply(bbox, 2, function(ab) ab + c(-1,1)*r  )

#' Erode a 3d box
#' @export
bbox_erode <- function(bbox, r=0.1) {
  bbox[1,] <- bbox[1,] + r
  bbox[2,] <- bbox[2,] - r
  if(any(bbox[1,]>bbox[2,])) warning("Eroded too much.")

#' bbox volume
#' @export
bbox_volume <- function(bbox) {
  prod(apply(bbox, 2, diff))

#' Cut coordinates with a bbox
#' @export
bbox_cut <- function(x, bbox, ind=FALSE) {
  if(ncol(x)!=ncol(bbox)) stop("Dimension mismatch.")
  inside <- apply(sapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) x[,i] < bbox[2,i] & x[,i] > bbox[1,i]   ), 1, all)
  if(ind) which(inside)
  else x[inside,]
antiphon/rstrauss documentation built on June 2, 2022, 7:19 a.m.